Other urls found in this thread:
>lower wages
>fewer jobs
thats not how it works, its actually inverse.
5.Kill puppies
Bringing back factories to America
Opening back up the coal mines SHE brags about closing.
wtf planet am I on? I was happier before red-pilled
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
stumped by based hillary
6. abuse of women
dont you have some mehmed Schwant zu lutschen Hans?
You trust this racist billionaire with nukes? You're going to start WWIII you NEET-o Nazis.
7. exterminate all minorities
shes talking to dindus and LA-TEEE-NO you NO?
8.Make KKK great agaim
Lower wages mean lower costs for employers it means more employment.
Tax breaks for rich means they will invest more which means more employment and more taxes.
Fucking witch contridict herself. Fuck it's econ 101. They teach it with fancy graphs. Does even the bitch know wtf is econ 101?
And trump's main aim is that bringing manufactures back to US.
9.implement the fine ol' solution
wtf i'm #poo4hill now
Well fuck my ass silly I am now a #jebhead
Funny, how about that time the Clinton Foundation shilled for a sub $0.60 minimum wage in Haiti because raising it would create fewer jobs on your brother Todd's nigger farm?
And you don't even pay taxes there because charity :)
You won't know in your land of dictatorship faggot.
Either way trickle down economics fails and fails badly.
10.nuke cali
nigger, taxes kill jobs and manufacturing, trickle down isn't even a theory it's how business fucking works, governments can't make jobs they just relocate them to what is convenient to them
Why would a charity need to pay taxes? They aren't for profit.
11. nuke cali again
lol why does Hillary even make tweets? Wasn't it proven that the vast majority of her followers are fake accounts? She's literally tweeting to bots that her team created. Talk about living in a bubble.
>Does even the bitch know wtf is econ 101?
Obviously not or she wouldn't be a Democrat.
This stupid wall-street whore is for the 0.1%.
12.nuke cali a third time (just to be sure)
12.roll up the constitution and smoke it
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
chain broken, wrong number, killing self
quick,edit your post!
It's like op isn't even trying.
Get deported to Mexico.
Do not Correct the Record.
Do not collect $0.02
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
You think daddy trump really cares?
That's right that's why I've taken the #jillpill
I misspelled again, I better kill myself too
You even trying?
haha unlike my opponent I'll raise your wages while giving you more jobs and other free stuff! Because fuck logic.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
13. Send flowers to Hillary Clinton in prison and a cigar that explodes when she tries to smoke it.
nobody cares
Yeah fuck salaries. Nobody will sell anything if they need to pay tax on it. Ah. The landed gentry. SUM BAD SAUSAGES SIR DID I EAT YES SIR SOME BAD SAUSAGES
>telling lies on the internet
Kill yourself
I haven't seen that gif in a looooong time
How old are those kids by now?
that gif tho
I mean literally all of those are lies
Why leftists deny the fucking facts. Lower wages means more jobs. It is fact like water boils at 100 degrees celsius. It is fact in Turkey, it is fact in Australia, it is fact in Peru.
Actually he eliminates income tax for Americans who make $25,000 or less a year. Does she think we're retarded?
fucking travesty
>tax hikes for the 99.9%
9. assassinate DNC
14.Kill the party of Abraham Lincoln
actually its econ 103
>It is fact like water boils at 100 degrees celsius
but user thats wrong
Hello Sanader, enjoying your 100.000€ a week vacation?
Too much salty
Is Hillary autistic?