MFW Hillary's very own corruption is destroying her campaign and the $hillbots are running around like chickens with...

>MFW Hillary's very own corruption is destroying her campaign and the $hillbots are running around like chickens with their heads cut off

RICO act makes shills culpable to felonies.

who's next?

This man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig,, and belongs in jail.

>destroying her campaign
>winning by double digits

Fuck off CTR

>Winning by double digits
Even if she was winning, it is in no way by double digits you fuckin Shill

oh wow she's just fucking lying on the ground, bleeding, while trump is dominating her in every hole
wew, if only it had something to do with reality


yea it's only 8%, nothing much

>Using Nate Silver for anything related to Trump

here, have some yesterday's polls
reminder it was BEFORE his hill assassination suggestion

You know she is actually predicted losing by 27...Im not kidding look at her rallies 100< people are showing up. THIS SHIT IS FAKE

>Nate Chinese plastic
What the fuck, Ivan? It's like you don't want better relationships with the west

If Trump loses Georgia and Arizona in the same election, that would be the biggest political failure in 40 years.

people have 0 enthusiasm about her, that's true, but most americans hate Trump, that's why she's gonna win, stop deluding yourself

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

It might be a good thing that Hillshills are running rampant with raids.
It'll give them a terrible image that'll irritate and drive a lot of people away. They're not making the Democrats look like good people in the least.

>implying a strawman meme will save trump
k lads

Most Americans hate Hillary Cankles Klanton you dumb Stalker. Cheeki breeki, cyka blyat

>Georgia is blue
I live here. Can confirm that will not be happening.

Say 30 years next time. Otherwise I have to point out that Mondale got stomped like a narc at a biker rally in 1984. I nearly tied with him and I was only 4 years old.

Save Trump?

These people are attacking Trump. It's in every god damn thread now.

As much as I would like to agree with you I remember 2012 shitstorm in Russia when our liberals were running around shouting how literally nobody likes Putin because they don't know anybody who does. Echo chambers can be pretty fucking deceitful.


The left in a nutshell everybody.

I keep hearing Trump fucks saying they're going to show up at Clinton rallies with strobe flashlights, air horns and other noise makers hoping they can trigger her into having a seizure.

Sick fucks.

There are various degrees of hate you sub-80iq sperg.
>53% dislike clinton
>61% dislike trump

you don't seriously think it's ctr? Because that would mean you're retarded m8. It's polaks spamming this "shilling", not actual shills