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>NEW RT Documentary - Amnesty in Wartime:

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>Syria conflict map
>Syria Civil war

>Latakia Aug 9
>East Ghouta Aug 9
>Aleppo City Aug 8
>Manbij Aug 5
>Darayya Aug 5
>Latakia Aug 8

>HEAVY SyAAF/RuAF bombing SW Aleppo
>Reports that Syrian Army have advanced in Sooq al-Jebes (Aqrab)
>In SW Aleppo, SAA recapture al-Sanobrat hill (north of Wadhihi)
>Several convoys with cargo trucks have been able to use the Mallah farms route to supply west Aleppo

>In the early morning surprise IS offensive captured Aliyat hill in northeastern Sweida (between villages Juneineh & Barik), SAA&NDF had to retreat from the hill
>Clashes near Palmyra grain silos, SAA, NDF & Iraqis (probably Liwa Imam al-Ali) vs dozens of IS jihadis
>Hawsh Nasri village in East Ghouta now fully secured by Repub.Guard & NDF


Other urls found in this thread:


bashar wa bas


First for kill takfirs!

like i said Canadian guys. when the canacuck rapefugee start spreading terrorist propoganda here take snaps and go to the cops or internet security or anywhere and report them about this. they will fucking snatch him and kick him out or go to jail.

Nth for VKS and my VSN boys

Dude, their leader is a pro-ISIS guy who love rapefugee cock.

Wal Quran
Wa Bas Walaw qariha al kafirun

Shirk! Takfir!

im sure in there are a lot of people who work in the security will do the good ting and now allow terrorist in their country.

ya sharmouta ana 7aket ma bede khara wa falsafe hon fahem wala la. en2le3 yel3an abok ya ebin el 7aram

i dont post illegal shit lol faggot come at me

>i dont post illegal shit

meanwhile you spread ISIS propaganda. i said i fucking warned you. more shit from you will be sent i swear to god. and you would not like the result

They liberate muslims pedophiles and jail people who talk shit about gays and they pro-marihuana leader, not even kidding.

>spread ISIS propaganda


Unrelated to the general topic I was watching the Top Gear Patagonia Special earlier and I didn't pay attention to how beautiful Chile and Argentina are.

Takfir !

Why were you banned then? Takfir!

nth for KEKFIR!

Nice 7 day siege faggots

for posting gore and gay porn

top kek assadits are on suicide watch now and trying to silence me the soldier of islam LEL

Takfir !

Actually, commies aside, this country is beautiful, i have only to drive into the mountains to see a godly scenario were everything is so outstanding.

But again, commies, and thanks to them i don't have money, don't ask how i can eat with Bachelet. Venezuela Train here we go.

onur confirmed, again

that's the only episode I haven't deleted from my hd

very islamic from you

>soldier of Islam

chile is a shithole country , we can conquer it easily

its called taqiyyah, the thing u use rafidi kalb

well i will say this again, but is funny that even this far right clusterfuck support a based country who had relations with communist countries


where did you find this nonsense in the quran?



nth for *cringe*Takfir!

Hes been saying that he would do such halal things as drinking human blood and eating the flesh of human. Truly a good Muslim

The political situation doesn't affect how a country or even a place looks. These beautiful mountains were right in front of my college which was a liberal shithole. Hopefully, you'll get more money from your career soon.
The Africa special was better tbhfam.

Are you indian or what?

I said where do you find such thing in the quran?

This is what we in the West call "sarcasm" my friend

I bet I know who's been printing and handing out all these fake qurans.

oh you are a different guy.

you canadians need to gather your shit against your government or sooner and later your country will be ISIS tier shithole

Our security services do nothing care too much about edgy maymay Sup Forums shit posters unfortunately

Last year i went up to the mountains near my city in winter, was amazing to see all white. I truly believe that this country has one of the most outstandings nature of the world.

pretending you are not muslim is allowed in quran
>5 v 1
kek faggot
it was metaphor

your security service seems do nothing against ISIS shills and sympathizers using in the internet and threatening people unfortunately. and it seems it does not care making full jihad inside its country.

pretending you are a muslims without practicing laws from the quran is not allowed in the quran.

now go find me the verse

It's onurd on a canadian proxy anyway.




>ISIS shills and sympathizers using in the internet and threatening people unfortunately
im none of them :P

>now go find me the verse

Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters Unbelief,- except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith - but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty.

an-Nahl 16:106

Anyone have that image of based assad laughing with his face over donkey kong?


in time we will swiftly take south america, chile is a shit coastal line easy to conquer

No but I still need the
>cover me, abu hajar!
meme image.

yea that's why you're always posting gay shit

>bashar wa bas

What does this mean? This has been posted multiple times and I still haven't seen a translation of it.

I think it might translate to "Based Bashar"

The verse here is talking about who left islam. and not practicing filth. you uneducated twat

>Reinforced Pro-Government Forces Advancing in Southern Aleppo


Get hyped boys. The SAA is going to close the corridor!

its to trick you khafir fucks
no its if you leave islam under compulsion and dont mean it its ok, like now

Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah , and for them is a great punishment;

thats not what it says you fuck. go find another religion to yourself kafir.

Good luck with that, TAKFIR!!

This one?

>except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith
learn to read kaffir


Ooooh that's going to be a beautiful happening. May god have mercy for the daesh, cause they're going to get fucking tortured, the poor faggots.


fucking low test pasty white faggots step it up

you are not forced to do it. but you do it to yourself. ignorant fuck

/sg/ isn't really a nazi sound chamber at all

there's plenty of moderate reasons to prefer the last secular arab state over an islamist junta. but some here do prefer the latter.

i am because the kuffar are forcing me to be kaffir

you are the only kaffir here

if you only know the meaning of kaffir and how it is applied. i call these people People and Humans

I'm sure and I seen some pretty stuff. I was pretty impressed from a now off air British show.
Twenty push ups is a lot for a starving African. Takbir!


And this's the sky i have few kilomemes out of my city

You don't ever see anything crazy going on in the southern sky, do you?

i believe in quran, allah and muhammad

quran is my constitution, not yours, and you call me kaffir?

u are secular atheist alawite

triple 7s oh my allah! takbir

1- you dont practice the quran properly. you victimize yourself.

2- is a constitution you do as what it says not what you want it to say

3- and you are a kaffir rapist jihadi terrorist

Nope, that's kekism, you're officially worshipping another god, now allah will smite you for your apostacy, TAKBIR!!!

Very nice. I would like to see the southern sky one day. I could see stars like that if I go deep into the Rockies back in Colorado.

>1- you dont practice the quran properly. you victimize yourself.
you just tried to silence me

>2- is a constitution you do as what it says not what you want it to say
you are munafiq and you know it, secular dog

>3- and you are a kaffir rapist jihadi terrorist
just ask any kaffir on Sup Forums and they will tell u true islam is sunni islam, shia is zoroastrian mixed with islam and alawi is not islam


Fuck you and Bashar, you cunt.

>A wanna be muslim trying to teach a real muslim how to be a muslim

Subarashii desu, TABKIR!!

1- yes. because filth like you make islam turn to satanism

2- how ironic.

3- true islam is only islam.

go back to your tiny shithole

mashallah bahrain, keep killing those shiah sawafi

Hi Otto

>red qatar

islam = islamism

if u reject u are kafir

When are you guys finally going to overthrow that dictator in your country?

So now that Hillary is going to win, Assad is truly fucked.

>islam = Islamism

i think you wanted to tell us takfirism and salafism

Hillary has to survive long enough to win, and with her health being what it is...

No he isn't, unless Hillary's puppetmaster is willing to gamble the whole world and (((whoever it is))) is not so stupid. Hillary is just irl shitposting for the backer support.

why the fuck do youse still persist in responding to the takfiri and other nusrat shills?

w h y

Because no one is posting maps or tweets.

No news, is funny and we have new meme.

I see UFO a lot in that skies, this part of Chile is pretty weird.

thats what im thinking.
i think it is time to block him and not respond to him anymore

so is it proxy season or did /sg/ get linked in the one of leddit's jihadi support groups

Can't wait for Iran to take over the region and evicts your burger protectors out.


>I see UFO a lot in that skies
Figured as much.

Clinton Foundations paying proxies and takfirddit faggots to try to bullshit /sg/

Jihadi ghost or whatever he is called from Twitter and his subhuman circlejerk are raiding.

here is one thing about bahrain.

>spots Irani military ship doing its daily routine in the gulf sea
>all bahrani people panic and fly away to somewhere in Europe and America