Food says a lot about a region: culture, heritage, resources and politics all play a role in what people eat

Food says a lot about a region: culture, heritage, resources and politics all play a role in what people eat.

What are some of Sup Forums's favorite dishes?

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Best thread so far.



I've had some of that in the states, good stuff

Had no idea how it's spelled for the longest time though

No, it doesn't say anything
Arab food is great

all i know is that all the ingredients for rogan josh grow in kashmir


Sheppard's Pie or this Turkey soup my mom makes with a bunch of vegetables


I'm a proud race traitor that loves asian pussy



Same here user
Non smelly pussy
Taiwanese food
Not degenerate
Not feminist
Feels good man

>Food says a lot about a region
I guess that's why the Swedes love nigger balls so much.

Fuck yeah, that's fucking delicious. I haven't had butter chicken in a long fucking time.

Thanks for making me hungry, leaf, you faggot you.

Crabs, oysters, striped bass, flounder, stuffed ham, summer squash, sweet corn, heirloom tomatoes.

Yep, food is good where I'm from.

I feel kind of bad about it because it's sort of stereotypical but I basically seek out bars based on how good their poutine is. It's a horrible stereotype but I'm kind of obsessed with poutine. Even shitty mcdonalds poutine is pretty good when I'm hungover.
Like I pretty much have sources of poutine mapped out in my city entirely based on time of day, level of hangover, and level of drunk.

yummy yummy in my tummy



best food in the fucking world desu senpai



It's a balanced meal as well, potatoes and dairy provide all available nutrients needed to survive. I guess since the fries are cooked maybe vit C is an issue but it's still there in small amounts.

Spic version, pretty good desu

This looks better than the original.

pubic hair/10


Is that a jack crevalle? not too bad when smoked.

I like guacamole and burritos a lot
Pls no bully I still hate Mexicans I promise


Not liking glorious polan food. Shame on you "white" guy.

these are literally the greatest thing ever


no food here
send help

I love hispanics!

Sand nigger pudding the best pudding


Thread reported

I like mine's roasted Achmed.


Why does the exterior of the ribs look like rubber?


Don't be so dense and look closely at the image.

I remember going to a baby eating contest in Chengdu, watch this chinese man down 20 female babies.


Chiko roll maaate

We took the Spring roll, and made it not shit.

what would you get at trump tower Sup Forums?
the gold label burger sounds nice

Are the eatings of aborted babies a black market thing?



congratulations australia, you put your friends moms shitty cooking in roll format.

>tfw Grandmother makes that at least a couple times a year

you shut the fuck up it's good

Gimme kompot and shashlek any day

have u not had ribs before u eat teh reuber :DDD


back when i was in high school they should these things in chiko roll packets called "cornjacks". you wouldnt know it wasnt a chiko roll until you bit into it and it was literally just loose corn inside the batter shell

Usually you just go into the country side and ask around for "Yān zhì bǎobèi". Usually the local butcher will bring out jars of babies, pickled in rice vinegar and salt.

vegetables are for cucks.

Posting the objectively correct answer

Trump Tower steak sandwich.


enjoy your hemmerrhoids and unnurtured body.

>Not always eating delicious pork to trigger Muslims
Step it up, lads.

I'm actually surprised at the pricing on this menu, I would have thought everything would have been 2x the price due to being located on Manhattan Island.

Most people here don't know how to properly cook any part of a pig except bacon.

This makes you healthy user

Alabama here.

>what is pulled pork
>what are ribs

Has Poland ever heard of the Pierogi race held at every Pittsburgh Pirates home game?

>tfw Chester Cheese always gets cucked by Potato Pete and never gets any sweet pierogi pussy from Holly Jalapeno

Motherfucking poutine, the most based food of all.

>Chinese """""""""""customs""""""""""""""

A chicken bacon artichoke pizza is probably my favorite thing to eat at the moment.

fucking gravy on chips


>Perfect luther burger
God bless Based Aaron McGruder For that show.

french fries, chips come in a bag, a fucking American first cooked french fries, we get to name the motherfucking thing.

> Sup Forums has better food discussions than /ck/

These are weird times we're living in.

>wen u spring for michelin

Simple yet effective

Pizza, corndogs, and steak

falafel gyro with humus, lettuce, tomato, and onion

>American first cooked french fries

Favorite Quebecois dish

is this bait or stupid?

This looks delicious. Mind giving a recipe?

Favorite international dish

That is a god-tier macro split for breakfast. Lots of protein, fat, and some high-fiber carbs. Powerful BR.

>all these disgusting platters and absolutely un-appetizing dishes
behold, the true food of gods

French is a style of cooking they're not actually french.


Meant to post your favourite dish not your girlfriends

Recently I'm enjoying greek yogurt with blueberries, crackers with cheese and tomato slices+cayenne pepper, salmiakki, and pastries/sweet breads.

to be fair I don't even think people call them french fries anymore. If you say "I'll have some fries" people know what you're talking about.

But agreed on the british thing, chips come in fucking bags. I guess Brits suffer such from such a cultural inferiority complex that anything "French" has to be done away with.

lack of potatos

you know what time it is.

says you in your gay french shit country

Pretty sure we call them chips because theyre chips of potatoes and are generally thicker than fries. And im not sure but id guess we call those in the bag crisps because theure crispy slices of potato. Couldbe wrong

ok Ahkmid

>granny slop