Der Stürmer cartoons

Post em all. The higher quality, the better.

New additions.










>Implying I can read Kraut
Post the translated ones or kys


Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.



Jesus Christ, these comics is not suitable for Der Sturmer. This is anti semitic and racist, and belongs in the trash.












The guy that published this got hung as a war criminal. That's pretty impressive.




>being an uncultured cuck that can't read most languages thanks to years of Sup Forums shitposting

I can read them, but have some difficulty reading the small as fuck fraktur font.















I always admired this one. 1488

oy vey.... but I am ok with this.

*hands rubbing*



































can find entire archive at if anyone feels like going through them all.
They also have "The poisonous mushroom," written by Streicher which is both hysterically funny and true.

Good shit right here. Have a bump.














