I am a Jew, ask me anything, Goyim

I am a Jew, ask me anything, Goyim.

Do you love Japan

how many jews can you fit in an ashtray?

Yes, but it's a pop cultural thing. I even knew people who learned Jap, but most knew it's really a crappy place to live in.

When are you going to pay us for all the good we did you?

Your orgs demand a whole lot of cash for bullshit tiny grievances and shit Soviets or Germans did, but don't intend to pay out for when we saved your asses by the milion. So maybe Israel should give us some warheads at least.

gib moneys you cheapo fucks

Why do Jews hate whites so much

A swine jew called "Charlie"..... fuck off from Palestine.

>Your orgs demand a whole lot of cash for bullshit tiny grievances and shit Soviets or Germans did, but don't intend to pay out for when we saved your asses by the milion.

For the same reason Muslims hate Whites.

Lets start with something simple: we accepted millions of Jews fleeing their soviet bros from Russia. Then after ww2 (which fucked us because we denied Hitler's friend request btw) all those 2nd generation refugee litvak fucks were all commies, aligned w/ Soviets, staffed something like 45% of the pupped government and had a big part in fucking this place up even more as well as tormenting the local populace. How do you price that? Lets begin with a modest half a trillion and work our way up from there.

70kg of ash won't fit in an ash tray, use your head

Pay denbts to the poles rabbi, don't act schmuck all of sudden

Would you prefer if I have sex with your wife with a condom or without?

can i enter a synagoge if im not a filthy kike?

Do the Israeli students learn religious things or events in school?
Do teachers tell students that the world was made by the god?

Do you know russian? How many jews know russian?

Are you rich? Do you have contacts in the banking industry?

Whats your favorite WoW class?

How can I turn into a jew?

I'm from Sri Lanka. Fuck Jew.

Fuck Jew = You. Get it?

post fucking machines

What does this say?

Hey that's my name

is israel a shithole?

why do jews hate humanity?

Do you worship God? (Please convert to Christianity)
Do you lot think of yourselves as European and/or Middle Eastern (Semites)?
How would Israelis and Palestinians treat an Irish pilgrim who is neither Mulsim nor Jew?

>shit Soviets or Germans did

How to get jewish gf

למה \ישר\ מת

Answer question please

>come to israel and meet a chick on tinder
>offer her a better life in germany

Thank you star

They're all like

>today I will promote Israel abroad!/muffled JIDF anthem in the background
>random poster: what about [uncomfortable subject]