deep down you all must know and accept this
Deep down you all must know and accept this
Gary Johnson is excellent and I am voting for him.
nobody believes this
Not an argument.
We are to deal with the hand we are dealt. The United States is not fucking "doomed". Evil becomes less evil when it gains attention. We'll see which candidate this principle is most effective on. (Hillary)
Not an argument.
Nope. There's only 2 parties, globalists and nationalists. Everything else is to distract the herd. You know it to be true.
>people unironically disliking Trump
Spoken like an actual American
What is folding?
voting for a third party is like voting for whichever party is closer to the thirdparty you chose, except instead of your vote being useful, it's just thrown into the trash
waste of gas money if you're driving to a voting place
No, Trump is alright.
>not an Argument
Sorry to tell you, but greentexting "Not an argument" is also not an argument.
I'd be surprised anyone denies it.
Oh wait, it's Sup Forums. No matter what I say, someone will doubt it.
I could hold the platform of "curb stomping babies is bad" and someone here, undoubtedly, will spend vast amounts of effort to argue how curb stomping infants is good.
Play on, player.
>pro TPP
yeah nah, he's a cunt.
>copy paste argument
>no refutation
No surprise there.
I hate these cucks more than anything.
Don't forget he's an open border globalist cuck
I'm glad you're concerned for my travel costs. Fortunately, my polling stations are in walking distance.