I keep hearing Trump fucks saying they're going to show up at Clinton rallies with strobe flashlights, air horns and other noise makers hoping they can trigger her into having a seizure.
Sick fucks.
isn't that guy a raving liberal lunatic?
what kind of horrible person would do that
On most days, yes.
But he absolutely BTFOs Hillary into another dimension in the video for her incendiary remarks.
I hope someone dubs it with some awesome techno music
This was one of those days when liberals eat their own. Don't question it just enjoy the majesty.
You're posting this in every single thread. Weird.
Any Trump supporter
This just sounds like a good idea. Thanks user!
This deserves a bump
Oh god I can't stand that man. This is probably where the DNC got the idea in the first place.
I have literally never heard this.
>Watching the liberals eat each other.
kek i love this gif
Me but I won't but if I had a chance to yea
Everyone/anyone claiming that Hillary Clinton has been involved with fraudulent behavior of any kind is wrong and I recommend they erase their comment. That is slander
Everyone/anyone claiming that Hillary Clinton has been involved with fraudulent behavior of any kind is wrong and I recommend they erase their comment. That is slander
I feel almost 100% certain that this is a new shill tactic to scare people away from Trump.
>mfw cuckservatives cant even eat each other alive but liberals do it like its a pastime
Did i miss a new meme?
CTR doesn't know what to do on Sup Forums so they try new stuff in the hope it works
There's like one faggot left at CTR and he keeps sticking these copypasta lines in his bot across all threads
Bump. pls send to trump's party.
I think hes trying to get one of us to do it
Bumping for justice.
Unfit to be President
Ah, the new script is making its rounds, I see.
Out Out Out Out
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail!
What the fuck, did she have someone take a shot at him at 1:35?
Nice work my man
Keep it up
Thanks m9
Yes, he is. But you need to understand liberalism has a hierarchy of victim classes. Racism is higher up in the victim hierarchy than sexism is. So it wasn't that he was overlooking liberalism to attack her despite how she's female but rather that he was embracing liberalism by attacking her because her opponent was a black man.
This is almost as much of a stretch as what Trump said.
The media lies and blows shit out of proportion. We don't really need to do that because people actually support Trump. He has more to offer than just a campaign against Hillary and there is enough real dirt on her to focus on without trying so hard to push the weak stuff.
Stick to the stuff with more damning evidence if you're going to focus on mudslinging instead of getting distracted by the pooh she flings at you.
That does it. I'm on team trump now.
Good job leaf
Bump for the trump