How does freedom of speech work in US?

How does freedom of speech work in US?

If an American citizen praise terrorist acts/crimes on the internet, or make fun of the victims, will he/she be charged?

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>If an American citizen praise terrorist acts/crimes on the internet, or make fun of the victims, will he/she be charged?

Nope, but you might end up on a watch list.


If they're muslim? No.

If you're white, you'll be doxxed and fired.


I think you guys have a very corrupted understanding of freedom.

welcome to america.

I see what you mean, but the term Freedom here comes with terms and conditions. Most of us understand this completely but a few people can't change the world's perception and ignorance on the matter. Our "Freedoms" are government granted privileges dressed up as rights.

No but you'll probably end up on an NSA watchlist

>knowing something about freedom

No. Just research BLM supporters. BLM is a domestic terrorist group.

>be charged?

For what? You can say anything you want, practically.

You can be...judged, by other people, but they can't jail you.

>You can't be arrested for unfair reasons in America
Why live?

Works pretty well desu but it is definitely next on the list after the 2A.

Didn't the patriot act make that illegal?


As far as I can tell you can say anything you want in the states, phrases like
>I'll kill the niggers
>we must kill the niggers
won't get you arrested because of the words, but due to the assumed intent and conspiracy to commit a crime behind them.
Is this about right?

Good thing I'm not a licence fee payer

>If an American citizen praise terrorist acts/crimes on the internet,
No, but will be on a watchlist.
>or make fun of the victims, will he/she be charged?

American freedom comes from the idea that we do NOT trust the government to decide who can say what. So, we limit the govermnent. This is very different from Turkey where the secular government is the only thing keeping the nation from allahing it's ackbar.

Something needs to be a crime or there needs to be "probable cause" that a crime will take place.

So, as a specific example:

>Fuck Obama
Perfectly legal.

>I will murder Obama with my army of space dildos
Perfectly legal, because no reasonable person would take that seriously.

>Obama should be murdered.
Legal, but the Secret Service may decide to pay you a visit, just to check.

>Obama must be stopped from passing TTTPITA by any means necessary. Here's my guns.
This one's probably going to court.


>mudslime can't into freedom


>will he/she be charged?
of course not, freedom of speech HAS TO mean speech you don't like. period. If it's just freedom of speech for stufff you like or the gooverment lieks, then it's not freedom at all.
THe only limits are stuff like yelling fire in a theater and thus causing a riot. Also the media is private and can control whatever goes over their network. Privet property is real too, so you can't just go and yell at a place of busniss.
But as far as publishing whatever you like? yes you can, and people do. People have newsletters that say we should kill all blacks, the KKK are allowed to give speeches in public parks, etc


If you are liberal you can say anything. If you are a gay black woman who is mulsim, you can say everything under the sun.

White straight male better not utter a single bad phrase or they go to jail

said the turk with 0 irony

Those two are close enough that you could get a judge to OK, say a wiretap, but it's not a specific enough threat to count as a crime.

>fire in a theatre
This is no longer illegal as of about 40 years ago iirc


>turk trying to teach anyone the meaning of freedom

Your freedom is that if you said that for example "Erdogan is a goatfucker" you'd end up in prison and it wouldn't matter if you're 9 or 90.
If I said "Heinz Fischer (who?) sucks Merkels cock" or something on the Internet it could be that I'm being charged with diffamation but hardly anyone would give a fuck going through the trouble of doxxing me and accusing me because they all have something better to do

Nope. Freedom of Speech is also Freedom of Offensive Speech.
That's kind of the point.


Pick one.
In the US of A, public figures can't even sue for defamation. And if they sue and win in a foreign court, it's not enforceable.

>but they can't jail you

Unless you work for a small company and your boss doesn't care it's fine otherwise (((they))) will do everything to ruin your life.

if you bwant to morally support them its legal but dont be surprised if some nig kills you in a northern state or some white guy kills you in a southern state

shit happens

Or you are in academia:

There's no laws against free speech in the same way there were no laws in 1984. You'll still be exiled essentially if you step out of bounds. IOW there are societal laws. Hence, most free speech occurs in online forums.

We dont have freedom of speech. You can get sued for libel andin many states loli hentai is illegal despite being an art gorm which is classified as speech.


Depends where you do it.

On the streets shouting sure on the internet. Nope.

Terms of use apply and you get fuckt by layers taking everthing.

>American freedom comes from the idea that we do NOT trust the government to decide who can say what. So, we limit the govermnent. This is very different from Turkey where the secular government is the only thing keeping the nation from allahing it's ackbar.

very accurate and a sensible post, I'm surprised.
There is also the account of Anatolia beling the land of collectivist empires since hittites, with brief interregnum almost every empire that hold this clay was a bit collectivist, maybe its in the psyche.
I would say secular-atheists are as much as authoratarian and restricting freedom as muslims, only in different aspects, not quoqueing btw I'm an atheist.

>I would say secular-atheists are as much as authoratarian and restricting freedom as muslims, only in different aspects, not quoqueing btw I'm an atheist.

The ones that worship the authority of the state are even dumber than the people who buy into religion, because at least in religion, the thing you are worshiping is a perfect god. The state is made up of deeply flawed individuals, which makes the state flawed by default.

I call them state-theists. The State is their god.

Also kind of the point to determine that for yourself and not the government, individuals can decide their own level of freedom as long as that doesn't take away another persons freedom, the government is intentionally handicapped from taking away freedoms. The foundational structure is that of restrictions of the government on the government itself, and what it isn't allowed to do.

Not that I could really parse what you're trying to say, but I actually dare you to show me a single site that says "we can sue you if you violate our terms of use".

Laughing my fucking ass off right now, bro. What liberal arts school taught ya that? Good one though, fag. Thanks for the laugh.

Things you can say:
>I hate niggers
>I'm glad someone killed the niggers
>Niggers deserve to be killed

Things you can't say:
>Hey Jimbo, you should kill those niggers
>I'm going to kill a nigger
>Everybody grab a gun and kill all niggers

Basically you can express your opinion, but you can't incite people to violence or use your speech to cause harm. Unfortunately our constitution is more or less disregarded by the government, so if you piss off the wrong bureaucrat you will rot in prison. Look up Irwin Schiff, he was locked up for publishing a book critical of the income tax.

There is a reason Americans don't trust atheists to be president.
We know all too well the history and what the godless think and do to other human beings.
While our government isn't a theocracy, we aren't atheists either.

>He never heard and doesn't understand negative liberty.

You're funny.

No, but if you make a specific threat that you are reasonably capable of carrying out, then you will be investigated. For example, naming a victim and mentioning an act of violence will call the police to your house. On the other hand, saying that you are going to nuke some target is not the same thing because it's so improbable that average people would even have nukes.

Last two are doubtful (IANAL):

You mean tax evasion, IRS fraud is no joke.
Theft from government isn't the same as criticizing tax policy or IRS structure.
If you live in the country, and you are a citizen, you have to follow the laws of the land.
It isn't anarchy, that's not freedom, that's lawlessness.

>I think you guys have a very corrupted understanding of freedom.

And they are even allowed to make fun of the current leader withourt going to jail for it , can you immagine that.

I'd like to expand on this for the sake of fellow Americans. As far as I know there are zero cases of someone going to trial for solely for loli hentai. At the worst it can be tacked onto a different charge (often possession of cp) and even then it falls under obscene material laws and not actual cp.

In the US you can only say what you want if you are rich, because you will lose your job.

> Look up Irwin Schiff, he was locked up for publishing a book critical of the income tax.

That guys was jailed for tax fraud.

So close to the golden quads...

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You could fit more mags there.

If you need more than 120 rounds of 7.62's then you may want to reconsider your choice of carrying case.