What will happen to feminism as VR sex gets better and better, inevitably to the point where it is as good as actual sex?
What will happen to feminism as VR sex gets better and better...
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The future is in cloning
White pussy for all
Feminism is already a farce in this country. They accomplished exactly what they set out to do decades ago and now it's just the leftover retards and sociopaths who want more then everyone else
I don't get this. Won't women have sexbots too?
I'm sure they'll bitch about it like they do everything else
Women don't enjoy sex... It's just a tool for them to use to get what they want; power and money.
of course, but they will still try to argue that the whole VR industry is misogynistic just like Emma Watson argues porn is misogynistic despite being subscribed to a porn website herself
You think you're real tough eh? Some kind of BIG MAN? Keep talking all that shit and I'll travel back in time and cuck you out of existence
anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;
anonymousFuntion2 = function(){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;
>variable casing is not uniform
What's that about a VR sex fest or whatever is going on in you're filename?
Who cares?
Sex toys are for virgin faggots anyway.
A sexbot wont pay for their purses and shoes, though.
VR sex will only be a loser niche because of how looked down upon any kind of sexual gratification for men is.
the best it could ever get would be like fucking a hooker or something
it'll never be as good as good as sex with someone you love
But it will never be as bad as someone who hates you and who demands alimony.
not amazing logic t b h
>it'll never be as good as good as sex with someone you love
that is something it will never replace, but it will be able to satiate lot of desires without the negatives a rlationship could have.
Hopefully VR sex will help put men and women both on equal footing
Shut up with your whore logic
Dat Stick
Retard detected. Feminism is stronger than ever.
And the UN is pushing for far far more.
A 50% risk of losing most of what you have earned is more than good enough to switch from biocunts to fembots.
Holy mother of good the ultimate revenge against feminism O_O no fucking wonder they go ape shit on this subject.
It won''t go away until it's literally bred out over generations. There are feminists today who remain feminists despite no one wanting them, they just become lesbians / bitter. If anything they will become more feminist because they will NEED to be independent. No hope of their minds changing, it would need to be their genetics.
Just ban it like cp. Problem solved.
point 3 hits home.
I desperately wanted a gf until I actually got one.
but there is nothing objectionable about VR porn. Banning it would cause riots
Fuck off, kiddie fucker.
It promotes rape as 3d or drawn cp promotes child molesting.
>Banning it would cause riots
Don't see pedophiles rioting over cp ban. Anyway no one will support them and rapists. Everyone will gladly see them beaten into pulp and thrown to jail.
a bit sociopathic, but I can agree with this. Flashlight ordered.
female genocide best day of my life ahaha
take a bath of dead cunt
Fleshlight WTF, killing phone fag self...
Are you insane? How does it "promote" anything? It's an activity in its own right.
I have $12k AUD saved
Just waiting for that next gen Sexdoll.
Cherry 3000 here we cum
>Don't see pedophiles rioting over cp ban.
They don't riot on the streets. They rape more children.
Moreover a CP ban is a national security issue.
for fuck sake man
How many times do you have to post this fucking video god damn it
Listen I get it but stop spaming it everywhere you lonely cuck
And how will this affect VR sex/Waifubots?
>as good as actual sex
It will be MUCH better than actual sex.
Any fetish you could imagine. Any time you want.
There's no way 3dpd could keep up with technology.
That wasn't me though. I just thought the vid would be relevant to the thread, faggot.
pajeet, pls go
I can't wait for the robo waifu age. I've opted out of the dating game years ago, but I still appreciate a level playing field. Hell I'll probably buy one just to support the industry.
You and your 4 inch dick aren't doing it right then
I got a Gear VR just for porn.
It was a disappointing experience and did not live up to the hype at all.
The porn industry smells $$$$, that's all it is.
>implying the implication
Anyway let's not derail the thread.
Indeed, they won't nag you to death either.
>I've opted out of the dating game years ago
This. Masturbation properly done is already far more pleasurable than sex. The selling point of sex is not pleasure but company. Now imagine that your fantasy has a mind of its own and you don't have to do all the work. Masturbation, with company: total replacement.
Tldr: the only value it ever had.
(sorry for being a bit frustrated)
Ah, I just can't wait for that faithful day.
>It was a disappointing experience and did not live up to the hype at all.
VR is in infancy right now. Oculus just started shipping first customer-oriented generation, it will take ~5 more years to get tech perfected and widespread.
That's alright, we all get pissed off sometimes. One day that might change if VR ever reaches an advanced state similar to a simulated world.
Soon, my friend. Soon
I am already sensing ass hurt cunts in the future.
A world with only men and female sexbot maids with artificial wombs can achieve world peace
A world with only women and male sexbots cant even last because they can't repair the robots
VR sex will eventually be rendered pointless by waifubots.
Feminism will try to have them banned. They'll fail.
>ass hurt cunts
>mfw Witcher 10 with VR augmented reality sex robots indistinguishable from the real thing.
How can real life even compete?
inb4 vibrators?
VR, and eventually sex robots that can birth human children, will destroy feminism as it will be forced to compete with more accessible and subservient source of recreational and procreation sex, with only an initial investment that is less costly than a lifetime investment on a real woman (especially a feminist, gold-digging one).
And when genetics engineering and cloning become acceptable, the downfall of all women everywhere. They will all be replaced with perfect and subservient women that will do everything for their men, without question or hesitation.
Why does Miku get genericized as the default waifu everywhere?
The only thrill I got from it was one scene where the chick is up close making eye contact while talking to you. Felt some intimacy there.
It's a novelty at best, at least for me.
Some have claimed they felt like they were cheating on GF's. etc, I just felt like a complete knob jerking off with a stupid, geeky thing over my eyes which is basically just a 'viewmaster' but for videos.
I'd suggest to anyone to try a google cardboard first.
Verily verily
Syria and Trump I can understand, but do you really need a 24/7 general about VR waifus on Sup Forums?
I believe it has something to do with her huge popularity and that she was the first 2D character to perform successful live shows; the fact that she also doesn't require a live voice actress anymore is yet another plus.
We are getting absolute monster as president just because she has extra hole. We are getting half of EU ruined because feminazis are running the show. This is single most important political problem of our generation.
If true, why hasn't Hilldawg tried to smear Trump with bogus claims and planted evidence?
I'd rather have a VR general than yet another CTR shill thread.
Also, if women lose this war we could be looking at working fembots with artificial wombs in them within 50 years or so. If this ever happes human evolution will change completely.
I can't sit tight and wait for the 2nd or 3rd generation of VR headset. I hope by then we will have some quality anime vr games and possible accessories which would make the experience even more immersive.
kill em all
If they include a credit card perhaps ...
If you get off on prepubescent children being raped by adults, you need to hang.
Consider redemption by killing yourself.
Man, Gear is not the real thing. Did you seriously expect that shitty phone could generate same quality as high-end PC?
I've tried Rift at demo stands, it was awesome experience. Will wait for second consumer generation myself, since 600$ is quite an investment for poor russky like me and they already developing new thing so Rift 1 would be outdated in year or two.
But really, you just know that some women will do everything to stop fembots and advanced VR women.
>why hasn't Hilldawg tried to smear Trump with bogus claims
They tried. Were running "Trump raped his daughters" shill threads for a while here, before switching to khan and polls.
>le supreme gentleman got dumped by Stacy: the post
>le white race is dying
>lets fuck toasters
Zero chance. Even if they would pass legislation: men would move to another country where it's allowed to have a robowaifu.
Cyberpunk 2077 when
>le white race is dying
Because white cunts have rights.
what's this from?
1 a flashlight already gives you a much stronger sensation than a pussy, you dont get much psycho feed back bet what you feel with your dick is a lot better.
To say "female android" is literally like saying "male policewoman"
And "fembot" sounds like "police firefighters"
Rodger was a feminist, roastie.
You can't stop VR women, software development is too cheap and easy to outsource in whatever no-laws country you want.
Once hardware is there and SDK is hacked and pirated, there will be unstoppable explosive growth of this stuff.
Meh, robot waifus will more likely be funded/invented by feminists.
Androids you can reproduce with will fuck up feminists big time.
Men no longer need to suck up to women to reproduce.