Why are The Jews Promoting Insect Eating?
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I bet you kek would approve it
Because the Jews fear another plague of locusts but this time it will be Israel not Egypt. God/Allahs wrath for not setting the Palestinians free. " Let my people go!" So the Jews figure they can get the Chinks to eat them all.
(((They))) are advocating insect farming production, leaf.
liberals don't want to eat meat but insects don't have feelings so it's okay.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
insects are basically mobile plants, like fish and cows
Insect lives matter
Why not? It can't hurt unless people accidentally eat poisonous insects, but that goes for most organisms.
Dirty scum.
Global food shortage soon senpai
Wrong threat shill
Who cares? Food is food, I'm sure you prefer a hot pocket but not everyone at one point in history had hot pockets available and turned to eating insects as a means of sustenance.
There preparing for resources shortages during the next economic crisis.
I get it, but i wouldn't be surprise if there is a hidden plan to make all of us numales
>he hasnt eaten insects before
i had some cicadas and silk worms in China, they were fucking excellent if cooked correctly.
Insects are an incredible efficient protein source.
Anyone who's worked with cows, pigs, and chickens can tell you that they're fucking expensive to produce. And it's not just money and food, but the land required for raising, feeding, and slaughtering them.
HOWever, I think we're better off going straight for synth-meat.
>make all of us numales
By eating bugs? How?
desu if insects are similar to shrimp they can't taste that bad
Because it's racist not to eat the food of the africans.
Because they want to overpopulate the earth with browns and blacks to snuff out the whites before they kill the non jews and they want alternative food sources to keep the brown explosion going
(((They))) want you to get used to living off the scraps they throw you, while they get all the richest and the succulent meats.
idk, maybe protein of different origin may affect testosterone production
dip them in some seasoned salt, so good...
Fuck. It was a good theory though. Wasn't it.
Is that our flag?
because overpopulation is a myth
They're trying to convince non-jews to dehumanize themselves, because whenever we do it validates their belief that we're sub-humans, and we're only civilized because of their influence.
This. There's no fucking way the global elites will ever be eating insects; that's just the future diet they envision for us plebs to eat by candlelight in our stackable container housing.
ITT: Redditors get jewed into eating fucking bugs.
>Why do the Jews want us to eat bugs?
To lower/eliminate normal meat consumption.
>Why don't the Jews want us to eat normal meat?
Because normal livestock produce methane, which Jews claim hurts the planet. Protip: that's a LIE.
>Who benefits from lying about methane? You're just being a paranoid tinfoil anti-semite.
By creating a false narrative about a planetary crisis, the Jews make goyim scared and easy to control. And we knows this works because we've all seen retards who go crazy over "saving" the environment.
Any other questions?
Fucking asians.
Dude.. Humans have been eating bugs for tens of thousands of years. They're harmless. The jews are fucking you in corporate govt shilling, trade, globalism, and campaign finance. Eating bugs is the last thing you need to worry about when it comes to the Jews. Look harder, there are bigger bugs to fry.
Not only that, it's easier to control people when they're malnourished... some cults have been known to deny adequate food to their followers to make them more susceptible to outside influence.
If you don't eat beef and eggs, you will become a low-test numale faggot.
Because the elite think we are animals and they want us to play the part, as well as reduce protein consumption because they want to take our gainz
Maybe because they taste good?
dont knock it until you try it.
If the UN taxes meat until no-one but the elites can afford it and we are offered insects as a substitute, we will know we are being prepared for full feudal subjugation.
>suddenly turkey becomes world superpower by offering up it roaches to feed the world.
Anyone else think it's odd to see so many people shilling for eating bugs on this thread? How many people in real life do you know who are anxious to give up pork, beef and chicken for a diet of locusts and silkworm eggs?
Turkey super power by 2020
Like I said, humans have been eating bugs for years, they're an okay source of protein; I doubt this is the Jew's mater plan for subjugating the goyim. If less people buy meat, the price of meat should go down anyway. I doubt people will be so willing to give up their current lifestyles.
I'm not $hilling for eating bugs. I have absolutely no interest in eating them; I just don't think it's a problem if more people are eating them. Just feed them to the niggers.
is there a conspiracy behind it?
i thought it was just because insects are as easy to grow as plants, except they grow faster
and they don't taste horrible
The Clinton foundation is literally funding this, watch the video
>Why are The Jews Promoting Insect Eating?
because your buger butts better start getting used to insect patties
>methane = CO2 x 25~50
As someone who lives in one of the Countries with the highest per capita production of red meat and the 6th most arable land on earth I fully support all you shitty agricultural net importers to start eating bugs
Factory Farms are going to create a superbacteria that destroys mammals as a food source for the foreseeable future, we gotta get our protein from somewhere
>is there a conspiracy behind it?
The fact that so many media outlets in different countries have started running stories about eating insects over the past couple of years (CBC here in Canada runs an item on it every other month or so), plus the fact that the UN is starting to talk about how awful red meat is and how we need to tax it out of existence, would strongly suggest that is what the global elites (who after all control all of the above) want for us in the future.
it's not really a conspiracy, it is part of "downsizing" and stuff like "the 2000 watt society", equalizing of living styles around the world
>looks grosser than eating human flesh
>the food shortage is caused by too many humans
Hmm....really makes u think
I just couldn't do it. It's disgusting.
Jews developed a believe system to preserve and advance their culture. If they wouldn't eat must insects, there must be some shit behind this.
It probably emasculates men and turns them into nu-males. Asians love bugs, maybe that's why they are such cucks.
>GMO SuperBugs
>They escape the lab and JUST fuck up the environment
>we all die from having no food because the bugs ate all the crops and normal farm animals
They are probably healthier then GMO ridden food.
they need to normalize this shit before they roll it out en masse, if they came out tomorrow and said the goys gotta eat bugs all the time, there be riots, but if they ween it in slowly when they make it impossible for us to get quality food it wont be such a shock,
>i thought it was just because insects are as easy to grow as plants, except they grow faster
This is what happens when blue pills encounter a Jewish scheme. They just parrot it because it "sounds right".
Cheap to make. You don't realize how cheap it is when you buy it.
That's my theory. They're after the shekels.
>"insects are gross"
>"I love me some shrimp though!"
anyway, my guess is money
imagine cultivating insects and selling them to posh vegans for mad dosh
Ive eaten dried bug snacks before that came in a sort of chip bag.
They were pretty delicious.
Crunchy, yet satisfying.
Bugs are gross don't eat them. I fell for the travel channel meme. There's a difference between crunchy bugs and gooey ones
>le super food meme
Wouldn't the real conspiracy be a massive network of direct and indirect subsidies towards the meat industry fueled by taxes on the middle and lower classes?
Oh wait that already exists and you fell for it.
I've noticed that the Jews are all about making living like a peasant desirable since they are actively working on destroying the middle class.
>You don't want a big home and land, goyim, Here, look at these tiny homes!
>You don't want a powerful muscle car, goyim, Here, buy a tiny electric car.
>You don't want to eat expensive beef, with it's climate changing methane, do you goyim? Here, eat these bugs
>we need a new source of protein yadayada for the growing population and muh farting cows and global warming
what we need is some damn population control.
>this completely unrelated thing I don't like disproves what you were saying
I'm not in favour of free gimmedats for anyone (I doubt you could say the same), but that doesn't change the fact that our national Pravda is shilling for you to switch to a diet of houseflies and witchetty grubs. Ask yourself why.
The real conspiracy is the lizardmen just want more restaurants to cater to them
I am now a #Veganite
>what we need is some damn population control.
1970: "OMG the West is overpopulated, stop reproducing! It's your duty to the planet!"
2016: "OMG you didn't have enough kids (you selfish white bastards), so there aren't enough new workers to keep the welfare pyramid scheme going, we have to import millions of foreigners right away!"
They keep lying to us and we keep falling for it.
They were promoting literal shit burgers a few years ago.
You mean that thing the Yes Men were pushing when they infiltrated a meeting and wanted to see if anyone would call them out on their absurd bullshit, or something else?
do you ever eat crab, lobster or shrimp?
then you are essentially eating giant insect
you are what you eat, and they want drones
I have considered setting up a self sustaining edible bug thing. Apparently it's pretty simple. They lay eggs in the top, then when they're big they drop down to the bottom.
Except that neither crabs, lobsters, or shrimps are actually insects.
But the point is that currently we eat what we want, rather than have that choice made for us by a cabal of world-rulers in New York or Geneva.
We eat crabs and lobster, don't we? Those are the bugs of the sea.
Been wanting to try these. Seems great for living off grid.
The ones on the right look fucking tasty. I don't care what these other faggots say. If I can grow these at home for virtually nothing and they are tasty, IDGAF. I'm eating them. Even Harambe got big and strong from eating bugs and bamboo.
Because they can sell insects as a delicacy
T*rk removal tactic. They hate them too
The strongest bodybuilder in the world claims he is vegan. That shit is weird.
under8d post
Chitin cannot be dissolved and so will sit to cut up goyim stomach.
But really they saw some south-east asian tribe doing some dumb bullshit and saw dollar signs, as they always do.
>If I can grow these at home for virtually nothing and they are tasty, IDGAF.
You could keep rabbits and chickens just as easily.
It's part of Agenda 21, the kikes want to herd us like cattle into the cities and force us to eat bugs and cockroach milk under the guise of 'sustainability'
A non-extreme vegan can still eat milk, cheese, and non-sentient beings like shrimp and the like.
Theres enough protein in that.
It's actually the Swedes again
>Eat insects because of global shortage
>not using cloning or gmos because christfags get triggered
Nice one Christians.
This, I discovered (((their))) master plan. Crickets and other insects in general have low cholesterol in their bodies.
As we know cholesterol is a key component in the formation of testosterone.
This explain all the anti meat, fat, and cholesterol propaganda. They are creating a population of sissy conformist nu males.
>t-the jews did this!!!
no part of eating insects is kosher.
Why would jews promote a practice that is directly against judiasm?
>cockroach milk
The first time I heard of that was a few weeks ago. Look at the dates on these stories, and if you notice any pattern that makes you a "conspiracy theorist":
eating bugs is for the goyim
swedes are very easy to sway
>Clinton Global Initiative at 2:38
seriously though the political elite will be eating their bloody juicy steaks while the meek subhumans will be consuming the normalized diet of 10 turks a day probably by the year 2100