>Recently, the Immigration Reform Law Institute obtained government records showing that between FY2013 and May of this year, almost one million H-1B petitions for imported white collar workers were approved by DHS officials. And of all those successful petitions, a whopping 70% went to white collar workers from India.

>But if the H-1B program really is meant to correct the failings of our education system, as BigTech’s new messaging push implies, why is it importing so many people from India? According to results from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), a global standardized math and science assessment sponsored by the OECD, India scored almost dead last among the 74 countries tested. The results were apparently so embarrassing that the country pulled out of the program all together. Not surprisingly then, there isn’t a single Indian university that appears within the top 250 spots of the World University Rankings Survey.

Other urls found in this thread:

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Seems more like companies just don't want to pay for this information you can learn for free online, when you can import and indian and pay them less than minimum wage as an intern, with the same knowledge as someone who spent hundreds of thousands going to a prestigious university to learn the same exact shit from google.

Yeah it's like I said here: Americans only care about Social Justice bullshit.

Didn't they lay off a bunch of workers not too long ago?

This also might explain why everything Microsoft has made recently has been pure shit.


Not an argument.

Truly glad I didn't choose major in anything programming related

I went chemical engineering, fuck if I know what I'm going to do for a job. However are the other students that are in my classes are either White or Asian, so that's a reassuring sign.

duh. ever wonder why Microsoft and Adobe software quality is shit-tier and open source apps are better? Also, check out what percentage of USA high school grads enroll and STEM and then what percentage actually graduate, it is tiny. I am an anglo in silicon valley and most of my coworkers are chinese indian russian vietnamese

Posted here last night. I'll post it again.

Fuck Indians and Chinese in US colleges. I went to a school with some of the most international students and all they do is cheat. They are all apart of cheating rings. They have private WhatsApp/Facebook groups for sharing projects, homeworks, labs, etc. Even the Chinese and Indian TAs are in on it too.

Tech companies do this because they can pay H-1B workers much less than American workers, work them longer hours, and the H-1B workers can't really protest or do anything because the tech company can fire them and then they are deported.

Just another weakness in the H-1B visa overall, there have been many intelligent people that have benefited our country come here on this type of visa, but the vast majority of them are simply taking American jobs for less pay like other immigrants.

Dude I graduated from Purdue and I fucking hated all the Chinese nationals. They would cheat and were gross with their frog whispers language

smelly too

I graduated (purdue is good) and now at UCSD grad school

We hired some poo in loo programmers on student visas (got a masters at SDSU)

They are dumb as shit. Poo for brains.


in glad I studied programming .
the whole agile development meme makes immigrant workers useless anyway

Atleast Russians are white

And Asians are pretty decent too.

Indians can be alright

>tfw Sup Forums becomes pro-worker when you mention immigrants

I know a lot about programming and I initially thought I would go with it but then I had a change of heart.

My cousin taught he Java when I was 13 and I learned c and c++ on my own.

Chemical engineering is better in the end

Chinese have no shame in staring at other people's exams. They also whisper to each other. The Indians come in to exams with plans. They do the triangle method where the smartest guy sits at the apex while each row cheats off the guy in front of them.
A whole bunch of poo in loos got in trouble in ECE 201. Professor was suspicious when all poo in loos sat next to each other before an exam started so the professor put one of his research assistance behind them to pretend to be a student during the exam and a whole bunch of them were caught.

breaking news, the reason poo in the loos know how to do tech jobs is because Bill gates and friends literally built tech schools in the 80s and 90s to train indian replacement workers who are up to american standards but have a lower standard of living. This isn't a 'failing of the american system' but an intentional displacement of it.

best part about that is ok so you got a good grade from cheating

now when you enter the job market you will be so experienced and skilled and hard working!

>Love it how it's like clockwork a FOB crashes his $50k+++ car into a building every month
>My parked car was totaled by a drunk poo in loo

Enjoy it as your software quality plummets with hiring a bunch of 2nd language english programmers that only know how to get from point A to point B, performance be damned, and don't give a fuck about artifacting. Mmmm delicious spaghetti code and 4 year life cycle.

> Indians can be alright

> my friend

makes me eye twitching already

It's true.

Silicon Valley hires international people all the time because they are willing to work like slaves for lower wages than Americans. They will work like slaves for years (Indians, Asians, etc).

Also when international people come with H1B Visas, they have higher education and work 5-10x harder than others because they have more to lose.

It's just human nature, people.

>Graduated from US top ranked college in Computer Engineering
>Be one of a handful of people that actually understand the material well enough to lead projects and be given large amounts of power, oversight, and freedom
>You're left hiring morons from the US or morons from India. They're almost equivalent in their inability write coherent code or think critically. The only bonus for US morons is that they at least speak the language and can do documentation

No matter what, as lead dev; you're playing cleanup for these assholes. In my field hiring non-American isn't an option; but I very rarely bump into people that make working with them rewarding. I can't imagine it's much different at Microshit.

>you're playing cleanup for these assholes

FUCKING THIS. My first year developing professionally was cleaning up some poo in loo's contract code. It was the worst fucking code I've ever seen. Zero regard for anything but getting the application to look like it works, sneaking it past QA. We learned our lesson and our company no longer hires non-citizens.

>they have higher education and work 5-10x harder than others because they have more to lose.
Not at all true. Finding an incredibly intelligent international employee is hard as fuck. They're usually heavily employed in their home country or they know what their going wage is; and won't be low-balled.

The H1B Visa holders that traditionally come from India are not cream of the crop. They're not even middle of the road. They're usually shit. But to be fair, most US software devs are complete shit too. The only difference is that US software devs know what they're worth.

I have no personal problem with US Software devs being utilized over cheap Indian labor. It's just the reality of the market right now.

Point being, if H1B didn't happen, most silicon valley companies wouldn't be where they are today.

People are willing to work slave wages/hours.

I think it's fine, it sharpens everyone else anyway. Competition is a good thing, survival of the fittest.....not stupid socialist bullshit.

The most important question, outside of frameworks and "agile bullshit," should be refactoring.

If they have no fucking idea what refactoring means, fuck'em. They can eat a steaming pile of dicks.

>pic related: my face when I sit in on interviews

Pajiet and his inbreed cousins can't hack it as well. I know I've had to deal with their fuck ups.

That's not at all what I'm saying. What I'm implying is that it doesn't fucking matter if they're H1B Visa holders or US Software Dev's. Our salaries are a line item when compared to marketing. Especially when they start hiring these assholes for product maintenance/bug fixing.

The language barrier alone kind of fucks over clear cut project requirements. You're constantly getting into heated arguments because Kirpal can't figure out what the fuck "should be launched as a non-breaking thread" means.

this is just damage control

we all the the real reason for the H1B flood is that traitorous cunts like Bill Gates want slave labor instead of paid American workers


Ugh... And going to college campuses for recruiting...

>Hello, my name is aksnbgn;a owieht and I have a 12 page resume 18 pt. font.
>I basically go to school until one of you dumbasses will hire me so I can stay in US.

Best advice I got from my teacher:

"Spend at least 2 weeks to a month crafting your first resume. The more work you put into it, the more the guy reading it will think you give a fuck."

I was told during my interview that I had "The most beautifully organized resume she had ever seen."

wtf i hate capitalism now

Why hack it?

But user, persecuting the poor ethnic minorities that cheat in a system clearly set up to benefit CIS white males is racist. You don't want to be a racist, do you?

wrong thread shill

They just want cheap third world labor, it's the same thing as when they advertise ridiculously low pay for a job and then claim nobody applied so they need a foreigner.

lol these Chinese all drive at least an Audi. So nice b8.

It's a win/win for companies. If they paid a premium and hired good programmers who built software that just werks, nobody would have any incentive to upgrade.

Now they just pay shitty pajeets half a wage, release broken software push fixes as upgrades.

I did a career development class in high school where I made a resume. That was my first and last resume. After that, I would just update it over and over.

I see these ugly ass resumes, and see that they couldn't take the time to go to the college-provided resume building sessions. At least google a damn resume to see what it should look like, not just a plain bulleted list!

I spend 60% of my time in IT fixing mistakes the Poo's did.

They honestly cost the company more money then they save.

Its only old crusty baby boomer women in HR that think that do the company any good.

>Its only old crusty baby boomer women in HR that think that do the company any good.
Yup. They need to get burned a few times before they finally get it. We had a poo in loo that lasted 8 months. We no longer hire poos in loo, but don't tell anyone ;)


management likes docile little sheep that will accept whatever, while still having some kind of training

nationals would demand a better treatment even if they can barely flip burgers, so it is not a possible route for management either

I work in Silicon Valley, and I can tell you, everyone has a horror story about dealing with shit contractor code, or working with an incompetent H1b programmer from either India or China. It's always the same story. Their company decides it wants to save some money so they get either Ranjeets Very Good Sir Contract Code My Friend, or they hire Chan Wang from Xiamen to work for them. They pay them 75% what they would pay the same FTE from the US. The boss is happy, the recruiters think they are geniuses because of this great cost saving measure. What inevitably ends up happening is the American code team has to stop what they're doing, spend most of their time making sure that the new coders have the slightest clue what they are doing, reviewing every commit they make to make sure it's not garbage, and eventually just end up doing it over anyway. Every single time, the company ends up realizing what a shit idea it was and going back to the old way. Then a year later, some other dimwit will try it again and the same fucking thing happens

Haha no. At least, that's not how we do it. We have a product that has lasted over 10 years with no more than 300 outstanding issues at once (this is a huge product). For reference, one of our customers is Walmart. It takes care of all of their billing, for every store. This gives us time to build completely new projects.

Currently I'm putting together a team to replace our outsourced HR software to make our own, then to sell it to our customers. Good software requires less maintenance, giving time for more flexibility. A programmer's nightmare is software with bad frameworks.

FUck that, i want jesus christ for president now.

The big problem isn't just code quality. They have no real creativity, so you have to explicitly tell them what code to write, to the point where you might as well write it yourself. They have no leadership skills or self motivation, so you have to constantly make sure they have something to work on, because they won't go looking for stuff to fix. It's honestly like working with robots that can only regurgitate what they learned at their shit tier Pakistani college

Kek, I hope this is a Sup Forumsack trolling, cuz they posted the script earlier.

this comment is bullshit. office and windows are the best they;ve ever been. It's the first time i've actually purchased office and windows legit in 20 years.

You clearly dont pay attention

>pampered overpaid Americans are getting screwed by "free market" they claim to worship
Warms my heart. Especially great if it happens to a libertarian.

This was posted yesterday too.Please come up with OC you fag.
>inb4 poo in loo pajeet go use a toilet.

I won't read teh thread but the real reason tech comapines want H-1B visa's is THE LABOR IS CHEAPER.
period. IT wages are through the roof right now. more workers =lower wages. simple economics. Plus visa workers are especially exploitable

Utter bollocks. Worked with msft tech for a decade before saying "fucking retards" and migrating everything I touched to Linux.

>In other news: Illegals do the jobs Americans "won't do".

At first this comment confused me. Then I saw the flag. Pakistan is just showing solidarity with its brothers in Microdicks. Just like jews, I swear.

if you google "skilled worker shortage", most of the top results have clearly seen through their schemes. The goyim are no longer stupid enough to buy it.

This is because working for Microsoft is bullshit. I know two people who worked there as programmers, nothing but bad stories.

Also pic related

This, fuck drumpf

This thread is a sad fulfillment of what wasn't the point.

The point of the article was that companies are claiming the US is too dumb while hiring people who are actually even dumber.
It's right there in the OP did none of you read past the fucking subject line?

The GDP per capita in India is $1500
The GDP per capita in America is $53,000

Only 1% of US population makes more than $250k

Translating to 1% of Indian population making more than $7500.

The most educated people in India earn less by a factor of nearly 8-10.

You can literally hire poo Computer Science PhDs for pennies on the dollar and he thinks he's hit the jackpot at $35,000 per year.

I can't compete with that.

I have a degree in Applied Mathematics, founded my own startup (failed), and I can't get a fucking job in entry level accounting in Los Angeles.

That invalidates the comments here how?

Let me correct that.

Indians are paid less by a factor of nearly 50.

How the fuck can I compete with that?

$25,000 a year has to seem like immeasurable wealth to these people.

>The GDP per capita in America is $53,000
This is a fucking terrible measure. The median income in America is actually less than $30k.

This. 1 in 2 Americans earns under 30K per year.

There's a reason anti-depressants are extremely popular here.

Pick whatever statistic you want.

Median income for India is $616 - still preserves the 50x ratio I mention. In fact, this makes an even stronger case if you use median income.

just checked, you have to google "STEM shortage" to get those results, "skilled worker" is too ambigious and still mostly lies

Welcome to the purpose of libertarianism. You either compete with third worlders for jobs or you accept third world standards and wages. You get no other options but ballot by bullet.

This country is going straight to hell. And all so the billionaires can pinch more pennies like jews. It's literally insane.

How can anyone compete with a person who is willing to accept absolute dirt for payment?

It simply cannot be done.

That's the point. Your choice is taken away. You either compete or get replaced. This is literally what libertarians are fighting for. They're traitors destroying the prosperity of the West and should be exterminated.

This, except the pooinloos are still completely retarded.

I mean, if everyone is conspiring to do it together, who else can you turn to?

LInux. kek. yes the completely impractical solution for every home /SME

No one takes advice for fucking leafs. Know your place.

>Mexicans are taking our jobs!
>Poos and chinks are being trucked in by the boatload to work in actually white America
>no one cares

Muh fukken sides


AS a Americunt Burger you are easily confused. This is why pajeets steal your jobs

The H-1B program is literally cancer for college graduates: consider that approximately 300,000 H-1B candidates per year are imported from 3rd world countries - equal to number of US stem graduates per year. 2 out every 3 entry level tech jobs are taken by these individuals. In addition, the median income for these imported workers in their home country is approximately $500-1000 PER YEAR ---> meaning you can import Computer Science PhDs from India and pay them $20,000 a year, or $10/hr, and that is a sum which seems immeasurable in comparison to what they could expect in their countries of origin. US stem graduates simply cannot compete.

thank you jesus

FML I can relate to all of this... Glad I chose not to go to Microsoft. The "prestigious" name brand would not be worth dealing with that shit.

There is a reason over 90% of computing is done on Linux.

The only bloody IT product your entire country makes runs Linux.

You are retarded.

And we're saying those companies are idiots as they sell their product down the road. What is your point?

It's going to keep getting worse until there's literally an armed revolution. And that's no bullshit. These rich kikes are cruisin for a pogromin.

>Bashing Linux on a thread for anything related to technology
You deserve all the hate.

>Hire a cheap poo in loo with questionable future and skills
>Hire American citizen with community involvement and presentable projects

It's never even close for us.

>tfw you're on an H-1B
Feels good man. Except for the whole needing to get out after 6 years.

you mean americans arent willing to work for shit wages.

>overtime regulations
>sick/vacation leave
>min wage
>employee healthcare
git gud faggot, get a better job loser, should have gone to college in STEM! guaranteed 300k starting

>Paco's lawn service
we need to do more for workers in this country!

this all day long until Trump gets elected

>Still being such a bubble-dwelling autist he doesn't grasp that 99.99999999% of the population is never going to fucking use Linux or learn to fucking code so they can play video games, do work or visit facebook

Linux needs to stop being a hugbox and get its shit together if it actually intends to be relevant.

My misses in in tech. She says her indian co workers are so fucking shit at work. It take more time to fix their mistakes then the benefit of working with her to speed up her project. She loves the insults i taught her from Sup Forums

Hindu nothin

Going back to the point. ordinary users aren't using Linux. They want office not opened sourced office. they want to drag and drop, not using a command line and downloading repos All their software runs on windows, not Linux alternatives. It's why windows 10 and office 365 is a success. because ordinary users are using it in their droves.
Your inability to understand this makes you a fecking retard geek autistic fuck.

I've already told you to fuck off once leaf, don't make me do it again.

fuck linux. it's bullshit, that's why no one uses it.

I here this from everyone (live in silicon valley), and yet it's been happening my entire life


>preaches free software
>you have to pay for it

proofs or gtfo troll

women in tech are fucking useless. It's more likely your missus is fuckign everything up.

>But if the H-1B program really is meant to correct the failings of our education system, as BigTech’s new messaging push implies, why is it importing so many people from India?
Because there are plenty of good candidates to choose from among the top 5%, even in a country full of idiots. And 5% of India represents a pool of 65 million people to draw from, which equals the entire population of the UK.

It might also be a deliberate attempt at a brain drain of India, so that they don't develop into another economic power in Asia.

>brain drain
We don't import the good, expensive ones, Sven.

I like the women programmers much more than the poo in loos. They speak English and are nice to look at. Their code is about the same, though.