'Huge, huge' losses for stocks if Trump wins

'Huge, huge' losses for stocks if Trump wins


I know you fucking NEETs have no jobs so this doesn't really affect you but those of us who have invested a lot of money in the foreign markets (me personally I have a large investment in US stocks) then Trump is a fucking disaster for the financial markets.

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Lol just sell them beforehand you tard



stopped reading there

>Brexit will collapse the UK economy!!! Things will never be the same!!! Infinity percent unemployment within minutes!!! Weimar Republic-levels of hyperinflation!!! Dead Polish babies, rivers of blood and WW3 guaranteed!!!

And then the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 actually rose to their highest levels in months.

Muh "experts".

Wew the cuban who got lucky off the .com bubble acting all big again.

He's just butthurt he'll never have the name recognition that trump will have.

>Trump gets in
>Obamacare finally fails, student loans fuck the economy hard, housing market collapses again, tech bust
>economic collapse

Really made me think. Thanks for correcting the record.


wew, lads.
They ain't been calling him Hitler for no reason. Best get ready. They're going to make us out as the new Reich.

mark cuban needs to shut the fuck up already, he had been crying like a baby ever since trump started running wishing he could be in his shoes

this is the guy who said diversification of stocks is for idiots

That cuck even says the market is manipulated


Can't find an exact quote from him about Brexit, just that "anger never succeeds".

>those of us who have invested a lot of money in the foreign markets (me personally I have a large investment in US stocks) then Trump is a fucking disaster for the financial markets.

I hope he wins and you lose everything. You'll have no one else to blame but yourself, but you can't handle that so you find the scapegoat instead.

>(me personally I have a large investment in US stocks)


Why do people take anything Cuban says seriously?

Genuinely curious.

>cnn finance
>meme Cuban, who made his billions scamming an entire company, verified shill

The markets will be fine, stop shilling you fucking piece of shit


I WANT the stock market to hurry up and crash. Prices of stocks are too high right now, and people don't want to invest when prices are this high. A crash is overdue, we've been in a Bull Market for too long. Its time for a crash to happen, so new investors can invest at lower prices.


gtfo shill.

It's not gonna happen until after the Boomers retire. Government will keep it artificially high for the next 15 years, and once all the Boomers are out, it will come crashing down while they live like kings.

Didnt they say the same thing about Brexit and it corrected itself after like a week?

Hope it happens and the world collapses and all the gibs dry up and we have WW3. We need a rebirth and the fall of the ponzi scheme.


really makes you think

He's so fucking clueless.

>JP Morgan moving everybody to Berlin
If they moved to Germany (and they won't, it makes absolutely not a single drop of sense), it would be to Frankfurt, which is where the main German exchange is. You would think that a famous self-proclaimed "expert" would know these very basic things.

Fuck the stock market.

lol op destroyed

This will be a shock for ya mate.
But Australia doubloons are nothing worth anyway so you wont even notice your loss.
Now better off the internet before Mr. Kangaroo gets angey again because you used up all the traffic again.

>1 post by this ID

On the other hand though fuck you and suck my dick.

If there's one thing I know about stocks, it's that what goes down must come up. I hope Trump wins so I can buy low and sell high. He's delivering on his promises already.

I love it when people buy into the global sham and think that the fiat money they made is anything but debt to the ZIonist banking cartel.

Fuck your wealth, grow a spine because the elite will eventually collapse the market to control you and pass fucked up laws anyway.

All you are doing is delaying the problems of now and putting them on the children of tomorrow.

Weak spineless fucks.

Well that cuck Canadian keeps posting threads that 10,000 Boomers retire every day.

He's not going to win. No one comes back from a double digit polling difference.

You trumptards are just as delusional as Bernie supporters were a few months ago.

>foreign investments
Which are popular because domestic investments in the current economic environment are retarded. Fortunately, that shit is fluid.

Sincerely, an user who has six figures in domestic government bonds and is irate that interest rates have been lowered steadily in the face of accelerating inflation.

>Cant stand Mark Cuban


nothing worse than an aussie shilling for Hillary.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

>elitist bankers won't control 99% of the wealth if Trump is elected

oh no whatever will we do

That's half the reason why I want him to win you faggot. It's a market short. Fuck your stocks.

>leftists are defending wall street now
