>exceptional attending world class universities become liberal
>shut-in neets browsing an anime imageboard become conservative
Really REALLY makes you think
Exceptional attending world class universities become liberal
makes sense honestly. never met a smart conservative in my life
>people who only ever see the best of the world from their sheltered view are openly optimistic about humanity and shit
>people who only ever see the worst of the world from their sheltered view are openly pessimistic and humans and shit
>nerds who read a constant stream of news about the religion of peace and happenings become cynical conservatives
>college "intellectuals" who not only dont read the majority of stories, but are also sheltered from others opinions and have Marxism shoved up their asses all day, become leftists
Really compels one to ponder
>exceptional attending world class universities become liberal
Probably has something to do with the "Communist Manifesto" being the most frequently taught text in your cucked country.
Tfw out preforming all libs at the T25 uni I got a full ride too
More red pilled than anyone I've ever met
That and I have all the >SOURCES
to back it up
Also probably stronger than 99% of posters here
Not TGO, but I'm getting there
Jews have no power here, they fear the samurai also.
I maybe a NEET, but at least the Jews don't control me
Im redpilled and voting for Trump