Daily Reminder the Cards Have Never Been Wrong

Trump will win

Other urls found in this thread:



Kek wills it

anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;

anonymousFuntion2 = function( >9B3E595A37AE4682BA443FDB6595B110 ){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;






I have not even seen this one.

These are fake right? Otherwise what the actual almighty fuck

>These are fake right
They're real, I have them all, pic related

It's an old card game from like 20-30 years ago.
I don't know the details but absolutely real.



It's some conspiracy card game

I forget the name of it

Deus Ex-tier stuff

The card game was created in 1994

They are not fake.

>The idols are both frightening and silly, and no one knows why the Masters keep them around

I know of the card game, I just meant those specific cards. I had never seen them before. 3 spoopy 5 me right now

Bimbo Kelly


>tfw its all in the expansion.


1993 the images were made but it was around earlier than that

hmmm... who could be behind this...

Good. Get spooped. Get angry.

what the actual fuck, an agent which negates privilege attacks and looks like milo??

Nah that's not the full set, see pic here Just missing 11 ultra-rares, they cost like $100 per fucking card

The Shitposting Card

What's the name of it?

>yfw you realise kek has been placing memes since the beginning for us to find
>its a prophecy

Illuminati: New World Order

Bill isn't looking so good...

Pic related are 10 of the 12 "ultra rares"

Remember Tay

Polls are fake guys

more of these please, and if you have the subgenius ones those are good too

Praise Bob

Flat Earth Threads are now appearing

Literally Sup Forums: the card

The fuuuick

no need to praise bob, we have kek, we are basically brothers of them


>have the subgenius ones
I keep meaning to scan my entire collection in high def dpi

The "books" they sold with them are even as crazy as the cards tbqh

no the thule society actually exists and hitler was really into the occult

That one destroys all good conversation, instantly.


>listening to flat earth podcast right now fampai

not sold on it, but the ramifications are huge if it is.


Wow he even predicted that souless wide-eyed look marxists have.

is there anyway you can get those in higher detail so I can read them?

>we have kek
>False Idols
See pic related, they have a card for that too

Could be right, that's just what i saw when i googled it

Is there some place someone could download all these cards?

know something does not mean its right

Literally the Trump Card

chain letter is fucking clinton.

Like I said, I keep meaning to scan my set, see My pics are just from the ebay page where I bought them from years back

Get fucked.

Oh I didn't know that. Guess you really do learn something every day.



Not really, I have been meaning to scan them all then upload for pols viewing pleasure, but too lazy atm

Here is a list off all the cards though:



well in discordianism there aren't really any rules and nothing really matters, very similar to Sup Forums. Gibberish and disorder is just as valuable as order. According to the subgenius cult they want slack, very similar to /r9k/ neethood. Discordianism is chaos magic, our memes are powerful because they have always been chaotic neutral.


>Screaming Meme
Pic related, bottom right...



>he hasnt seen the wtc/pentagon ones

I really want to play this
steam greenlight when?

Read up, into the thread.

>this fuckin thread

I'm getting spooked



>Sudden European vacation
also by boat !?


The only way we defeat them.

So it mean that trump is party of the New world order. So it's not that good

where is this?

I don't know the url but there are multiple sites that have all of the basic set (which includes the ones that came true, but not special sets like the SubGenius, at least that I have seen), as individual and readable jpgs.

where do you buy them?


Its been shoped

God damn it Shlomo, get out of binary and short term thinking for ten seconds, will ya?

>The magic goes away
>nobody knows why

Kek is stealing your magic

read the quote too

People thought it meant the 2012 olympics. The tower and other wall meant big ben and the olympic arena. The people's clothing are olympic colours.

Listen to the expanding earth theory as well

Bought them on ebay a few years back, not cheap

he might be, but hes not on the libtards side, i'd rather be controlled by the russian puppet than the shilldog who wants to emasculate all men.

For you it's good until it's not.

That's all I I can tell you, kike.

Where did that image come from please?

but kek is a magical resource

No it hasn't. One of the clever aspects is they go back over the same concept with parodically similar art. This is done several times and is a pattern.



Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President.... He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.



Fuck, never seen this one before. Milo is our deep agent



Pick one

>negates the privilege of a privileged attack