Assange implies murdered DNC staffer was his source for the DNC leak.


Get the fuck in here and do your part against slide shills.

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Reporting for doody

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail...

Nice try shill, try again.

Assange hints the DNC Staffer that was murdered is the source of the DNC Leaks


1 post

>WikiLeaks Offers $20K Reward for Information in Murder of DNC Staffer Seth Rich


Hillary good girl, she dindu nuffin. need more money for dem campaings

Not sure if Australian banter or the same bot from the other bread.

Either way, fuck yourself with a boomerang.




>Murdered DNC Staffer "Seth Rich" behind DNC Wikileaks dump

I want to believe

everyone watch at 0:38. he totally nods in agreement that the dnc staffer was the leaker. he cant even hide it. that too with wikileaks offering 20k for info on his murder. it's fucking confirmed.


i want to help you to believe, shill

copy and pasted from last thread...

The shills are real.



They're tweaking the bot to have feminine and masculine typing profiles now.... Now that they know there is such a thing.... Hahahaha. BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP

Bump for trump


Seth rich is killed in odd circumstances (a robbery that didn't rob anything)

Wikileaks released the DNC fucking leak

Assange implies Seth was the leaker

Mother fucker.

Shills will implicitly defend this.

The problem is, if he does that the boomerang will just come back.

Most likely, it's insane, these guys at Wikileaks must know a lot more about Hillary than they let on too. I really pity the country if this mad woman HillaryTeflon Con wins the election.
When I first saw the murder in the news it seemed strange, nothing really stolen, just murdered outright. If he was the DNC leaker, god help us all, they wont stop at nothing.

$0.02 has been deposited into your account by Correct the Record.

In a time of universal deception telling the truth will be seen as a revolutionary act.

Anyone who votes for Hillary will be viewed as an enemy of the republic.




Jesus, hat.

One post

honestly this is the best proof of political murder i've ever seen. this is fucking huge.


did you mean this rape?
or this one?


or was a different one that the clintons were part of?

lot of sliding going on so bumping for justice


anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;

anonymousFuntion2 = function(){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;


dick. i want my yous to mean something. not be just some petty memes.

Please. Allow me to show you how to get bumpdubs.


Not good w computer?

c'est correctomundo

Kek be with you.



>tfw looking around for funyuns

>assange fingers.

this isn't the first rape allegation i've read about this pervert.

>Get the fuck in here and do your part against slide shills.
Have a bump, but just for the record there's been like 15 threads on this. No one is missing it because of "slide threads." Grow up.


Get owned nigga, you aint foolin nobody

He didn't imply anything. He confirmed it:

What did he mean by this?

I wonder if this will be on FOX tomorrow? I doubt it will be on CNN or NBC.

Christ can you imagine the fallout if this is proven to be true? We could witness the possible destruction of the DNC.

>Grow up
20-somethings always feel like elder statesmen spouting this little phrase.

highlight what he wrote and then hit alt+f4 on your computer. Just say "NO" when it asks "do you want to run as an administrator"

more proof here by the way: nbcwashington.com/news/local/WikiLeaks-Offers-20K-Reward-for-Information-in-Murder-of-DNC-Staffer-Seth-Rich-389622801.html

Bumping like a faggot on Fire Island


all this talk about things being small makes me feel like you're referring to something in your pantaloons.

Another innocent person falls to the clinton murder machine.

How can God continue to let this woman escape justice?

Tell me about it, then offers a 20k reward on information to who murdered him. This is all crazy, from the millions spent on paid shills and all the funky murders lingering around, Hillary's team is either bat shit crazy or straight up ruthless, America will be done if she makes it into office. I'm just hoping she has a meltdown during the first debate against Trump, but knowing how her side is they'll weasel their way out of debating Trump. PRAISE KEK! We call up on thee oh Lord Kek master of chaos!

>can you imagine the fallout if this is proven to be true?
absolutely no way they prove this to be true. all we will ever have is extremely shady circumstantial evidence.

The more we keep this thread alive the more work CTR shills have to do.

>tfw linux

I live near DC and remember this coming out, even at the time it caught people's attention because of how random it was... it's not like he was caught in gang crossfire or anything even just straight up targeted.

Hats off to the poor dude if he was the brave whistle-blower

Moloch is God.

bump for justice
>fuck the shills

Your mother doesn't complain.

>assange says
Oh, so it's nothing


Just for the simple fact of hiring shills and spending millions should be enough, throw in all these questionable murders and it's completely over the top. This country went to shit and it's people like Hillary and her crooked ways that have done it.

Hillary raging and getting called out on fossil fuels

Wikileaks could just confirm he leaked the emails if he even did...

That alone should raise significant suspicion to fuck up Hilary's campaign

Too many circumstantial evidence regarding deaths of so many different people around Hillary spanning over 2 decades.

No other politician today has that kind of baggage attached to them. Not even the Bush family who are corrupt to the bone have that many suspicious deaths circumstantially linked to them.

Hill-dog confirmed murderer

4 top ranking DNC staffers were fired over "nothing"? lel

that's just their generation.

FBI user, we need you pls

Only to human garbage like you leaf tard.

For great justice

You know that JA knows exactly where this leak came from. He leaked the files and his license plate got caught on camera at starbucks. He had the anonymous internet connection - but he lacked the anonymity because of that damned touchscreen gps in his pocket

If you asked yourself why Assange was so anti-Hillary, just imagine what else he knows about her that hasn't been released yet. It's insane no one is calling her out on all this.


Spam this shit on The Young Turks and force them to report on it. Call them shills for not reporting on it.

FBI, NSA, DHS, et cetera,

They aren't on the side of the people. Just the government and its established politicians.

If they were, we wouldn't need to hear about DNC fraud against Bernie via Assange.

POLL: Did Hillary have Seth Rich assassinated? Vote!


anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;

anonymousFuntion2 = function( >9B3E595A37AE4682BA443FDB6595B110 ){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;


*yawn* tell me when he confirms it and you have a story. Until then it's just a stupid conspiracy like Obama having a fake birth certificate...

I wonder when the shills realize they will be offed one by one by the same folks once they have generated enough replies that it can be automated with bots. I know, they're not bright, but wait for that lightbulb!!!

>yfw Russia did the assassination knowing full-well how bad it will look when it all comes out

bump to fight the slide scripts

Funfact: Consexual sex without a condom in Sweden is legally classed as rape if you said you would use one (or more correctly, if the woman says you said you would). This includes if the condom breaks.

>The women accusing Julian Assange of rape, each individually admit that they were having consensual sex with him that they initiated.

>In one case, one girl was reaching for a condom and he agreed to the condom put it on and she felt that he tore it but the sex was consensual.

>In the other’s case, the couple had sex with a condom, she fell asleep and he wanted to have sex with her again so she charged him with rape

i think wikileaks is in a tough situation. if they confirm that he was the source does two things. one is that it creates fear among potential leakers. two is that it shows that wikileaks will break their pledge to keep sources anonymous. assange is in a tough spot. i think he has provided enough hints to tell us this dnc kid was the leaker though.

He wasn't real. National Guard user predicted all of this though.

And here he is!


Who should play Seth in his inevitable biopic?

seth rogan, obviously.

the hillary train will keep on moving. just watch. this shit wont even be an issue tomorrow. media will be all over trump's "2nd amendment people" comment.

Holy shit 4:06 youtube.com/watch?v=lx9JNs6A46U (full thing)

>"Well what we have here is proof that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the head of the DNC did interfere with the US elections and four heads have rolled as a result"
>four heads have rolled as a result


Trump destroys the Republican and Democratic parties in one election. What a time to be alive.

He's dead though. What possible benefit can come from protecting a dead person

i here u liek da maymays?



no proof no care

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sobt forget to add "trump said mean things"