I want to help raise the white birth rate but I think I'm gay because I absolutely cannot get hard to other women.
I don't want to let you guys down... What should I do?
I want to help raise the white birth rate but I think I'm gay because I absolutely cannot get hard to other women.
I don't want to let you guys down... What should I do?
Impregnate a trap.
Don't be a fag op.
Milo Yianopolis is gay too and we love him still.
stop looking at porn. completely stop. also cut back on masturbation to once a weeks so you don't get nocturnal emissions. you'll gain more confidence and energy throughout the day.
all else fails get some dick pills at a sex shop. some will last you days, no joke. done it before to have sex-marathons with my ex
Besides you got the power to play victim with liberals UUSE IT.
Stop jerking off so much you fucking pervert
This man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jaiI.
Listen to advice above and stop being so nervous.
It's your nerves that kill it. You need to get comfortable then git gud
Don't worry user. You can cum out of the closet, find a loving man, settle down and get a surrogate wife to bare your child. You should have a stable relationship with your loving ass man first of course. Then the two of you butt pirates can decide whose sperm you will use to impregnate the surrogate. While you could use artificial insemination to impregnate the surrogate it may be more fun to simply suck cock till a wad is about to blow and quickly shove said cock into the surrogate bagina as well. However you decide to go about this matter enjoy the thought that you, your homo partner and probably your child born out of degeneracy could possibly hang on night of the rope when it arrives.
All you have to do is impregnate one womans, just one OP. You can do it, I believe in you. Contribute, because if whitey disappears you won't be allowed to be a faggot anymore.
>tfw not gay and like women but can't cum to regular porn or vagina because of my fetishes
also this
Take some viagra and fuck an electrical socket you gigantic faggot.
You get nocturnal emissions as a result of not fapping dumbass
Are you attracted to women when you're relaxed?
I was pretty worried when I first did anything sexual with my gf as well, but all of that faded after a couple of times and we got eased into it.
The key is finding someone with just as little experience as yourself, so the nerves are from both sides and no one's to blame.
Nice WUBs
>I absolutely cannot get hard to other women
You wot m8?
stop watching porn and jerking off then you will get hard. first time i got laid, didn't get 100% hard, didn't watch porn for a week was harder and lasted longer. porn fucks with your brain and your brain fucks with your dick from porn. trust me I'm a doctor.
What's the inside of a vagina feel like lads? Are they tight?
You should #VoteForHer!
I've seen this in everythread. Are the shill bots broken?
adopt white kids and get married so they at least have two parents.
take care of them, and vote for trump.
bring a man into the equation if thats what you have to do. Fuck some chick to get her pregnant while you suck some cock like the degenerate you are.
i posted to masturbate once a week so that doesn't happen
go to a sperm bank, white people sperm is always in high demand and the pay is good
they're getting bored tbqh
Legit won't be a problem once artificial wombs are a thing. get an empty egg, fill it with both pairs of chromosomes from either parent and BAM. I think this is already possible with surrogates, but it's extremely expensive if so.
50 shades of fag fantasy by user
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail. .
Who the fuck uses sperm bank, what if you get sperm of some subhuman? it's not like they give you his photo and medical records.
If you aren't a Manlet, and are in college...spread your seed through a sperm bank, and keep yourself anonymous from ever being contacted by the female incubator and test tube baby. Get paid nigga!
Please someone explain
>Read post
>see flag
>Fucking Leaf!
made me kek though canadanon
They literally give you a picture, height weight, IQ, ethnic background, occupation, hobbies, etc.
>What's the inside of a vagina feel like lads? Are they tight?
Don't bother asking /pol. Everyone here is a basement dwelling NEET virgin or into trap boi pooci. Go ask your mom about vaginas. May as well ask her about asses too. She will fill you in.
some are super tight, others not so much. generally super slick and warm and comfy. I once heard someone describe it like 'going home', and that is the perfect description. And i don't care if youre trolling or not, i just love talking about fucking pussy