I have no clue how I ended up here, but it's a cuck fantasyland.
Sup Forums, your mom is getting concerned
Other urls found in this thread:
>he's a millenial
Why is my generation always stigmatized? It's not my fault those faggot born 15 years after me are also millennials
You sound like a faggot.
He sounds pretty based.
He is based you non white faggot. Go back to crying that you'll never win another World Cup now
what a little cuck
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>On one hand I see where it is coming from.
That's the first step.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
The baby boomers are beyond redemption. Just vote against euthanasia so they can see the horrible consequences of their actions right to the bitter end.
>This dude's mom doesn't analyze the validity of the argument
>Takes a wishy-washy stance of "On the one hand I can see where he's coming from" while also saying it's racist
I feel bad for this user. Like how fucking thick-skulled can you be?
Literal failure as a parent.
I'm whiter than you just like the Argie chicks in my pics you disgusting Ameri-mongrel.
I'm gonna be honest, the first one doesn't look that white.
She looks Mediterranean
This better user?
it sounds to me like she's almost there
He should kill his mom for the greater good.
This ones funnier.
Many decades of hollywood movies are responsible for this. The new religious moral code is derived from movies.
>preserve the white race
Nigger why the fuck should I care about the future of society once I'm gone? Planets gonna be hit by a meteor in a billion years anyway
the problem is that he went balls deep when he was still in "just the tip" territory.
Ooh lets see how I do
rolling tn
rollin for strategist
i knew argecucks were delusional but wow
You should care like rollo once cared about his people.
Why doesn't he just quote mein kampf? Hitler said this shit way better than this little fag ever could.
How's it feel that messi wiped his hands of your country?
Rolo ice cream
The sun will blow up in about 200 years.
Reroll for fun
ayo think uh yo chirren rollin on planet nigger
I meant the first girl
Nice derail
I heard about that, too. My aunt was talking about it.
I thought the same thing
>no healer classes
they wish
those darn ethnic chinese keep getting in the way with their entrepreneurial mastery
Don't forget the global ice aget pol predicted and kek wills.
Messi can do no wrong, he's just an autist like us that happens to play good footie.
> tfw I'm more liberal than my parents
They may be worried, but not because I'm dabbling in white supremacy. Their worry stems from me not being religious and promoting science over dogma.
something Palin
I will always love that man
Can't you all just stay on /r/politics?
Severely underrated post.
Sup Forumsbabies treat their enabling mommies like shit and never care. They're true sociopaths
I knew it wouldn't be long.
The ending is the best.
>In fact, my husband is more concerned over the fact that nearly all of the pictures of women on my son's hard drive are of Japanese anime girls, with the only 3-dimensional women appearing in his 'Eva Braun' and 'Aryan Women In Wheat Fields' folders.
I always kek at the 'Aryan Women In Wheat Fields'
i don't acknowledge it. anything "millennial" should be discarded. it's a marketing term at best. it's generational divide and conquer and a way to set standards. "why do millennials share cars so much?", "why do millennials not go out?", "why are millennials not in management?". everything i read is a way to normalize our poverty and apathy. Don't drink that kool aid, friend. we'll be the strongest or die in the process; maybe that's our destiny
Oh my
Everything her son said is true. The fact that she's stunned shows how clueless ignorant she is. What he said isn't even offensive; it's fact. What scares me is that the majority think like his mom does.
we can laugh about these "cucks" all we want, but aren't we just as fucking cucked because we're not doing anything about it?
mom cant take a dick to save her life
>tfw born in mid 80's
> on one hand it makes sense
> on the other hand my fee fees
womens "thought" process
But we are. Every word written on Sup Forums gets read. The ones of pure genius get 'capped and then make it out into the real world. Don't let your memes be dreams.
>Yes, you should be very concerned.
What are you going to do about it, bitch?
He just copied and pasted it from stormfront or whitegenocide.com
This ones for you mobile users
Shit, you're lucky if you even get to see your kids anymore. It's at the point where your ex can just vanish with them, take your money "to provide for the kids", and not even let you ever see them again. All the while feeding them lies about how you never spend time with them because you don't love them, and you have a new family.
Rolling out.
>Not having a mother who can see what's going on in the world
Our country's marriage systems are so evil and unfair.
I cannot believe Marital "rape" even exists.
Ayy letsgo
It's fucked up, man. Up here you don't even have to be married for this to happen. If you live together for 3 years or longer, you can get fucked just like that anyway. I never got married, but I still lost a bunch of my stuff. I don't get to see my kid, on the rare occasion I actually have her over, she just wants to go back to her mom's because she likes her stepdad better. Then she goes back and her mother tells her I've already replaced them or I don't want her around or whatever. I'd love to have full custody of my kid. I'd pay for the babysitter just so I could play video games with her and go to the park with her and help her with her homework. I don't get women. They bitch and complain that they can't find a man who's willing to step up and be a fucking father. Then they find one and never let him see his kid anyway.
>Officer, please help me! My husband put his penis in my vagina!
praise kek
Get your son on heavy sedatives and 10x normal dosages of estrogen ASAP.
I am at the point where I would rather deal with a woman cop than a man cop. Male cops are such white-knights it is pathetic.
They might as well force you to pay alimony and chop you dick off just for looking at a woman at this point.
Oh, they're working on it. They just need to figure out which groups should be exempt. Muslims are an obvious choice, but they have a committee of their best and brightest minorities working on it right now.
That stuff is true though
This is so fake but I can't stop laughing.
Muslims will fuck them up if they try that.
The white man is empathetic and compassionate, and everyone is taking advantage of them because they can get away with it.
There is no way a civilization can sustain itself when it has these many anti-marriage laws. It will collapse inevitably.
fuck it all lets see how it goes
anything but ninja ninjas are fucking gay
It's definitely not healthy. Kids need both parents present, but men don't want to get married and have kids anymore because it's such a raw deal. I never married. I probably never will. My daughter was an accident. If it was up to me, I probably would have never had a kid. It's just asking to get your shit fucked up. I got off easy, too. There are women out there who coach their kids to claim daddy hit mommy, or daddy touched them, when a divorce happens. Just out of spite.
"Our system thinks your post is spam"
Western Civilization has gone to hell my friend.
It is time to retire to our Villas and watch it burn.
>dc urban moms
Wonder why there's no DC urban dad's ?
Ninja, Bard, or Shaman GET
marksman get
Rolling! Witness me!
>He's sixteen years old
This site is 18+