Hitler's speeches have made me cry. I have been told lies my whole life about Nazi Germany and Hitler. They were a candle light in a dark world. They were the best future for humanity and the white race. They brought the German people of all classes together and formed a society based on the good of all people. May the nationalistic socialist party rule again! Sieg heil!
Hitler's speeches have made me cry. I have been told lies my whole life about Nazi Germany and Hitler...
Hitler spoke some truth m8, but he was a pawn to push the jewish race into israel so they live under rothschild zionism. You have to go back, the zionists spoke of needing an anti-semitic dictator since the late 1800s.
Yes, you are correct on all counts.
OP shut the fuck up
Hitler brought a dark era of history onto this world for his petty reasons. Anyone who worships the fucker or any kind of Naziism is a fucktard.
I can get the whole being fascinated about the military and social shit in the country. It's something unheard of for everyone living today. But to idolize it makes you a horrible human being.
Thank you for Correcting the Record™!
Found the brainwashed German.
You idiot, I probably know more about naziism than you.
The brainwashed Germans are the ones that followed Hitler's Nazi ideology.
Those that worship hitler and nazis (USSR boos) are suffering anomalies of the strong propaganda from the government of the time.
If there was a way to erase those 12 years from history, we wouldn't have shit like this going on.
In my life I have made it a special interest to ask older people who lived during that time to open up to me. I would say I know more than your dumb Nazi ass.
Meant to put in the parenthesis (and USSR boos as well)
Seriously if you want to role play a Nazi, join a reenactment organization or buy a replica uniform. But don't spout that nonsense as if you have an authority to speak on the matter
Enlighten us, then O great Nazi historian, of all the atrocities Hitler committed.
>pro-tip: you can't
you only say that because the Nazi's lost and there was 70 years of propaganda from the USSR(to cover up Hohol genocide) and the Allies demonizing them
and yet he lost and killed himself
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Fuck off, Mexico, you had your chance to do right and you laughed in God's face. Catholicism is not Christianity.
faggot ass german kill yourself
Shitposting or are Germans this bluepilled?
anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;
anonymousFuntion2 = function(){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;
Im not even angry at you, Hans, just sad at you've become.
It's the new Germans
It's 6am here so I won't write a bunch. Ask me questions and I'll try to answer it.
death camps did exist. Eisenhower once said this
>The same day[23] I saw my first horror camp. It was near the town of Gotha. I have never been able to describe my emotional reactions when I first came face to face with indisputable evidence of Nazi brutality and ruthless disregard of every shred of decency. Up to that time I had known about it only generally or through secondary sources. I am certain however, that I have never at any time experienced an equal sense of shock.
>I visited every nook and cranny of the camp because I felt it my duty to be in a position from then on to testify at first hand about these things in case there ever grew up at home the belief or assumption that "the stories of Nazi brutality were just propaganda". Some members of the visiting party were unable to go through with the ordeal. I not only did so but as soon as I returned to Patton's headquarters that evening I sent communications to both Washington and London, urging the two governments to send instantly to Germany a random group of newspaper editors and representative groups from the national legislatures. I felt that the evidence should be immediately placed before the American and the British publics in a fashion that would leave no room for cynical doubt.[24]
>12 years prepping grand opening of Uncle Adolf's Discount Whorehouse for Russki Soldiers
You cannot be an American and a real Nazi. Nazism is a German ideology. It belongs to Germany, so stop role playing as a Nazi, because it's cringeworthy. Pic related: so-called "Nazis" infesting cyberspace from America and the UK.
Wikipedia Intellectual.
I want definitive proof, not the words of a Jewish sympathizer.
>B-b-but muh 6 million
fact is the holocaust is one of the most documented events in history.
Denying it is akin to saying you don't believe the sky is blue.
Why can't you guys go all tin foil about 9/11 or JFK. This holocaust denialism has been and always will be retarded.
Every German I've met
So like 8 have all be very blue pulled
Shame really.
Why do you hate the Fatherland so much?
Insulting the opposing party because you can not surmise an argument yourself is rather ineffective here, $hill
I'm a Canadian and even I think you're a cuck
There are photographs of the holocaust on the Internet. Sorry iPhones didn't exist back then so there aren't videos for every thing that happened as they were happening.
Nothing makes me more inspired and depressed than a good Hitler speech
>Bohemian Club member
>CFR member
>President of Trilateral Commission who liked sending staffers to Bilderberg meetings
>Strongly supported UN
If Hitler were in a presidential debate today it wouldn't even be a contest. That man could speak to an audience, without equal to this day.
Right because photographs haven't been subject to doctoring since the 18th century
The other person I quoted attacked me in response to my first post. It was wrong for me to include you in that. Sorry user, do you think you can just disregard that part of my post since it was meant for the guy who called me a brainwashed german.
These are the last days of the big lie, Yehudi.
I'm not disregarding anything except what the Jew says. Every word from a Jew directed towards a Gentile is a lie.
really makes you think
What constitutes acceptable evidence? If you refuse to believe eyewitness accounts, photographs, or even the historical sites that have been preserved, what do you want?
If you let me know ill do my best to uncover this missing link in your holocaust puzzle.
Bullshit it is. Considering the argument on the believers side 90% when asking for evidence aside from survivor testimonies is "the nazi's destroyed the evidence! They used secretive words! They didn't want anyone to know about it!"
"most documented" is in direct contradiction to the holocaust narrative.
How did they shop pictures back in the day?
Genuinely curious. I know it was done just not how
Now if I combine THIS post... with THIS one... now I'm really thinking guys
>German soldiers who died of typhus
How has this been doctored?
Oh shit are you saying the holohoax is a hoax?
Kys, retard.
This user has been awoken.
I... I think I thunk one too many thoughts
That's funny I read Hitler as Hillary for some reason.
I want you to prove to me it happened
It's the same as today, really; cut and paste
Wikipedia lists citations at the bottom
After the war, reporters, politicians, military personnel, and photographers did the best they could to document the atrocities they could find.
It makes sense the nazis would want to destroy their records since their empire was literally collapsing as the world was closing in on Berlin.
And Hitler and lots of high ranking personnel committed suicide like the cowards they were
>They brought the German people of all classes together and formed a society based on the good of all people
>based on the good of all people
Bullshit, he killed 6 million jews you moronic twat.
Wow 6 million bodies?
What is Typhus and starvation because of the Allies?
Please just fucking leave.
By hand.
1970's graphic design is quite interesting
This triggers the Modern Backward German
I can prove it happened. Read it all, you'll be convinced it totally happened.
I mean what about that picture is doctored? Do you have proof it was doctored?
So you would say that the world now where our races cultures and nations are being destroyed is better?
If hitler hadn't come to power the communists would have. The Germans were pissed off and the Weimar Republic was a corrupt shithole almost like a prototype for our countries now
You do realize destroying every bit of Nazi culture and ideology was pushed by the Jews, not Nazis themselves, right? I mean, how retarded can you actually be?
I know you're keen on believing everything Jewkipedia tells you, but you could try thinking independently, too.
>What is Typhus and starvation because of the Allies?
Memes meant to suspend one's disbelief for just long enough to fill their empty head with racist hateful propaganda.
Jews aren't German people though.
I would have followed Hitler unto the ends of the Earth. Now we have to take up the mantle. Each of us has to become a leader in our countries everywhere around the world. It's always darkest before the dawn.
Go to your nearest holocaust museum or watch a documentary. They have the authority to prove it to you better than I can.
I'm asking you. If you think all of the eyewitness testimony, photographs, and historical sites are fake, then why don't you say this about anything else in history? Did WW1 happen? Did the US Cival War happen (we call it the Amerikanisher Bürgerkrieg here, kek)
Oh right. Your favorite evil villains are involved and you want to support them
Actual hard documentation on the "holocaust" is beyond difficult to find, and when it is it's usually just basic POW camp shit, the argument on the holocaust being real side is that the evidence for it is witness testimony, code words and hush hush shit in nazi documents, and post war propaganda from Soviets and Allies akin to soap made of jew fat and lampshades later debunked.
The fact of the matter is, there is zero hard proof of a Jewish extermination attempt to the level the current Jewish world paints it to be.
we're Jews forced into ghettos? Yes.
We're they later forced into labour camps? Yes.
We're they treated like shit and in some cases killed in large groups by German soldiers? yes.
We're they killed by the thousands daily through gas chambers resulting in a 6 million kill count? No.
Real shame that all Germans have been cucked this hard, even the ones on Sup ForumsMakes me sad to think that the once mighty German nation has fallen so low.
So what?
Why is exterminating parasites who's purpose is to subvert and destroy your country a bad thing?
Hopefully we send Muslims to similar camps soon
What's the difference between a death camp and a concentration camp?
I know that feeling OP and I was racked with despair at what a loss for all humanity it was. But at least it happened.
Thank god it happened and we aren't living in a world where it didn't .. because then we would really be without hope , surrounded by corruption and other evils without even a light
History is written by the victor. The Nazis lost. The Nazis are now demonized. Ever wonder why that is?
Of course not, you keep watching your Jewish propaganda and I'll keep hold of the truth. Watch some independent media for once, where the main focus is information not entertainment.
Kill yourself Antifa cunt.
Nobody can be that stupid, we won't fall for your sad attempt. All the evidence is on our side.
And everyone else, kameraden, please don't fall for this shill tactics.
Alas, a German brother speaks!
Lmao, op is a weak willed cucked swayed by a strong, authoritative voice promising him things the rise of the German empire. All politicans do it. Hitler's economic policies are worth studying but that's about it. And that's ignoring WW2.
It's 20% of people that ruins the world for everyone.
Once the majority awakens, everyone should watch out
one supposedly killed people
one was basically like the Japanese internment camps in the US, they were for enemies of the state and they were holding stations for people to leave the country, see the Haavara agreement. The Red Cross was able to inspect the concentration camps, only the soviets ever saw the "death camps."
communists deserved to die
most of them were jews, just a (((coincidence)))
You one one of these new "tanned germans"?
Jewish Propaganda tricked the USA into supporting the communists in their war on Germany
I think a concentration camp is like a prison where you can be sent for actual crimes except unlike comfy American prisons where prisoners have all kinds of "rights" the criminals are actually punished properly and forced to work to earn their keep instead of giving taxpayers the bill. Kind of like how a gulag is supposed to work on paper and results in less crime because people are actually afraid to commit crimes due to the punishment
A death camp is a place where "people" are just exterminated. Something we should start building to deal with the muzRat problem
One of the best man.
Hitler is a very fascinating man to study historically speaking. You can really study him in depth. I call it the "5 Hitlers"
1. the pre-NSDAP Hitler who was just a determined young nationalist trying to do his best for his nation
2. the initial "awakened" hitler and his starts in the movement
3. The Stormleader Hitler during the brutal early days where street fighting played key
4. hitler the leader! during the early days of ww2 he was really respected and led victory after victory.
5. hitler the broken man. during barbarossa it became clear that he had taken on way too much and broke as a human being.
pretty insane to see it but read enough books and you'll start to piece it together. His speech in regards to the treaty with England is borderline heartbreaking because you can actually hear his sincerity.
you guys are the real brainwashed ones. you must have some sort of personality disorder where you must latch onto horrible depraved acts of humanity to claim they dindu nuffin.
I feel you can defend most acts of humanity by looking at it from their view. But the holocaust is absolutely inexcusable. A crazy man took my proud people into the center of the worst of humanity.
And you guys have the audacity to defend this man? Say this shit to me IRL and I'll kick your ass. I'm literally shaking with rage.
So. It appears real Germans still exist after all. There may yet be hope
Fight me m8 i dare you oh wait you won't cause youre a pussy ass nigger
Stop lying, Shlomo.
Thank you brother, keep fighting the good fight and stay safe.
We're getting closer to the next and probably deciding battle for the future of all our nations.
We can't make the same mistakes again, no brother war amongst ourselves for the sake of the jewish Weltfeind.
We can't let shills / retards like this other "German" poster cause trouble amongst us.
>you guys are the real brainwashed ones. you must have some sort of personality disorder where you must latch onto horrible depraved acts of humanity to claim they dindu nuffin.
Stop being a fag and listen to his speeches and read his book instead of just typing empty nonsense. Nobody here is falling for any "cult of personality" if you think the point of National Socialism is a "cult of personality" you are completely mistaken.
>I feel you can defend most acts of humanity by looking at it from their view. But the holocaust is absolutely inexcusable. A crazy man took my proud people into the center of the worst of humanity.
This is the worst part of all the propaganda. Despite the fact all the "democratic" nations have killed off entire peoples, invaded people, killed people only the National Socialists are the ones that get branded as "evil". That's called propaganda.
>And you guys have the audacity to defend this man? Say this shit to me IRL and I'll kick your ass. I'm literally shaking with rage.
No you aren't you're shaking from stupidity and years of state indoctrination.
>Frankfurt School education
The Jews absolutely made sure that it was though. Why do you think the Germans would film this shit when they wanted to hide it from the rest of the world? The Jews absolutely fucking LOVE that the holocaust happened, because they can (and have been) milk it for at least a 100 years, and it will make them a protected group that can act without fear of repercussions. They make sure enough 'Jews' die so that they can get away with shit, but the fucks on top are cackling away in their palaces, waiting for another 6 gorillion so they can cover their arses and make some more money. Wake up shill.
What you need to realize is that sometimes the human trash has to be burned
Wow germans are a lost cause , cucked eternally , you even erased parts of your anthem for ABSOLUTE NO FUCKING REASON , KEKS
im just saying this fucking German has been brainwashed his entire life and you can clearly tell from the knee jerk response.
I'm not denying the holocaust
I'm just saying it wasn't a bad thing
The fact that Germans sit by knowing their entire history and anthem was REVISED and it wasn't even secretly done is beyond comprehension for myself. Why the hell won't they break the leash and fight?
dont b racist hitler
That's pretty much what you're told when you have an independent though