Ok Sup Forums
I want you to tell me who you support for POTUS and why.
1. Post FACTS with verifiable SOURCES
2. No arguments based on FEELINGS
3. No Scarecrows
Ok Sup Forums
I want you to tell me who you support for POTUS and why.
1. Post FACTS with verifiable SOURCES
2. No arguments based on FEELINGS
3. No Scarecrows
Im voting for him because hes the chaos candidate and I wanna see the establishment burn
Is 2AM faggot. Post this tomorrow only liberal NEETs and other faggots like me that work at nigth will answer you.
I don't support either but i will vote for Shillary.
Trump is not fit to be president. Both are morally shit but Hilary knows how to do the job at least. Better to have a generally competent asshole as a boss than a incompetent jerk who tries to reinvent the wheel with dumb ideas and runs his business into the ground talking about nonsense.
And you gave no facts, only strawmen, and muh feelings
I'm voting trump because he is pro american, pro 2A, and hillary wants amnesty for all illegal immigrants.
There's really not much to argue beyond that
Hillary is the personification of what is wrong with this country. She is a political insider, who panders for personal benefit and for her special interest handlers.
The leaked emails either prove her to be corrupt and dangerous, or incompetent and careless.
I could bring up facts but we know how that works. I bring up my reasons why Hilary should be president over Trump. You say they are bad. I say yours are bad. Round we go in an endless internet circle jerk.
Instead i leave it at what i said. Trump is unfit to be president. That is why i am voting for Hilary cause she is if not fit less unfit in my estimation based on everything i have looked at both good and bad.
I'm voting for a gigantic wall.
I don't care who puts the plan into action. Just a gigantic fucking wall.
Both northern and southern. We need to keep those French out of the US as well.
You people don't do facts, so don't feed me your bullshit tripe. I'm voting Trump so I can see a mass suicide and exodus of the exact people that are what is wrong with this country.
Fuck your feelings.
Trump, because he's not Hillary. The list of the Clintons' scandals and crimes is so retardedly long it's completely mind boggling to me that this woman is allowed to run.
>Allows U.S. embassy in Libya to be overrun by terrorists without doing a thing. This is after 6 mo. of Amb. Stevens constant requests for heightened security
>After Benghazi immediately blames the attack on a random youtube video which insulted Mohammed. At the time she knew the attack wasn't a response to the video, rather a coordinate attack by Al-Qaeda forces in Libya.
>Has creator of said video imprisoned, even thought in reality it had nothing to do with the attack. And fuck the 1st amendment, too!
>Destruction of government documents, which is a crime under U.S. criminal code. Which also bars her from holding public office. Though negligence or otherwise, she still destroyed the documents.
>Constantly lying about almost every minute detail surrounding the email scandal. Lied about having multiple devices, lied about the presence of classified information on the emails, and on and on.
>Deposing Gaddafi, a foreign leader who posed no immediate threat to the United States or her allies was a clear and obvious act of aggression.
>Armed and supported jihadists in both Libya and Syria, precipitating two bloody civil wars that reduced once functional countries to ashes.
>Refugees from Syria are now flooding Europe.
>Voted for Iraq War
>Cheated democratic primaries. From Superdelegates, to party money, to Wasserman Schultz, to the straight up rigging of polls, Hillary is obviously a cheater and an illegitimate candidate.
>Financial ties to numerous foreign governments, including Saudi Arabia (who was involved with 9/11)
>Wants to ban all guns.
>Pro-Mass Immigration
>Bends over backwards to pander to minorities
>Massive support from Wall St. oligarchs
and the list goes on.
Basically she's the embodiment of everything corrupt and evil in the Modern West.
I keep hearing Trump fucks saying they're going to show up at Clinton rallies with strobe flashlights, air horns and other noise makers hoping they can trigger her into having a seizure.
Sick fucks.
Weak shilling.
Are trips more powerful than Trump intentionally throwing the race? Find out this November.
Weak Trumpeting
Trump because Hillary rigged the primaries and had Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas murdered in the past few weeks
>I could post facts but I don't wanna
You're an idiot
trump bc alpha
Trump. because of the numerous acts of generacity.
id vote trump bc at this point idc at all anymore but i wanna watch the liberals cry and whine
EVEN IF Hillary hadn't done all the shady, corrupt, illegal and treasonous shit she has done I wouldn't vote for her because I disagree with her platform.
fuck you for correcting the record
Trump because brown people are taking our jobs
I'm a blue collared worker in the railroad transportation industry. My livelihood depends on consistent traffic in coal transportation.
Hillary's policies are detrimental to the coal industry and could put me out of the job.
I'm also pro-2a and won't ever fall for another "we aren't taking your guns" Democrat.
Voting Trump.
>I want to get into an endless internet argument.
Is this your first day on Sup Forums or do you just have a fetish for endless circle jerks?
Any argument you could make i have heard. Any argument I could make you have heard. Why should we repeat points to each other that did not convince us the first time we heard them?
Let me show you how it works.
>Trump has no impulse control
Facts! I need facts to back it up!
>Point out all the dumb shit he says
"That was thought or political moves" or "He does not play the political game a true outsider"
>But it is stupid and will piss other countries off
Who cares we need to show strength and they don't respect us
>We need to work with them though. This is the real world where there are only a select few countries and trade partner so we need to keep relations with most of them good
>America is getting jerked around and they can take it or leave it if they are strong they will cave in.
yada yada yada. Back and forth.
We can go around and around on gun control, immigration, his tax plan, his view on how to deal with the middle east. What is the point. Have you not heard the arguements and facts I would use before? Would you find them anymore convincing?
Would you find anything i have to say useful that you have heard before? I highly doubt it.
Why subject ourselves to that shit? It is so goddamn stupid. Now go claim victory cause i refused to get into a debate on the internet.