Look the point of this thread is to shut the shills tf up finally about Trump getting BTFO...

Look the point of this thread is to shut the shills tf up finally about Trump getting BTFO. Listen these polls are RIGGED.

>Independent polls are showing trump up by 27 points in some cases for Gods sake
>Trump has filled up every single rally EVERYONE. And at some so many people show up they have 1000s waiting outside! vs Hillary who in Florida they estimated had a little over a 100 YOU CANT MAKE THIS UP.


Europosers are shit btw their countries are failing why they insult trump. They have lost they are done WE are not.

Trump 2016


Hillary is literally ILL. SHe cant walk far without aid. Guys with fucking Adrenalin are following her in case she drops fucking dead. BILL LOOKS LIKE A CORPSE

This movie was really disappointing.

Also important note:
CTR shills are NOT ALLOWED to deny working for CTR.
Ask any shill "Do you work for CTR" and they will deflect and go on to talk about how Trump is bad.


Moloch the Bull, this woman is not suitable for the role of President. She is a fanatic and a traitorous pig, and belongs in jail.

>mfw this is turning into gamergate's endgame, when the gators were circling the wagons and screaming shill at anyone who dared challenge their delusions


Anime picture



So what? All of them disagreeing with feminists constitutes harassment? I never particularly considered myself a supporter of their movement but I sure as fuck don't see how you could take the other side.

bernie had great big rallies. that doesnt actually turn into votes though.

BERNIE BEAT HILLARY HE BEAT HER EVERYWHERE HOLY FUCK. They lied last minute and said hey were not gonna count votes just super delegates.

This is probably partly revenge from bernouts for all the times we went over to reddit to make fun of them every time Bernie lost during the delegate counts.


TRUMP 2016

Literally made up

By the way

>>Independent polls are showing trump up by 27 points

Out of interest, do you have some examples of these "independent" polls? Not saying you're wrong, I'd just like to see the polls.

I think Trump is bad...does this mean I am a shill?

>Cites Independent polls
>No links to sources

Don't give me false hope, OP

Trump and the NUBILE NAVIGATORS have already lost.

Their thick skulls and neanderthal reptilian brain stems just haven't had the ability to process it yet.

Do you remember that time when Brexit "already lost"?

Get a load of Nigel over there trying to sow discord among the coming 10,000 YEAR DEMOCRATIC AMERICAN REICH!!

Enjoy being on par with Sudan, Brexitfool....

>you're wrong because my feelings hurt

Do you work for the CTR? If so then yes it does. If not your just a faggot.

In 'murrica, it's 87% Clinton, 9% Cheetolini, so enjoy having cucked yourselves you gullible fools.

I keep hearing Trump fucks saying they're going to show up at Clinton rallies with strobe flashlights, air horns and other noise makers hoping they can trigger her into having a seizure.

Sick fucks.

Clinton supporters have jobs so they can't waste time going to rallies. Meanwhile, Trumpfags are unemployed so they can go to all the rallies.

Your asshole is going to hurt when Putin wants your shitty little island as his nuclear waste dump and no one comes to defend you, moron.

Your asshole is going to hurt if you don't keep bringing in those (you)'s at $0.30 a pop and Jamal has to teach you a lesson.

i have made 3 threads on purpose today and the 3 had the same pattern of comments. At different times...

a Sup Forumslock
anti putin



Do you work for CTR?

I don't get it. For being so pro free enterprise, why do conservatives have globalism. Naturally corporations look for the most efficient way to do things, if they can save millions to reallocates else where why should the government stop them.

Fucking copy pasta post

You just watch from your lolbertarian little inlet over the pond as trumpf makes America Great Again by painting the entire Nation Glorious, Democratic BLUE

Do you work for CTR?

Yeah, dummy, I made 8,000,000 whatever croation funny monies today too.

Want a sip of my wodka?! Yelp like a dog and I might spill some for you

I'd try to explain how much I get paid in Pounds, but I don't think there is a fraction of dollars small enough.

You're right, I don't think there is a fraction of a dollar small enough to explain how much you get paid. Do they have to pay you in pesos so you can send it directly to your family without any conversion fees?

Shit, there's a reasonable argument to be made that they are actually legally obliged to tell people they work for CTR when posting about Hillary or Trump.

We could bombard the FTC with complaints.

Also bare in mind that if Trump was actually losing and had no chance of winning, they would not need to shill. They would not be here if Trump was actually losing.


rexit/trumpfellator detected.

Try to pass third grade spelling next semester, Nigel

>hahahah I was almost forced to admit that my argument was bad but I see you made a spelling error, tough luck pal

Only if you spam the catalog like they do. This is Sup Forums, not /american politics/

>go to board called "politically incorrect"
>wish it was more politically correct
>yfw people actually do this



Gamergate won in the end though. Gawker is fucking dead.


Don't say that word, it gave me Sup Forums harbor PTSD flashbacks.

Fuck you Moot for acting like such a fucking spurglord and purposefully ruining this site and going full chicken tendie REEEEE at us for some mild bants.

>quit buying into this shill shit

Say it with me now, little lad...


There you go!!

Now go suffer the rest of your life knowing that rexit has ruined any future you or your offspring could have ever had, even remotely.

Nighty night!

kek dubs of truth too bad mook is a correct the record good goy


The_Donald is making his comeback!!

69 dimensional Bocce Ball finally paid off!!

Hillary is going to have a flub at the debates and Trump will pounce

"Look she can barely speak..."

"it's ok get it out...get it out...Bill should be running"

Source in those independent polls?


>10000000 rubles have been deposited into your account

oh great, you can buy bread now

Wikileaks ran their own poll the other day.
Guess what they found?

I used to not see why people hated Gamegators until I learned what Sup Forums harbour was and seen most gamegators hate pol and abondoned us because "muh ebil nazis"

Fuck man 2014 was an awful year

Voluntary, natural globalism as a result of free trade and peaceful coexistence of peoples is actually good. That's what globalism is. Of course, the odds of many cultures blending seamlessly into the fabric of a megastate are slim-to-none, at least, not when an intrusive government denies them the right to solve their differences (e.g. If some asshole thinks that he has the right to jump over the border fence and steal your shit and rape your family, you should be allowed to shoot his sorry ass and set an example).

Trouble is, today's globalists are actually trying to create shadow empires through "political unions" that not only force countries into submission economically, they also work tirelessly to erase any kind of culture the nation holds/held. They are pushing Cultural Marxism for reasons that are not *entirely* clear, but are more likely than not just greed and personal gain.

Case in point - the EU. It tried to force Europe into one massive political body, taking away the sovereignty of a nation's citizenry over their own policy and leaving it in the hands of some corrupt-to-the-core bureaucrats.

Of course, some cuckservatives are just reactionaries and don't really know these things, even on an intuitive level, but we can use as much opposition to the current brand of globalism as we can get.

Nothing is rigged besides drumpf's hair


Online polls don't matter in the slightest though