Exceptional attending world class universities become liberal

>exceptional attending world class universities become liberal
>shut-in neets browsing an anime imageboard become conservative
Really REALLY makes you think

makes sense honestly. never met a smart conservative in my life



>people who only ever see the best of the world from their sheltered view are openly optimistic about humanity and shit

>people who only ever see the worst of the world from their sheltered view are openly pessimistic and humans and shit

>nerds who read a constant stream of news about the religion of peace and happenings become cynical conservatives
>college "intellectuals" who not only dont read the majority of stories, but are also sheltered from others opinions and have Marxism shoved up their asses all day, become leftists
Really compels one to ponder

>exceptional attending world class universities become liberal

Probably has something to do with the "Communist Manifesto" being the most frequently taught text in your cucked country.

Tfw out preforming all libs at the T25 uni I got a full ride too
More red pilled than anyone I've ever met
That and I have all the >SOURCES
to back it up
Also probably stronger than 99% of posters here
Not TGO, but I'm getting there

Jews have no power here, they fear the samurai also.

I maybe a NEET, but at least the Jews don't control me
Im redpilled and voting for Trump

But you yourself are on an anime imageboard! Why aren't you a conservative yet?

That's because higher education is biased towards the left. Deviating from the norm is highly discouraged. It's called indoctrination.

Fortunately it's pretty easy to avoid these types of courses if you're in STEM.

I pray you are trolling

>exceptional attending
american education everyone

Because we know how to keep our mouth shut when besieged by lefties and still hold our ground.

yea more than 80% of the population in america never goes to college

you have to go back pedro. also microsoft was like muricans cant into tech so have fun being the millionth doctor or lawer in a labor market with little growth in those sectors


I'm at a top 20 American school and it made me conservative.

>tfw psychology major
in the latest text I have to read they claimed there is little to no difference in gay marriages to heterosexual marriages in terms of how well they perform. they spent a lot of pages talking about the divorce rates for different demographics but failed to mention that gay couples divorce almost twice as often as hetero couples.

they mentioned the high crime rate in the african american community but the only explanation they offered was the "differential offending hypothesis" which claims that african american youths don't behave different than the other youths in America but they are treated differently by the judicial system.

I don't really have problems with my texts usually because I'm more focused on the biology aspect of psychology but I really find problems with the texts when they comment on social issues.

STEM is one of the worst for it. Set of 9gag redditiers with autism and baby complexes

The leaf is talking sense for a change
I'm in my second semester of a Forensics degree, and because the jobs are in the public domain all of my non-electives are teaching about tolerance and acceptance of other """humans""". I'm redpilled so I tune most of it out, but they are very clearly trying to push the leftist agenda onto the educated youth.
I wish I knew more redpilled people to hang out with, concealing your power level is really hard in these subjects, and most people will just think you're a racist no matter how much irrefutable evidence you pull up. I just keep my mouth shut.

"Conservative". It's just for the sake of controversy.

>exceptional attending world class universities become liberal
(future) elites are ok with globalization. Probably never had to worry in their lives.
>shut-in neets browsing an anime imageboard become conservative
People who might take damage by globalization are aware od the dangers.

>REALLY makes you think
Yeah really makes me think

Here's what real conservatism is:
>strong principles and constitutionalism

Here's what conservatism isn't:
>"BTFOing" feminists and SJWs online
>being outrageous for the sake of being outrageous
>memes, populism and pseudointellectualism

>be liberal university student going for a liberal arts degree
>get confused when identity based clubs preaching tolerance and diversity exclude certain races and sexual identities (not just ciswhites btw)
>learn how petty and dishonest the faculty are amongst themselves
>graduate just wanting to get the hell out of dodge

My redpill began there and steadily grows every day. Going to college was a mistake.

wtf I'm a liberal now
