Sup Forums likes Assange nows

>Sup Forums likes Assange nows

Welcome to 2007. This based mother fucker has been cucking politicians for years nows. And there's nothing they can do about it. God bless him.

Other urls found in this thread: keep hearing Trump fucks saying they're going to show up at Clinton rallies with strobe flashlights, air horns and other noise makers hoping they can trigger her into having a seizure./

I always did.

I have a soft spot for trouble makers and rabblerousers and he's fantastic at both.

I was just thinking about him right now.

Ehuh, I wish him well in a non-political way. He leaks stuff that goes against a politician but doesn't leak stuff that can sink a government. He is truly a gentleman.

But, what I fear is. I highly doubt the USA government will even want him to stand trial under oath, when the DNC leaker Seth Rich was murdered. Seriously? He might well be the walking dead.

You Aussies are tough mouther fuckers. Fought off the Nazis too.

I liked him the whole time nigga

I always defended him on here. I don't even need to feel smug, I'm just glad everyone is starting to see how based he actually is.

He is a champion for government transparency and internet freedom. The man changed and is changing the world, and deserves his own chapter in history.

Who cares about that cuck

Assange is just an advanced shitposter

I will say one thing, and most people will not get it. He has as much power as a government does, but uses it in a different way. For good or bad you decide. And with that power. You should hate him by default. Catch 22 as they say. He would want you to hate him too.

I keep hearing Trump fucks saying they're going to show up at Clinton rallies with strobe flashlights, air horns and other noise makers hoping they can trigger her into having a seizure.

Sick fucks.

wow very deep really put me to ponder

>as much power as a government does

People hate him for the very fact he holds the power. People are automatic triggered to that by default as a human species. Which is America is neither a full red or blue state but either in between or both.

Based Shitposter:

There is a little Brit intuitiveness in me.

>shills are this stupid

>implying power is bad
Corrupt powere is, like most governments in the first world, power to stop it and expose it isn't.

Eat a dick you shill.

>He might well be the walking dead.
He has a dead man's switch that will release some of the most damning material on the US Wikileaks has if he isn't alive to enter the codes that prevent them being auto-published. Probably the only reason he's alive.

Fuck off.

>12 posts by this ID
> keep hearing Trump fucks saying they're going to show up at Clinton rallies with strobe flashlights, air horns and other noise makers hoping they can trigger her into having a seizure./

He most definitely does.

>likes assange now

strange, I don't remember ever disliking him

Yes, but has he proven he can do a dead's switch? And, where on twitter? When twitter can shut down accounts too.

>I should hate someone for utilising "da power" to give me and the rest of the world the truth
Really makes my synapses congest

Right here on Sup Forums Sup Forums.

Well yes, after somebody overthrows power. Who has the power? They do. Look up the Bolshevik Revolution.

why were people so butthurt about him in the first place?

WikiLeaks has a 10 year publishing record where they never got it wrong?

Cool, Godspeed Assange.

I'll tell you what. If somebody can overlook a person doing corrupt things, because the other candidate is a moron. You aren't entitled to your own freedom.

i like the way he answers bitchy reporters by shutting them down

I think I get this post

He's arguing (and it's a HE suck it) that Assange exists as a devil's advocate of sorts. Assange is telling you not to put all your money on the gov't or your favorite organization or person. Assange wants you to be distrustful of influential people and organizations, including himself, because if everyone put all their faith and money on him, Assange would be going against the very principles he advocates: Distrust the powerful and influential, and decide what is true, and what is best. Hence it's a catch-22. Assange does not want to be a celebrity because celebrity is the very thing he is against. It tends to corrupt.

Because he is a foreigner who has power over the American government with leaks that government whistleblowers set WikiLeaks. Ehuh, sometimes you need an outside group looking in too. Just be lucky it was an Aussie who was raised with westernized culture.

>implying this man doesn't possibly hold government overthrowing secrets

He'd be dead if he didn't.

I wonder how long he'll stick around. He's not that old. It'd be sort of weird/cool to have him stick around in that embassy for a few more decades just releasing stuff every now and then. He sort of already has that mythical appeal to him like he's just in his own world I imagine that feeling will just grow around him more over time

Had to be a Mick that didn't get it.

He implies power eventually corrupts everyone (it does), and when he says "hate", he means you should always be wary of Assange's motives, in order to discern when he is himself corrupted.

Right on bro. You got what I said. Now, should a guy like Assange be punished with death for espionage? Well, he isn't an American. lol. But, I say no. The American government has done fair worse to American people than Assange has. If you are a spy in a foreign land and they catch you, your own government can and has denied you even are anything other than a trespasser. Like I said, a catch 22.


Yes, twitter, yes WikiLeaks, but also directly to every compatriot and several governments/political opponents of likely culprits. This isn't rocket science.

Yes my friend.

When didn't most of us like him? It's only faggy neo cons and other trash that were like execute him!