Elect a POTUS who was smart enough to kill all opposition, but so dumb to shit herself?
Would you?
but trump never shat himself
How is shiting yourself related to intelligence? When the hell doors open not even Einsten would've been able keep the demons in.
Her body is breaking down, she can't get up stairs on her own. If she does get elected she will not make it through her term just like when she stroked out and had to resign as secretary of state
To all those wondering: yea, it's fake
Daily reminder that Hillary cannot control her bowels. Remember the debate break?
Obvious fake
yfw maybe Bill just went to town on that thing in the back of the limo
The stain may be fake, but that cake is real.
Just look at how sloppy her ploppies must be. Her high test ass flaps don't allow for easy transversing of her mud nuggets out of her swampy ass. The fat cheek gently guide her anal logs slowly into her surprisingly slippery fuck hole
I personally think the Hillary diaper fact is fucking hilarious. It now shows me that the time she was late coming back to the debate she probably pooed herself and had to clean the caca out of her gaping vagoo
It's pretty well known that Bill has an extreme scat fetish. Hillary refused to give in while they were in office, lucky for him a young secretary didn't mind a good ol' stool push every once in a while. Obviously this turned out to be a bad thing for bill, so Hillary in an attempt for them to save face for future presidential runs, she took the ultimate scatrifice.
To apease Bills ill ways, she let him train her tight poo cutter to take Bills massive penor. Some say that his dick is 10" fully erect and a massive girth similar to a spaghetti o's can. After years of practice, Bill had broken Hillary in well enough to schlong her and ravage her body like he pleased.
However, Bills poo fetish took itself to ever higher heights, getting off just knowing that Hillary's loose balloon knot could be uncovered at any minute. She now walks around with ultra absorbant diapers just to help bill get erect at a moments notice. But her body took the toll. Her prolapsed colon now wags like a doggy tail, making it difficult to walk up a short set of stairs. Her shreaded sphincter no longer poses a threat to the immigration of pure liquid shit to pour at a constant trickle into her oversized diapers. The free sloshing mud pie in her dipaers inevitably makes its way into her wide open gash she used to call a vagina.
This is bills fetish.
He calls dibs on getting to clean up Hillary's poopoo baby diaper mess. After building a custom adult diaper changing table for $500,000 tax payer money, he uses his entire hand to reach deep into her poo stink vag, and take entire handfuls of brown watery mess. And to finish it up, he suck and additional mess out of her urethra, like drinking a milkshake through a straw. Bill knows she probably can't handle another urinary tract infection.
This is a true love story for the ages
I hope she has a mental breakdown at one of her rallies and rips off and throws her shitty diaper at a bunch of bernie/trump supporters.
That time she stopped talking on stage recently (the protesters with the sign), she probably shit herself for real. Like unloaded a big, hot meaty dump right into her pants. They probably got really heavy and stinky. A full and total release had a stench waft yards away from her stinky gaping wrinkly mucus-rimmed brittle blonde haired orifices. The security came rushing as soon as they smelled the inside of her intestines wafting down to them, fully erect a ready to stretch her out a bit more. A massive pheromone blast straight from the white granny shit pipe. Mmm, boy, that's good.
Jesus Christ, this woman is not suitable for the role of President. She is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Hell no to OP's shit but i definitely would a Palin.
You know you would. Even Michael Obama wants some Clinton.
Tina Fey is gross
Look, she's a bit old. She had brain damage. Before that she had a kid.
Honestly she is in diapers by now. That's the reason behind the long debate break--Huma was changing her diapers.
>you thought this pasta was funny
It's not pasta, I wrote it. And no, it's not funny, it's based on true events
Found the homosexual
Politicians have to go on meetings that can last 12+ hours, how is this woman going to attend something a UN/G20 summit? Or an exhibition at Davos?
Is she just gonna send Huma in her place every time?
anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;
anonymousFuntion2 = function( >9B3E595A37AE4682BA443FDB6595B110 ){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;
You fucked up the script, well done botboy.
Mods deleted two comments I made, in my thread.
This place gets more like Facebook every day. This is still a NSFW board, why delete my scat posts? Billary likes it.
No one knows the rules, if you can't post them.