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Join Lambrights Jihad.

this could legit end up being the biggest political story of our lives

>tips tinfoil fedora

Bumpin before work

Stay strong faggot

No, seriously, either Rich was a leak or he wasn't, and it's too late to save him if he was. Assange is bullshitting.
>WikiLeaks Offers $20K Reward for Information in Murder of DNC Staffer Seth Rich

>dnc staff gets murdered
>he was the dnc leak source
Totally a coincidence, I'm #Shill4Hill now.

Lambright is an immense faggot who can't even clean his pool.

I'm not dying for some neckbeard balding fatass.

>whistlerblower died
>hillary has helped to indict far more of them in the past
>potus mentions owl in speech, holy wtf
>all this media censhorship, manipulation

Go to 1:01 and slow it down

He clearly nods in affirmation

Sup Forums was right again

>no cartoon photos


Julianne Assange has lost all credibility. He's a thin alex jones who is slightly more unhinged but has doesnt have sever adhd. He is nothing and this is nothing .

>inb4 le danke le correct le recorddddd

holy shit

Joe the Plumber here, heard you got a leak?


For those who wish to see how it was broadcast to the Dutch public.

Ask The Young Turds why they refuse to talk about this!

>Exposed corruption at the DNC
>Got two different DNC chairs ousted in 24 hours
>That showed the world the DWS/Kaine play with HRC

Yeah, sure didn't accomplish anything

>5 shekels have been deposited

>$0.07 USD has been deposited into your account. Thanks for Correcting the Record.

I just posted a big thing on NormieBlog about this, probably havent' said anything on there for a year and a half, haven't been truly active or updated it in at least 2 1/2 years.

Now I'm definitely on some kinda NSA list.

Was nice knowing you all, Hillary's coming for me next.

I'll transfer my entire CTR account to you in exchanged for a reasoned explanation why Assange wouldn't own a dead leak.

are you fucking kidding dude? Alex jones could only dream of being this coherent.

>5 shekels have been deducted for le stale maymays

>Julianne Assange has lost all credibility. He's a thin alex jones who is slightly more unhinged but has doesnt have sever adhd. He is nothing and this is nothing .

So...what has he done to lose credibility? everything wikileaks has put out has been 100% accurate.

Your post doesn't even deserve the .05c you got from it.

all i see when i watch chunk now is this:

nah, this is the borderline coherence of a not-very-bright conspiracy theorist. nothing better than jones or coast to coast etc.

Thank you for correcting the record.


When it first came up a month ago many here were wondering if he was the leak.

he is an alt-right/russian political hack

he has always been a dim narcissist which is why the nyt and the guardian stopped working with him. hes a real sack of shit.

What's it like posting in an office with other shills for money?

it looks bad exposing an anonymous leak. Makes ppl less likely to make more leaks.

haha Vote hillary, as they say

thank you for may-may-ing


Lol Trump shills are now relying on conspiracies.

FUck off you stupid fuck. Hillary is winning.

Basic info and timeline

DNC employee Seth Rich is murdered in a robbery where nothing was robbed

Wikileaks leaks info that fucks the DNC seven ways

Assange implies Seth was the leaker


i have literally no idea. whats it like being severely autistic? can you go out in public or use the bathroom on your own?

anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;

anonymousFuntion2 = function( >9B3E595A37AE4682BA443FDB6595B110 ){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;


how is it le may may? would you prefer if i just said neo-nazi?

cause she's cheating and murdering people.

she has to make it convincing though, or else there'll be civil unrest, and I'm not so sure she can.

>"it's totally a coincidence that the dnc leak source was murdered, guys, just trust me and my flag"

The best thing about all this is that Trump is opposed to almost everything Assange stands for. Julian has no reason whatsoever to like him or to favor him. If he's going after Hillary Clinton, and he's dropping hints like this, then it has to be 100 percent legit. He knows about the murders, and he might even have proof.

So you Shill For Hill for free?



The leak exposed itself to the DNC. Acknowledging that Rich was executed to silence him gives Assange credibility... IF Rich was a leak.

This waffling tells me he wasn't.

What does he gain from doing that? Why would you ever sacrifice your enemy's uncertainty?

Bomp fo sho

at least you an ineffective troll/shill.

I think I actually saw the local coverage of that guy getting killed a while back. I live near DC and one morning I saw on the news that a DNC staffer had gotten shot in a mugging. I was looking into the Clinton foundation at the time so I was pretty suspicious of it. Guess I was right.

Bump for justice

If it's true that the DNC killed Rich because they knew he was a leak, then Assange already lost their uncertainty.

the leak is dead you moron.



yeah, crazily enough i say shit i believe online sometimes. wild right?


50 reichstagggggggs in ur um account right lol?????

So youre telling me that the assassination of a political staffer 100 days before an election is somehow suspicious? That's it, I'm now #ShillForThehills.

This is pretty good.

Gas the kikes and we'll call it good.

only thread on /politics as of now and its been downvoted to hell. dont let them slide this shit



wtf I ignore presidenhtial candidates murdering their colleagues now!

im with her

not drumpf with me ok

And if the murder """can't""" be proven to be what it is, he's given up the identity of a source for naught. Now gib your ctr shillings to the fucking leaf.

I hope the cunts at See Tea Arr are paying you enough, cuz your putting some effort into your shit.


The identity of a DEAD SOURCE. What's gonna happen, the Secret Service digs him up so they can rebury him with garlic down his neck hole?

>Hilary turns herself in for the extra campaign money
Please let it happen

Did he actually think he made an argument?


Both Trump Clinton are crooked.

But 1 is home burglar level and the other is Al Capone snorting Machiavelli's dead ashes while Satan prances w delight.

anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;

anonymousFuntion2 = function( >9B3E595A37AE4682BA443FDB6595B110 ){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;


Makes you think

Inside info for you guys as I start the night, only two in here, that means this thread is low priority. You fuckers suck

I'm not into the whole conspiracy, Alex Jones tier retardation and blatant lies but this stuff... is pretty... legit.

Slate and Snopes have made articles arguing against the conspiracy theory but after reading them they seem to be strawmen, attacking specific claims made by some hack website. They say that Seth could not have been the leak because he wasn't working in some senior position, as if leaks are absolutely incapable of coming from someone who just knows where to find the resources and knew a thing or two about computer security.

The very next article I saw on Slate was talking about Trump & Russia colluding together in "cyberwarfare" against Hillary and it pisses me off how they make up claims like this without referring to it as a conspiracy theory yet constantly attack their opponents with the pejorative "conspiracy theory".

Assange may be blowing smoke here to lend credence to his organisation and condemn Hillary by implying assassination and there is a question that if you had damning evidence of Seth as your source then why not just release it? He is dead... that part doesn't make sense to me beyond some kind of stringent policy of never divulging a source/

But otherwise, I think it's not unreasonable to call foul play here. Let's not forget that politicians openly call for the execution of people like Assange and Snowden.

Credibility clearly means nothing to a CTR shill.

how did I miss this the first time?

>Nothing you said makes any sense. If they murdered him and he was the source then there's no point in assman being quiet about. They already know who he's been talking to. Assman is just bullshitting again because he loves attention more than anything

It's also possible that it was a dead drop and he had no idea it was Seth, or maybe he knew it was Seth but has 0 physical evidence. Being arguably the most important entity in this upcoming election, Julian can't afford to be making solid claims without hard facts to back it up. If he claimed it was Seth and had no proof the democrats would dismiss any following scandal with "Wikileaks guy just makes shit up."


>They say that Seth could not have been the leak because he wasn't working in some senior position
He was a DNC Data Director. Perfect position for a leak.

he's just listening.
he's interviewing by satellite and there is a delay so he got interrupted


Seth Rich, walking home, gets mugged by 1 or more assailants, and he reportedly fought back; somehow someone manages to get behind him and shoots Seth several times in the back. He dies later, with the EMTs. No wallet, phone or watch, was stolen.

From this:

Someone either panicked and shot Seth during a fight in the back (which kinda points to Seth being not much of a threat at this time in the fight, unless there was more than one mugger), it was a gang initiation of random murder, or something else.

Seth worked in the DNC with voting shit.

Leaks from the DNC are released after his death, which show corruption/fraud amongst the DNC.

Assange is implying that Seth may be the leaker or something similar.

Clearly, there's enough circumstantial evidence here to investigate leads other than robbery or gang related

yeah how the hell would they know what jobs granted access to specific data

snopes is a bullshit site

Assange has no reason to bring that up unless it's true.

>Julian can't afford to be making solid claims without hard facts to back it up

He shouldn't be making ANY claims. He wants to have his 'look! look! my leaks are always in danger, this could happen to them!' cake while eating plausible deniability, too. He can't have it both ways.

Jesus Christ, this woman is not suitable for the role of President. She is a murderer and lying hag, and belongs in jail.

Oh right. I'm expecting a shill to be capable of thinking politically here. Safe bet to assume standing by your word is a concept beyond your grasp as well. You guys are fucking bores, you know that?

Jesus that's terrifying, bump

Look, 53 years later with photographic , audio, deathbed confession evidence and 1979 Church comission findings, we're still questioning JFK assassination.
Because the Bush Cabal is still in charge. And they are going to do EVERYTHING to stay in charge.
Iran-contra-crack deal from the 80s. That just became tied up w the $400 mill this week. Thats Poppy Bush. This family goes back to the 30s & Hitlers banker.
911 has their fingerprints all over it. Yet constant disinfo.
>Voter Expansion Data Director
>Experienced and impassioned data analyst

Because media hates sourcing things

No, please, tell me how Rich could get even deader if he was exposed. Maybe Hillary will give him some of the youth serum she siphons out of Bill's spine just so she can enjoy murdering him a second time.

all four of these cases was suicide cases; there is nothing to think about, people in politics kill themselves all the time. Politics is the main causation of suicide in many parts of the world - Northern Europe oddly enough being the exception