>mfw the shills are getting to me
Mfw the shills are getting to me
Other urls found in this thread:
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He's a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
You are a shill right now
you should be laughing, they not know what awaits on November!
Jesus Christ, this poster is not suitable for the role of Anonymous. He is a autist and a man child, and belongs in reddit.
the weak should fear the strong
Its not shills, trust me. Just join us in our merrytrolling, it'll make his victories even sweeter.
The first step to recovery is realizing that shitposting is a way of life.
When a bunch of plebbit faggots come in and take Every Single Fucking Baitpost thrown their way, the shitposters are going to capitalize for easy (You)s.
Maybe a quarter of the shillposts are real. Stop taking the bait and be the change you want to see in Sup Forums.
They're raiding us, we aren't raiding them. What does this tell you?
Stay strong brother
>Belongs in jail
get your balls and reinsert them into your sack
man up user
this is clear they're threatened by us, they never even considered coming on Sup Forums until they got cucked by bernie
If no one replies it becomes people spouting memes at each other. Its good that some take the bait.
Shilling is a display of fear. It is proof that there is still hope. If Trump were actually finished, this board would be dead.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He's a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Don't let the shills get to you. Let the polls get to you. Her lead is increasing and Kek is leaving us.
You're lucky I wasn't there to see you give up I'd have sent you flying you fucking bitch who lets some jiblet heads on an internet message board actually sway their opinions?? fucking MUTTON HEAD I'd knock your block off
I kinda feel bad. Trump is a douche but I get it. The system needs to be upended ... just not by this guy. Now we're gonna get the same old Goldman Sachs Lockheed Martin BLM bullshit for 4 years.
I was enjoying triggering the Trump Gen threads but now it just feels like picking on the littler kids.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
This is a shill slide thread
Jesus this suitable. is not racist for the person of President He, is a Christ and, a fanatic in belongs and jail
>when the new meme is already getting old
This isn't even Wisconsin level bad mang, fuck this doesn't come close to Iowa, that was by far the worst moment of the campaign.
Stay strong nigga. Are you not of Sup Forums? The board that cannot, will not die? After a dozen incidents, attacks even sabotage from the admin, events which have crippled lesser boards, our culture and board march on stronger than ever.
Don't be a soft-cunt cunt.
Don't let it get to you OP, the war hasn't even started yet!
We have a long way to go!
>he doesn't have access to the darknet Sup Forums
It's shill free. Pity you can't enjoy it
post address
That's retarded.
Look I get where you're coming from but....Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He's a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;
anonymousFuntion2 = function( >9B3E595A37AE4682BA443FDB6595B110 ){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;
Hey, I see your point but....Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He's a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
>muh safe space
I'm /comfy/ as fuck. When the shit hits the fan, the real Americans will rise up.
Trump is a LOSER and a KEK
Do not despair - TRUMP WILL RISE
If I was Hillary I would be scared of that trend line. Her average is down and Trump is slightly up. Like all Hillary elections, she get less popular as time goes on. Looks like the most recent spike has topped out, lower than the other spikes. Trump is not below his minimum. Looking decent if you ask me. Hillary will drop at least another five to seven point during the next few months at this rate.
fuck off CTR shill
TFW you're going to enjoy hillary taking the whitehose.
I hope the majority of Sup Forums commits suicide. It'll be glorious. You'll be whiney babies.
I really don't care for shillary but for fucks sake the amount of cocksucking you've done for trump makes me want to support her.
Your either weak or a shill. We didnt come this far for "shills" to get to us, so fuck off.
Or you never never sucked a canidates cock. I mean seriously why would you ever pretend you could relate with any millionaire or politician. They all have money and intend to keep being rich, while keeping us poor. Thats the nature of things.
>When the shit hits the fan, the real Americans will rise up
>Americans will rise up
>rise up
>why would you ever pretend you could relate with any millionaire or politician
why not?
Nice try. I bet most of your money lies in Bernie's bank account, you dumb cucked faggotshit. You're out of your fucking element.
It's not your fault user. We all pass through this phase. Trump took a massive dump on his own supporters so it's not your fault. Join queen Hill and we MAGA in our own way.
If the shills kill you you win
>If the shills kill you you win
can it also be said
>If the you kill the shills they win
Do the jews pay you good for the stuff that you do?
Don't mind them, they what to live in this moment forever.
They wish the election was tomorrow but there is still 3 months left. they know that that's 3 months for the specter of Hillary's health to become unavoidable, for Wikileaks to drop something truly damning, for any number of skeletons to rear their head, and for the debates.
They know that for the debates the best possible outcome for Hillary is simple damage control. She could easily lose her cool Jeb style, or worst case scenario suffer a health emergency on national television.
They shill because they are afraid of what the future holds.
We got their addresses, phone numbers, SPECIFIC details about CTR employees and several other key members of their bullshit misinformation machine. You know where to find it. Anyone who isn't aware is not from Sup Forums, see you guys in there and spread this message.
It just means you are weak and/or too far right
Shift center or man up
Thank you for your input.
Putin has put .02 rubles into your shill account.
You should let them, Hillary and Hope both start with H.
Nobody's trying to sell you anything, though.
a quarter of the shillposts are real, and a quarter are human shills, and it seems about half are now automatic cleverbots, jsut reposting what the human CTR shills posted earlier in the day during human working hours.
You gotta stay away from the "1 post" users, and the users who reply with incoherent nonsense.
At this point do not link directly to anyone unless you are sure they are a human.
just censor your link zero like this. Can't tell if this poster is bot or real, since the copy pasta actually makes sense as a reply meme to your post.
This, I just hillary post for laughs. Might be shills out there but I just like watching pol get mad.