Are people really dumb enough to believe this is what he actually meant by the comment?

Are people really dumb enough to believe this is what he actually meant by the comment?

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>take your guns and fight the tyrants

i dont see whats wrong with that.




>hello I am Donald Trump, I am under constant heavy media scrutiny and everyone has me under a microscope, therefore I will call for an violent armed rebellion to overthrow the US government live on TV

CNN headquarters needs to be nuked asap

"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks,” Trump said before adding: "Though the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.”
>The only thing second amendment people you can do to stop Hillary is kill her
>This is what shills will tell you

If he actually wants to win the election, yes

What he said is vague enough for people to interpret to whatever agenda they want to push. I wouldn't be surprised if he purposely said this for publicity, and because, you know, Hillary is guilty of making a statement that could be interpreted as a vague threat to Obama in 2008

>Are people really dumb enough to believe this is what he actually meant by the comment?
Only the people who watched his unedited comment are dumb enough to believe it. The smart people are the ones who are being told what he said by somebody else.

>see post
>look at flag


>What he actually said was completely different

Why does he do this? Say what you mean and mean what you say god damn it.
Fuck trump, the cunt is ruining nationalism for us.

He said second amendment people could do something about Hillary. That's it.
The media then spun it's narrative and you ate it up, you fucking sheep.

It was so obvious that this was his plan. How many times ahas he done it already, and the leftists fall for it EVERY TIME??

Actually, no it doesn't. Only if you're a cuk fuccboi from canastan

>Are people really dumb enough to believe this is what he actually meant by the comment?

Are Canadians really dumb enough to believe that isn't what he meant by that comment?

Wow, that picture is maximum overshill

I was almost about to correct you on your false opinion, but then I realized the flag near your ID shows you live in the country of Canada. I understand that you cannot help it, so I will forgive you.

Like a typical bitch fag female, or your typical Canadian male, you are deliberately trying to inject the worst possible emotional subtext you can to something someone said.

Go get a heating pad to cure your cramps.

You were dumb enough to misinterpret what he said as a threat on Hillary's life?

Save it, spam it. The shills can't stand easy to digest anti-hillary pics.

That IS what he meant...... the imbeciles meanwhile swallow the misconstrued and mischaracterized sick version the media will be running with...

This is just another move on his 4D chess board guys- ignore the shill army occupying Sup Forums right now.

you can interpret it any way you want, he stil didn't didn't say it directly and all you people just come off as fingerpointers

Looked it up and it's actually legit. Same writer and everything. What the fuck. I feel ill.