What's wrong with German ruled Europe anyway? They've proven to be superior to everyone else

What's wrong with German ruled Europe anyway? They've proven to be superior to everyone else.

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>They've proven to be superior to everyone else

being "superior" over everyone doesn't make you a good leader.

when we kicked your ass in ww2

>They've proven to be superior to everyone else.
by losing?

you lost world war 2 idiot

haha yeah I loved kicking ass in ww2

Then why doesn't Russians rule Europe again?

I would rather die a thousand deaths than submit to Germany.

every single g*rman dog deserves a bullet in its head

>German ruled Europe

Germany don't ruled Europe.
There is France in Europe.

And, since there are several countries in Europe which gain a profit from the EU,
I think "German ruled Europe" is wrong.

I want a German to rule over me.

>Am deutschen Wesen mag die Welt genesen

They are stupid statists and they want to impose their tyranny on others.

Do you love German cocks?

All the good ones died in the world wars.

>German ruled Europe
I think it would be not only accurate but also suffice to say that all Pakistan and me is okay with this

God, I wish they were given my country to rule
would be miles better than our corrupt inept dirty politicians and others in power


French are good too
Italians Greeks Spics are lazy good for nothing tards
the Swiss are dirty money hungry kikes in everything but name
Austrians are becoming more and more right wing radicals everyday and so unfit for a greater role
the only ones that can even come close to actually being worthy as much as Germans are Swedes
Poles are slightly Yooropized Russians and Russian are way different than Yoorup

other than these who else is there? no one
the remaining are tiny un worthy scum, no hard feelings but its true

>when we kicked your ass in ww2

You mean your """"""Blitzkrieg"""""? That famous one that would never accomplished if not help of Soviets?

Every time Germany had an hegemony over Europe, there was destruction and slaughter.
Every time France had an hegemony over Europe, it was prosperous and grandiose

Make the right choice.

I have a better alternative why doesnt germany mind its own business and leave the rest of the continent alone?

>proven to be superior to everyone else
In one area only, destroying Europe

>right choice
Split up both Germany and France into smaller countries and curtail their attempts to be relevant.

Better idea: Nuke Belgium and move EU headquarters to Rome so we can larp as the Second Roman Republic

>germans are superior because based hitler and ww2

>wanting bureaucratic headquarters in the center of chaos

Is that your new scheme to destroy the EU?

>They've proven to be superior to everyone else.
>Germany starts conflict with Russia AGAIN

>Napoleonic wars

Germany is good at almost everything compared to Spain (and definitely more so compared to us)
the sooner you accept this the better it will be for you and Europe

narrow minded vision aka myopia

Tru dat
there is this theory that there are no full blooded Germans anymore as the Soviets and burger armies raped every single German woman


Nederdaad you have become weed smoking whore fuckers, if you havent done any of these two things ONLY then will I take your word for it. So have you? Is the Dutch economy not dependent on these two things?

why do you hate German shepherds so much?

Might need to spark up a Moravian independantist mouvment.

yes, but keep it quiet.

Sure, why not. There is nothing useful in Moravia anyway.

>Napoleonic wars
Obsolete and reactionnary monarchies declare war on France because they are scared of the Republican ideals of the revolution. And thanks to it we now have democracies in Europe.

>Germany is good at almost everything compared to Spain

We are able to do fine without any kind of guide. Spain was a third world nation in fifties that had been figthing civil war after civil war during 200 years. Finally Spaniards were able to unite in a single stable government and a huge process of modernization started, It was literally called the "spanish miracle" because the changes were so damn huge that none could have imagined it, and we did it alone without the germ or burguer support. So no, thanks, If you wanna be raped by the germs, that is up to you.

You do know what Hitler did to Germany (economically :^)) was called the German miracle too?

OR add Czechia to its actual rightful owner clay i.e. Germania grand (greater Germany)

and what good does that too especially since you faggots are no longer part of the EU let alone this imaginary grand fancy Roman Empire ??

Czech qts are such superior qtz, and I am not even kidding

>ever owning historical Bohemia

The spanish miracle happened during the fascist dictatorship of Franco. I mean, I am not a big fond of totalitarianism but a strong hand was needed because Spain was fucked up before the dictatorship.

Every day I thank God that Germany is willingly committing suicide.


Ooooooo thas a nice comeback from leafy McFaggot, 10/10

fucking hell the power of QUADS, cant argue with that or the fact the Czech qts are very very superior qtz

there was a time when burgers were not burgers but real heores (WW2)
but you are not from that time
it is not that time and you and burgers are the scum and cancer of the earth killing us and the rest of the world with you

what good is all your scientific achievement when the Hog that you elected actually thinks climate change is a hoax

this is the state of your cunt

absolutely despicable
you ARE scum these days arent you? even you realize that



> that would never accomplished if not help of Soviets

Yeah, after crushing all your armies in just weeks we for sure needed the Ruskies to shoot your few hundret border guards in the east...


Rude but true

Not a direct democracy, so it's shit.

Europe would have been a lot better if it were ruled by Gaels. Instead the savages of the north and south fucked it all up.

Basically this.
Bloody German dogs are destroying Europe once again, we need to have some countermeasures against them.

The common market is geared to optimize German exports, meaning a whole bunch of South Europeans are getting impoverished. Also Germans are dullards easily swayed by any dumb ideology the state feeds them. Giving them power isn't the safest thing in the world.

They got into this position to begin with only because other rich members were either too decadent or too small to compete. That and they are willing to take it up the ass from the EU agenda and fuck over the common German so EU cronies love them. Those are bad credentials.

Ever heard of "strategic depth", Kevin?

But back to the initial claim:
>we should rule since we kicked ur ass hurr
>got raped in half by Russians

live by your own standards, bro.

>we should rule since we kicked ur ass hurr

That was not even me.
Just laugh my ass off when I hear Polaks claim that they lost just because 2 front war and that they might have won against the Wehrmacht.

lel, you lost to the allies you dumb negger

If they were not trying to geno.... remplace us with the worse human being on the planet, it would be a good thing.


If you repeat a meme over and over and over again it becomes truth, you stupid Hiroshi. It's Internet 101.

Go eat some noodles and get out of my interweb.

We need Swiss-style direct democracy. We also need a Greater Germany.

he said blitz, not war in general, lrn2read

Yeah, no shit a larger country with less fucked up recent past would most likely win, but it wouldn't take weeks or months and at that stage of adaptation the doctrine would ultimately fail.

you're retarded
polish army got literally shattered and was dysfunctional after first 2 weeks, before soviets even crossed the borders

You've already submitted to Islam you absolute coward


Stronger economy


france is superior


>be USA
>the US neutrality pact during ww2
>wait until it's clear who wins
>join the winning side

yeah! I loved kicking ass in ww2!