You can't argue with these facts Sup Forums

You can't argue with these facts Sup Forums.

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Homeless can't keep the upkeep of a home, they don't deserve one.

a lot of those vacant homes have to be rebuilt, this also isn't a communist country where we give things out for free.

unless you're black, or spic, and have 10 children, and don't work. fug

Even the homeless know to stay out of Detroit.

trust me- you don't want that crazy, nasty, addicted bunch destroying all the resale value of those homes in under a fortnight and forever bringing down the value of every other house in the neighborhood. You'd be better off having actual MEXICANS move in next door than this lot

Housing isnt a right

Human beings aren't made equal and not all humans are entitled to the things others have.

I worked my ass to buy my home. I don't need a group of drug addled lowlifes to move in to the empty house at the end of the cul-de-sac. Also, how the fuck are they going to pay utilities? They just get them for free?

1) The homeless couldn't afford the property taxes.

2) Even if you waived their requirement to pay taxes, if you just confiscated the property of the owners like some Latin American Venezuela country, that would essentially signal nobody to ever build or invest in real estate again, as they would be an incredibly unsafe asset. This would lead to a reduction in housing production and rising house prices.

Vacations homes are often vacant, but they're owned by someone.


your literal constitution says that all men are equal, how do you deal with this?

Not just America but any other capitalist nation.
Liberals can't just give out free houses.

Sorry for being retarded because i'm a convict.
But i just needed to point out that this thread is retarded.

You're confusing the Ddeclaration of Indepence with the Constitution, senpai. Nowhere does it say that all men are created equal in the federal constitution. Some state constitutions might have it, though.

In my country once, under the presidence of Peron, we gave all the poor people a new home.
You know what they did? They did not only destroy most of the houses, they also sold the furniture, the wires, the doors and everything they could to get money and spend it in trivialities.

Moral of the story: Niggers will be niggers with or without help, better use your resources for people that is worth the investment.

(before the law)

Like anyone worth their salt is gonna let some dude with avocado in his name insinuate, if not lecture them about giving property away to hobos for free. If they could look after a home and take care of business they wouldn't be homeless.
Most homeless are where they are because they made shit decisions. People need to start learning how to handle the subsequent wrath of those poor choices.

Based on a shit meme on kikebook no less

When the Constitution says "equal" it doesn't mean "the same" in a physical sense. Even in the 1700s it was obvious that some people were naturally gifted and others deficient.

This is where the right would bring up "equality of opportunity" as their ideological hill to die on while the left would invoke "equality of outcome."

Neither actually intend for their chosen state of affairs to come about (just look at any lawmaker in Congress's voting record) but the impulses those goals represent are sincere underpinnings of the American Dream -- it "can" happen here, and it "will" happen here..

How many of those homes are only temporarily untenanted?

Move in ready right user?

I like that the vacant home you showed us had no roof.

Honestly? It's better than the street.

No, giving free homes to people who doesn't deserve them is asking for trouble and more crime.

Home sweet home for the homeless!

How can habitat for humanity compete?

No, it's not. At least not from a legal standpoint. That home is a death trap, and to allow someone to live in it as it stands right now is extremely dangerous. If the house collapses while he's inside, expect a huge lawsuit against whomever gave it to them.

Did you used to be in Venezuela? I might have purchased your plane ticket.

that is because the homeless know that niggers will kill them just because they be klangs and shieeeet

Serious question. Would it be worth buying a city block in Detroit and then walling off the block? Then in 20 years the land might be worth something.

You seem to be missing a key factor here...
>Sleeping in the street in Detroit.

Better odds with the building, tbqh.

>-1 sqft

Not really. It's infested with roaches and Detroit people arson these homes to keep homeless out

Niggers are brutal


They will make you pay the taxes of the previous owner.

There is a reason no one is buy. Sticker price is not what the council is going to gouge you on.

no amount of detroit cherry picking will hide the fact that wall st etc buys homes in bulk and do not rent them out in order to jack up the prices,

regardless it is pointless to argue, you will just roachpost and ignore the elephant in the room

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

I'm sure Wall Street is itching to buy and hold this fixer upper. Back taxes and all I'm sure it can be flipped for a profit.

also those homes are owned by someone, even if it's a bank stock holders using it for asset requirements.
Remember Communism involves you giving shit up too. Also you won't really need a car in commie uptipa because state planning will have you live near your job. and why do you need a room to yourself? 5 people could sleep in that room in bunks. Every room you have is stealing wood from African peasants, shame!

Heh, free market is best. Adam Smith and Eve, not Adam Smith and Steve OK??? Don't be antisemite, they are greatest allies. That's why I support free market. Thank you God bless.

>created equal
>are equal

Literally a difference. Turns out a lot happens after being a baby that depreciates value.

You want some homeless guy destroying your investment or vacation house?

Not when lawsuits can be filed.

Listen up Amir, these houses go to the bank by default because thugs don't pay their bills

It isn't worth them to fix up and sell, so they don't. Usually the gang members rip the copper out of the walls anyway or arson their own shit

The ugly side of capitalism, however, no system is perfect and capitalism is bretty damn good desu famys

You give most of this trash a house and they'll strip it of all the copper and aluminum to buy meth. I've had these people live right next door to me. They're subhuman trash.

Yes, I am redpilled. Why do you even need to ask?

I'm sure they would love the empty house with half of its roof caved in. I'm sure the homeless have the money and employable skills to repair it.

All due to progressives , my southern friend . Made any work to curb the cartels yet ? Of course not , they are funded by the dame progressives who are ruining my country . MAGA KEK WILLS IT

>Even the homeless know to stay out of Detroit.


What is there to argue about when you have no arguments just two statistical facts you have pointed out?

Better question, why shouldn't we just euthanize them/harvest their organs instead?

They clearly pose no benefits to society, giving them a roof to sleep under wouldn't fix that, so let's get rid of them and take their organs while we're at it.

Find me one vacant home that doesn't have foundation, mold, or structural issues that would be a massive hazard to live in.

I'm sure the homeless are going to enjoy cooking in this new kitchen. With al the appliances!

It's not worth it because of the back taxes and the fact that Detroit has no hope of ever recovering until after a race war or cultural revolution (at least a hundred years away at this rate).

That home looks really comfy there. I wonder who will pay to fix that house and make it livable? I wouldn't suppose that you would contribute a chunk of your pay check first.

Video related:

>no one mentioning based David 'avacado' Wolfe

Move in ready!

>gibs homeless retards free abandoned houses

>15 million

>oops we ruined these dilapidated shit holes after 6 months of filthy lazy living, gibs us more

>12 million


>8 million

>oops again, give us more, u gots 8 million of them thangs racists!!!!!!

>4.5 million


>1 million vacant homes too high-end to just give to drunks


>slum on the way to collapse
>still has a mortgage


This house for example, is it really completely gone? Could you gut it to the masonry and at least save money/labor on the brick? Assuming the plumbing is ok(?) And how much are these back taxes everyone is talking about?
And yes I know there's many more problems than just property

Zillow Detroit

It's great

Nice full house, m8-o-poster.


Anyone want to buy a bunch of these houses then build a gated community?

Well we can't. Back taxes killed that.

Thanks democrats

There is enough food growing in the world to end world hunger ten times over too. The only thing keeping the hungry from having what's already there, is money.

Money is evil. A trick of the Jew. We have enough resources in this world to create a perfect utopia if greed wasn't in the way. Anything that seems scarce, is only that way due to artificial scarcity. Diamonds for example would be worthless if they flooded the market with how many backlogged diamonds they have.

Real talk though, a group of dedicated people with okay credit and some time could easily buy out a whole neighborhood in somewhere like Detroit and get some pretty dope equity going on once you set up open carry neighborhood patrols and co-op repairs on salvageable homes.

>your literal constitution says that all men are equal, how do you deal with this?
How do YOU deal with all of the logical answers you were given Leftie?

why do they even bother?

Most of the homeless are insane or non-whites, hence there is no problem. Also many vacant homes are in tracts which have no employment near them hence they have no value.

>back taxes

Explain. What does it do and why?

No you can't.

These homes may have a price tag of a few grand, but in reality the back taxes, water and utility back pay would be too much.

It would be cheaper to buy a fixer upper in a better area

Basically if the previous owner was a shitter and didn't pay property taxes, the new owner will be required to pay any latent property taxes in some situations, making these little '2k' properties sometimes thousands more expensive.

You whiteys just keepin them poor negros from fulfilling their potential

Thanks fàm

That's gay, who thought that was a good idea? Progressives?

Sounds like a desperate attempt to get money.

Right but you would still be looking at under 50 grand to get everything taken care of probably.

Sup Forums buys up a square mile or two and forcefully removes all degenerates with the combination of extreme prejudice and no cooperation. Sup Forums talks about buying up land, well here it is.

Wtf give houses to mentally ill people for free it's 2016

Essentially. Yet another assumption by democrats that people who buy property owe society something.

there are probably homeless living in this shit anyway

So back taxes are basically taxes that haven't been paid, as a result a "lien" is put against the house by the government or the debtor.

>a lien is a debt that must be paid before the house can legally transfer ownership (it's more complex but that's the bones of it)

Liens can be unpaid (or back) taxes, unpaid utilities like water bills and other debts private or public.

Many of these houses have a price tag of $2,000 or less, but that doesn't include liens, which can go into the 5 figures for houses like these.

Yeah, but those homes are owned by someone. Someone who is not homeless (often banks because they repoed irresponsible dickheads who took out mortgages they knew they wouldn't be able to afford). The vast majority of the homeless are homeless because they cannot afford a house. The problem with your dumbass proposal is that it involves the government stealing property from individuals or companies to give to the poor. That's pretty fucked up and goes against private property rights that are outlined in the constitution.


If you give the homeless free homes, what's to stop anyone from getting one?

Dang, I wonder if it's profitable to start a REIT with this type of property

Jesus Christ America why the f do you have so many broken homes? is it the horrible white males fault?

...and much more

those homes are owned by someone, they weren't free to make. Besides you clearly aren't a homeowner if you think letting a bunch of street bums move in next door is a good idea just because a house is vacant.

For 50 grand move to Kansas

Mostly white and cheap

handy man special, top kek

Give them a home. And then, in 2 months, when it's in ruin, make the liberal idiots clean it up.

Let's give homes to people who can't afford it. Surely nothing can go wrong :^)

That's the Declaration of Independance, the Constitution says no such thing. The closest the constitution comes to saying that is that all people (US citizens) have equal protection under the law, but that is not equivalent to all people being equal. Inherently we aren't. Some people are smarter, more athletic, wealthier, etc. You aren't entitled anything you don't work for except for the rights outlined in the constitution, which, spoiler alert, doesn't include handouts of stolen property by the government (in fact the 5th amendment specifically says the government can't seize property without due process of criminal procedure).

You came from a poor country and that sucks, but I don't owe you shit. I may be wealthy and privileged, but that doesn't mean I need to help you.

>spics in mexico - 122 million
>mexico GDP per capita - 10,000
even brazil is beating you kek

"American society has made it perfectly clear:
if you are poor, it’s your own damn fault."
– Jonna Ivin, "I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump"

Yep, it's the fault of the republicans that Detroit fell under a democrat mayor, democrat gov. And democrat president over the past 8 years.

Damn you trump and your no political power! You did this!

Why won't pol school me on *heavily* renovating a house?!?

House would look cute as fuck if it wasn't overrun by "youth"