UK admits defeat

Its over, you can surrender now. Though its useless since we dont want your paki infested land.

Other urls found in this thread:

>le "Russian army is rusty soviet shit" meme

Pump your brakes Ivan. The lion will always have the eagle on his side.

They'll be better off under your administration. Brits have proven they can't self-govern.

Yeah, sell them those F-35th

>paki infested land
Can you Russian bros invade and fix that for them? I don't consider non-whites citizens of that country.

Trolling aside though - the report is nonsens meant to just enflame the cold war hysteria more and get more funds for UK military: since is based on "training excercises in Ukraine".

Since Russian army conducts no military action in Ukraine, the amount they could have learned about our real capabilities would be near zero.

Syria would be other case, where indeed we test new stuff, proper military action and logistics as well modern anti-air systems, electronic warfare etc.

>tank battle
>implying you'll get the chance

>this meme again
lets just wait and see, the F35 has been under alot of scrutiny that at the end of the day is unfounded until an air war begins. The F35 is a multi role fighter that will show it's strengths as it becomes more synchronized with our military. Get pumped lad.

If you read report you`ll know that two of the fields Russia is actually superior to both UK and US currently are air defence and electronic warfare.

Meaning ability to intercept your planes, missiles and hell even sattelites on one hand, and ability to hack/jamm your drones/trageting systems/communications on other. So yeah, good luck with "aerial superiority".

>Since Russian army conducts no military action in Ukraine

>leaked report
aka "give us more money, we are so weak, look evil X can conquer us in Y amount of time"

there are no better AA than Russians
what building should that be?

If Clinton wins, please invade

>what building should that be?
Thats Okkupiert - norvegian TV show about Russia occupying them.

>he actually believes the propaganda

I'm not sure
Gear-wise UK has the clear advantage
Morale on the other hand Russia has the advantage
If UK fails to land a decisive quick victory, sjw-ness, complacency and "neutral migrant" infiltration would kill them

if you own a gun are you a soldier? Everybody went through the army, you learn to handle weapons at schools! even girls need to be able to put on gas masks, assemble AK's.

>implying the US wouldn't bomb the shit out of your one city of importance if you stepped one foot in the UK defeating your stunted ex-commie country forever


In no scenario there a possibilty of us actually invading UK, we lack motive (unless it`ll be total war WW3). The real scenario is confontation in the likes of Ukraine, Transnistria, Baltics (also we lack reason to invade tehre too) or say Iraq/Iran/Syria.

If it comes to bombing shit of cities of importance, we can do it too no less effective and woudnt need conventional superiority anyway.

I dont know about Air Defence, but when it comes to electronic warfare you are sorely mistaken. As a partner country to Five Eyes i know you havent got shis on the west on this part.

In your wildest dreams Boris. The UK wrote the book on electronic warfare. We already hacked your systems. Give up already. Most of the russian army is still using 70's equipment.


The EU started that mess, we won't be helping them end it.

This demonstrates that the UK needs to break away from the failure that is the EU ASAP and rebuild its military.

Also Russia and the UK can be allies anyway against Europe.

Intellegence gatherinc != Electronic warfare, what means is ACTUAL combat means to hack, disable and jam your electronics and communications and we are technically superior in that aspect, having better hardware.

Plus, aside from spying on facebook own citizen and Merkel - western intellegence so far shown itself as totally incompetent. It failed to see and notify of all major events in recent time, so one asks why so much money is even spent on it.

The most recent (aside failing to notify of turkish coup or earlier seeing Crimea happening), for months "Five Eyes" failed to see their ally Iraq cooperating with Russia behind their back and the deployment to Syria using its resources, airspace and spiting on US and NATO in it.

just try it and see what happens.

>Most of the russian army is still using 70's equipment.
So does most of UK and US army. Real world is slightly different from computer games.

You're just a character in the book we wrote. russia loses, and we all lived happily ever after.


Yeah because half of your hackers are Ukrainians

>Russia calling out anyone on being "paki infested"
You are the most enriched in Europe, Ivan.

It's called political strategy my boy.
The government has admitted to having known major attacks would happen in the past but they did nothing for the political leverage.

Most of our shit is from the 90s and 2000s. But your right. We are only using slightly newer stuff because the two wars we have been in have worn out all the older stuff.

The M1 was designed in the 70s so was the f15, f16, M2, and most of our helicopters.

Ivan has a point on this one.

> implying russia is better than the mighty immortal western empire

Go back to your 3rd world country you NEET

Only an edge? I was under the impression we couldn't match you at all.

i want to be ur pet Koala

Educate yourself. New hardware and modernization doesnt change the fact that most decently big armies hardware is old stock. That has to do not just with huge money needed to replace it all - but also huge development cycles for military hardware, so essentially things developed in 70-80ths only start properly be produced in 90th, and appear in recent numbers in 2000ths and then later years just get modernized.

So yeah, while each country has part of military that is up to date and quite modern and those actual units taking part in warfare/deployment, the big is actually old tier - though big part of it are reserves.

Meanwhile russian modernized Tu-22M, which, essentially was developed in 60ths - is currently flying bombing missions in Syria and is currently one of best worlds bombers.

>Government migration officials estimate that most of Russia’s immigrants originate from the impoverished neighboring former Soviet nations that share a visa-free regime with the country and are mostly looking for work.
do you know how to read?

Hey faggot I was agreeing with you.

I am in the US Army and can tell you first hand the state of our equipment and how old it is.

Those nations are asiato-islamic stans populated by the literal inbred subhumans. Do you know how to research or travel, stupid mestizo monkey?

>Since Russian army conducts no military action in Ukraine

>comparing a sledgehammer to a toffee hammer
UK and Russian military forces are designed for different threat engagements. the idea they would ever go toe-to-toe with conventional forces in a hot war is preposterous.

One of the smartest and knowledgable russian poster

Shame that Western Kids dont try and See reason in your words

Yes children, the m4a1 carrying soldier wins all conflicts lmao

Am I the only one who is wondering why anybody ever thought the UK has anything close to military parity with Russia? Is this anything anybody actually thought?

>Since Russian army conducts no military action in Ukraine


i love shitting on other brits who think we are mini america

Just wait 25 years and liberate them after they become an islamic republic.


why even pick on small time England?

Ruskies sought invading Finland would be a good idea. Do you know how it went?

>that will not be necessary

Your entire nation is trained military. The Brits can't own metal butter knives.

kek when a russian knows more about borkbork TV than me....

And it's fucking true, or TV has just been full of shit for at least 7+ years, so only old people watch it. Even the 40 yo'ds are using netflix and piract shity instead, TV has been destroyed here so you miss out the few gems they manage to produce.

Again, God damn fucking kikes. We should get the jew law back and strengthen it, well in such a way that papers are not allowed to present them selves as news but jews when they are made by foreign jews in disguise as bork news. And foreigners should not be allowed to have any ownership in local press or media.

Damnit I liked it more back in 80ies when we fucking had 1 tv channel.....

This tbqh

I wouldnt even go near finland.You fucks rape bears and all are trained to fight. The UK though is busy binning their knives.........

On your fucking knees, you gullible nobody. Your time is over, Number 2.

Would happily join the russian army to fight the brits, I'm not using that cuck rifle the SA80 to fight for some paki area.

Yeah, you lost the war and gave them clay

Not surprising really. Russian is on point with it's military.
In the UK we fucking argue all day over building a new battleship.

We argue all day about building anything.

>30+ years and counting to make a decision on a fucking runway

>The Russian military can outgun British troops on the battlefield, the army has admitted in a leaked report
Kek. A leaked report just for this obvious shit?

Actually, our original WW3 job was to destroy Moscow.

We have diversity, and diversity is our greatest strength!

You stand no chance white man.

In 2014 Russian Mig 24s(I think) jammed the Aegis system on a US ship in the Black Sea and proceeded to buzz it (fake bomb runs). Once ashore in Romania the whole crew handed in their notice in protest.

It really doesn't make any sense to start anything with Russia at this time, better to get our own house in order IMHO.

How is this an achievment? UK barely has an army.

You are talking about the government cut, SA80 using undermanned armed force, only Costa Rica could be defeated by it.

Soviet monkeys planned to annex all of Finland, they failed.
>>Russian might
>>Russian might
>>Russian might
126,875-167,976 dead or missing
188,671 wounded, concussed or burned
5,572 captured
3,543 tanks
261–515 aircraft
321,000-363,000 total casualties
>>Russian might
>>Russian might
>>Russian might
Finnish losses.
25,904 dead or missing
43,557 wounded
800–1,100 captured
957 civilians killed in air raids
20–30 tanks destroyed
62 aircraft lost
If we had let German forces to go through Finland, there would be a Reichskommissariat Russland today and for the better. The only mistake we did.

>We only got raped in vagina, not in ass or mouth, so we basically won

Ivan, you are mistaken. You got a full blown TP by the Superior Finnic Cock. Your ass and mouth weren't exactly spared...

Nah, we got more lands than we originally demanded, and with out giving any in return too.

The casualty ratio was acceptable for attacking heavily fortified defence line in difficult climate and terrain. WW1 wasn't too far in the past, and we all know how offensives usually went there.

Yeah you're definitely a paki fucking scum. Go live in Russia you ungrateful cunt. Long live the eternal anglo.

Yeah, stupid cuck, you lost badly.
Also, Ivan, you are bragging about being a cannon fodder... That's slave mentality. Not that I'm surprised, Russians love to fluff dagestani wrestlers that kill them in night clubs and pay taxes for new cars of the chechen youth and kadyrov mansion.
Also how is that Mosque as a second national symbol and Islamization going?:)
>minority Russian Moscow by 2020

U.K. versus R.F.
Also known as the Great Cuck War

>you lost badly.
It's not my country that got smaller as a result.
>minority Russian Moscow by 2020
About as likely as minority Finnish Helsinki.

I hope you get paid for this Ruski shilling Ivan

My Somalian friend, the peak of NATO ground capabilities in EWAR is jamming Taliban's walkie-talkies. Russia has systems able to redirect artillery fire and defuse enemy shells in mid-air, or entirely switch off communications at any given area at a distance of 5000 (five thousand) kilometers. Five Eyes, a fucking facebook surveillance, holy Kek.

>about as likely
Helsinki 92% Finnish
Moscow 37% Asian
Pay jizzya, Ivan

No shit Russia can outgun the UK.

I was chatting with some former navy guys at the bar. They were saying Russia is pretty close to being about to outgun the US actually.

Why everyone thinks it's bad? They weren't even used so far. We will know if its any good in time, but for now cut this shit with "F-35 is bad" meme.

Sweden: 87% White
Russia: 74% White and second largest immigrant population in the world

100₽ have been added to your account

lmao big accomplishment for a dump like russia

>Since Russian army conducts no military action in Ukraine
are u for real nigger? thas why i hate russians god damn u nigger.

dont u have like 100 000 somalians? i remember some finnish cunt saying that in some shitty city every 20 metres there is finnish woman with nigger and that u have imported ten of thousands of BBCs for them.

We're still using Combat and Bowman you dumb faget, the Americans have hacked into our radios on training exercises just to beat us.

>Russian (91.65%), Ukrainians (1.42%), Tatars (1.38%), Armenians (0,98%), Azeris (0.53%), Jews (0.49%)

>Since Russian army conducts no military action in Ukraine

Just out of curiosity, are there any indications what black projects the Russian military have been working on recently?

Russia pls wait.

Let us get independence first

This has been the case since 1945.

>Rosstat and Wikipedia are reliable sources
>some Finnish cunt saying
Less than 20,000 niggers in Finland

Their newest attack submarine is arguably better than our newest attack submarine, although without a doubt our ballistic submarines are better than theirs if only because they carry more warheads.

Yep, Tu-95 was developed in 50th and is still used after modernization.

wait you count russians as white? hmmm

Norwegian Royal Castle


>Russia has systems able to redirect artillery fire and defuse enemy shells in mid-air, or entirely switch off communications at any given area at a distance of 5000 (five thousand) kilometers.

Can you turn off the atoms in nuclear bombs as well?