Reposting from Assange implies murdered DNC staffer behind leaked emails


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Kek confirms.

Will this be the greatest happening of the 21st century?

So when do you guys think Assange is going to drop the bomb on Clinton? At the last debate so it's all fresh in voters' minds when they go to the polls?


Make sure to spam this in TYT comments section. We need those Bernie votes!


Fuck off with these baseless conspiracies, retard.

I know you cunts are so desperate because Hillary is destroying Trump, but get a grip.

This ain't a conspiracy, bruv.

We /mainstream/ nao.

>drudge report
>not indulging in conspiracy theories
>drudge report


>drudge report
>read by literally everybody who works for the federal government in and around DC
>read by literally every right-winger in America with an internet connection
>not mainstream


Time to rev up those presses boy. We need to get this shit trending.

We need a hash tag?

#DNCMurderCase perhaps?


#HillaryMurderedSeth ?

Let me know what you think.

This man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.


get on it anons


>Hand over his remains to the family Hillary

it's fucking on, lads





death by fingering


Thats a nice hashtag to point all of her other murders.

We are going to need a bigger bunker for this happening.


Was getting caught part of the DNC's plan?

When he knows his case is watertight he will drop the bomb to not let hillary wriggle out of this one. She should have been indicted already with the national security breach. it wasn't. And its not the DNC, its Clinton herself.

By the time this is over, the DNC will implode and the Democratic supporters will split between Green, Libertarian and Republican party.

It will be a three party system. The DNC will be no more.

ok i'm probably going to sound dumb but what the hell are 'assange fingers'?

#CrookedHillary indeed

Spread these memes folks. Time to start red-pilling the masses.

CTR bot in action fucking up

thread gets 404, no archive

It means Assange points the finger at or uncovers

It means Assange implied that the DNC guy who was murdered early last month was the hacker/leaker, not a Russian boogeyman.

Yes, you do sound dumb.

that code is gibberish, it's someone fucking around

This is the stupidest conspiracy you tards have come up with yet i can tell you are getting desperate because Trump is losing so badly to Hillary

you are responding to the very person fucking around, trying to make it a thing


It's not a descriptor of fingers.

It's more like "Assange has fingered" in the has unveiled/pointed out sense.

>Jim is lurking
Hey Jim make another fucking video already

>mfw the next leak drops

Needs to remove the "meeting with FBI" thing from Seth Rich

Why does it matter? Not like they'll ever be able to pin it on her.

shit sorry i can't believe i was actually this dumb, i read it entirely wrong

thanks guys

What are the determining factors for archive vs 404? I migrated from Sup Forums so i'm used to everything 404-ing


meant to quote

Shills are getting worried now.


friendly bump, also fuck the shills they post once and they never post OC

I think people are going to want a little more scratch to put their life on the line.
Not being cynical, just truthful
3 people dead in a month after trying to bring the Stalin Party down will require a bigger reward


I think they just wanted to raise the issue to the public attention. They could set up a go-fund me page to raise 300K no problem.

You underestimate jews


I am hoping that an user who works for the DC police can report back on what caliber bullets were used in the assassination, whether any shell casings were found, what brand of ammo was used, whether expensive self-defense ammo was used, entrance and exit wounds, and so on.

You know, all the basic forensic clues that have so far been buried.

Dont let it die

I understand, but a bigger $$$ amount will attract more attention
You have to go for a big number, like $500K
No one pays attention to a $20k lotto...

Hasn't anybody posted this in the trump general



Just share Metokur's post

This dude is so desperate for attention it's pathetic. Most of his leaks don't contain anything good but he tries to get a bunch of publicity for himself anyway. Douchebag.

I said normiebook not twatter
I have no followers on twatter

Don't know how to make it into a webm, but here's the nod

Is Assange the single greatest shitposter of all time?

Be proud, Oz

Metokur has a normiebook dickhead.

>Fuck off with these baseless conspiracies, retard.


She's going to be so exciting as POTUS, she's going to kill everyone.

Keep bumping you faggots. Don't let this shit slide.


2 shillings 'ave been deposited in ye account ol chap

He caused the ceo and chairman of the dnc to step down. Nice try cockbag

You are going to have 1776 V2 if she actually manages to become president. This is not even a joke at this point.

>Most of his leaks don't contain anything good

It's almost as if they're paying you guys based on quantity of posts and not quality.

Fug :DD

i met some homeless dude yesterday who said he grew up with julian assange, said he was a genius and also said that the real reason US invaded iraq was because they had a biological weapon that could release ebola at any stage of the virus, and now they moved the weapon over to syria and that's why they are now in syria.



>This triggers the Trumptards

getting #whokilledseth trending will get more attention on hillary but how likely is that?

Thank god for wiki leaks

just a bit of banter

Its gonna be over for you Hillshills soon enough. The second the leak drops it is ALL OVER!

I really hope he's got something so big in store that Hillary will have no choice but to apply for political asylum in canada.

>mfw THIS is finally what brings down the Clintons
Please, dear Jesus, I don't pray to you enough but please Lord let this be the end of the Clintons.

This 'code' is as accurate as a Google translation of one of Viktor Orbán's speeches. We get the idea but lose all the flavor and nuance. This is pseudo-code. It will never run.

>Hillary supporters think Trump is the literal reincarnation of Hitler and are told as much by the MSM
>Trump supporters see Hillary as an incompetent, sickly, corrupt, traitorous, gun-grabbing globalist with blood on her hands

November 8 is going to be fun, lads :^)

Who /comfy/ here?

thats gross, why would you finger a dead person

I dont support trump so keep trying cockbag. The dnc is corrupt beyond belief

>I really hope he's got something so big in store that Hillary will have no choice but to apply for political asylum in canada.

One can only dream user. Trump would then humiliate Trudeau and make him surrender Clinton over to the US government.


Too long

>Assange implies murdered DNC staffer behind leaked emails

Did you even watch it mate? He didn't imply that at all.

Doubt it. What you will see, however, is far-right militias declaring certain areas no-go. LEO, who are being vilified by the Dems, won't even bother to patrol these areas because they don't give a shit. It will be a bloodless insurgency - locals get sick of federal bullshit and take control of their own shit.

Source: Federal agents and LEO that I've spoken to in the past have stated that they are most scared of militias precisely for this reason. Imagine a Waco Siege with social media involved. It would be beyond disastrous for the Federal authorities.

You're right. That not so subtle nod wasn't implying anything. It was confirming it.

Hillary is going to die on stage from a stroke
She's already paranoid and suffering from brain damage
She can't handle this stress
How does that feel?

Did you not see him nod "yes" while saying "we don't release our sources?"

Did you not see them offering a reward on information form his murder?

Do you not see the larger game wikileaks is playing by doing that, and getting Seth's name out there?

Are you or are you not a retard?

Why did he bring it up mate. Based on what some anons who have insider information (FBO user one of them) this guy was indeed the leaker that Huma Abedin contacted.

carson is right tho

2deep4u burger

It's entirely possible Assange is just trying to get attention.