Would you shave two inches off your height and one off your dick to guarantee a trump presidency?

would you shave two inches off your height and one off your dick to guarantee a trump presidency?

I dont think so no.

Only if that height and girth was given to Trump to help form a true God emporer

Fuck yeah. I would officially have no dick but its not like i use it anyways.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.


>Trump assasinates Hillary at the third debate
>Crowd starts cheering
>New holiday established
>Babies start getting made
>America made great again

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

g-guys look at the time on both of them

No, because Trump is only the Plan A. There's still a Plan B.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;

anonymousFuntion2 = function(){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;


Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Then I would fit in with the other manlets
>tfw epitome of 'aryan' übermensch

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Sitting comfy in Oregon waiting for Plan B.


I'm 6'5" with a 9 inch cock so yes

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

I can't spare an inch either on my dick or hight. I can spare a few pounds though.

import java.util.*;
public class Order {
public static void main(String args[]) { {
public static void main(String[] args)
{ final int NUM_FACTS = 100;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_FACTS; i++)
System.out.println("Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.");

public static int factorial(int n)
{ int result = 1;
for(int i = 2; i

I'm pretty tall, there is a thing called "The Greater Good", but muh dick, so maybe or maybe not

In the name of the Prophet, this infidel is not suitable for the role of President. He is a dhimmi and a pig eater, and should be stoned to death.

I cant afford an inch off the piece. Maybe if i had more girth

ew dude why java

checkem algorithm at work

Yes, but I have a feminisation fetish, so it'd be a win-meh, putting trump into power to inch closer to my imagined ideal.

>Hive mind


Although it would pain me to do it I know I can technically afford to do both so yes I would be willing to take one for the team, for the greater good


Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

No, but I'd do it to instantaneously teleport every shitskin and Jew to Venus.

6'2 here, yes

I can still be king of the (((5'11))) manlets

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail....

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.


g-guys i think the shills are evolving

this has officially become a meme

I'm 6'5" with a 9" cock so I think I could give that up.

I also make over $200k a year as a Wendy's chef.

You are a woman?

no. because then i would have to be gay

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

8' rocker

but I'd gladly look like A Hispanic Peter Dinklage and spend the rest of my life mentally retarded if it brought me the happiness of knowing the God Emperor defeated shillary.

I am a chef at Wendy´s too? How coincidal

>4.5 inch penis
That's before the reduction. Fuck it, Im already a manlet and small dick. What's a few more inches?


Sorry I can't afford to lose either, I'm in good shape but just barely. He doesn't need it anyways.

No i Wouldn't because the president doesn't actually run the country. (((they))) do.
Trump won't actually change anything, the only thing his presidency will do is delay (((their))) plans for a few years.

Considering Im tall and have a big dick, yes. Im also a fry cook at jack in the box who makes 500,000 a year.

>tfw both of these things would actually make me more approachable

In a heartbeat Mr. President.

Why the fuck is this allowed?