>tfw civilisation collapse happens i wont be armed
What are some good places you can loot guns from? Dead police sounds like a good start or perhaps gun shops.
>tfw civilisation collapse happens i wont be armed
What are some good places you can loot guns from? Dead police sounds like a good start or perhaps gun shops.
gun nuts who need soldiers for their militias
Have them shipped to a friend in the U.S then have him ship it to you.
Obviously take precautions so it doesn't get confiscated on its way to you.
>Looting gunshops
>Expecting to be able to become competently armed in reaction to a situation instead of in preparation.
Hooo boy, that is a terrible idea.
do you actually think its that easy to mail a gun? this isn't like mailing a banned game or book we're talking about
I'm guessing if you survive the initial downfall, people will be selling firearms left right and centre. Sort of like the wild west.
But paper money will be useless.
Or the people you are trying to trade with could just shoot you and take what you have, since you aren't armed.
Brother behold the 80% lower
Oh well, this is the trouble with a collapsed society. I would still prefer it over the police state we have coming.
I mean the fact you can't buy a pump action shotgun here is pathetic.
I'd say this. Know a few gun nuts who'd probably have a gun for me. Problem is, though, I don't know if I'd want to be around them or on their side. Gun nuts are nuts!
Just get a cheap rifle.
Join a Doomsday Cult.
Be armed in advance, even if you just buy a cheap shotgun or something. I don't know how well trying to loot a gun shop is going to work out for you.
In that situation I don't think you can call them gun nuts. I think the technical term you would use for them is that they were "right".
Considered a paperweight legally
my hands are registered weapons because im a tough cunt
They would be the safest people to be around at that point
You mail pieces and parts so no one package constitutes a whole firearm
Many options avalible
80% lowers don't fly in Australia. Nowhere sells them locally because the AFP would probably find an excuse to shut them down. You can't import them as Customs definition of a "firearm part" includes parts that are not complete. 80% = 100% lower as far as they're concerned.
Loot woomeras and boomerangs from an indigenous protection area.
Yeah i'm guessing this would not fly with customs. I imagine getting a letter from the AFP, although it's tempting.
Get a forging from China. The uncut blanks are about $20 a peice. Are they really on that regulating them over that there?
>Get a forging from China. The uncut blanks are about $20 a peice
what did he mean by this
I hope this smug cunt's mother was raped by somali pirates.
Check out your laws maybe to be sure. We can get them here as at the 80% they are legally not considered a firearm. How about deactivated guns? We can buy all sorts of cool stuff but they de-activate it. Usually weld up chamber in barrel and cut/ weld spots on receiver so they can't function. If only a guy could find a machinist
You can buy the lower receiver for an ar15 from China for about $20. It is not machined at all and needs a lot of metal cut away to make it into a useable part. The are on alibaba and probably Amazon
Nope you need a some obscure license for de-activated guns. You can't even own a airsoft gun here.
Honestly thinking about leaving this shit hole the minute i save enough money, i'm sure America could use one more white man that appreciates firearm rights.
You should at least have access to a bolt-action rifle or hunting shotgun.
for example, the Lee-Enfield no 4. Bolt-action rifle that's over a century old, there's no way it's restricted. It's slow but much better than nothing, and a part of anglo history, and you'll gain +10 apocalypse points for each bandit you skewer with a bayonet.
A nagant is fine too.
just get a gun license m8
ignore id I'm not taking another pic
No way. That sucks man. We can get all sorts of guns here. You need to take a 2 week firearm course and the restricted course is another day. That will get you any rifles shotguns etc. Restricted gets pistols and AR's and stuff like that. Full auto they don't like at all and you can't get licenced
We have a lever action shotgun you can own, and bolt actions with a 5 round limit i think.
It's just that since self defence is not a valid reason for owning a gun, you must go through a bunch of shit like joining a gun club and doing all sorts of paperwork before you can own anything.
It also gives the police the right to enter your house without a warrant so they can inspect your firearms, which must be locked in a safe with the ammo in a seperate safe in another room.
No absolutely not. They threw a tantrum at me because I inquired about buying Ar magazines, which are legal, they still said fuck off. Anything even remotely connected to a cat D firearm is a can of worms and basically requires the attorney general's permission. Gun shops etc. can import it but not some random bloke.
They take the regulation very seriously. Customs has it's own set of rules, separate from the actual gun laws. Just because you can own something, doesn't mean you can import it. Even things you can import, they'll sometimes hold it up and demand you get papers for it.
If it's effectively a slab of metal then sure, they'd probably not know any different. As long as it doesn't have shit like "AR-15 RECEIVER" printed on the box. But then you wouldn't be able to buy barrels, bolts, anything. The only parts I can think of for an Ar that you'd be able to buy locally are buffer tubes, magazines, cosmetic shit like irons/stocks and maybe triggers. Any sort of gas tube, barrel or bolt would be way out.
In some states, it's far, far easier to buy and own real functioning guns legally than it is to buy replicas.
I wouldn't want to give a gun to an unsafe giga pussy commie beta libcuck no-guns faggot shill who has such a high inferiority complex and fear of responsibility that he refers to the Patriots he knows as "gun nuts" and shivers at the thought of firing a gun. You're absolutely right, you probably wouldn't want to be on their side because fags like you are probably part what got them into the mess in the first place. Since you are an enemy of liberty, freedom, the Constitution, and all who defend them, you would probably be better off cowering under your mom's bed until you starve to death. Just my 2 cents.
>It's just that since self defence is not a valid reason for owning a gun, you must go through a bunch of shit like joining a gun club and doing all sorts of paperwork before you can own anything.
Just get a permit to hunt on crown land, they're like $11 and there's no requirement.
>It also gives the police the right to enter your house without a warrant so they can inspect your firearms
Put your safe in your shed, it's not really a big deal, they don't bust down the door.
How about the 3-d printed guns made from plastic? You can download the cad files and go to town. Just need trigger/gas system and barrel to complete. Look it up on YouTube
Why get a gun when you can have a tactical spoon?
myswell just make it out of wood if you can only print the housing
A fucking 3d printer is more expensive than a good rifle you stupid nigger.
The lake where I had my tragic boating accident
This. Horde cigarettes, alcohol, food, and gasoline.
I'd be more angry at Howard, if I were you, m80.
This isn't dayz user, most people wouldn't be able to kill someone else
Well except Americans I guess
I would think learning how to distill your own booze would be enough to keep you in whatever else you might need in trade
He's saying buy a 0% lower. A metal ingot in other words. This requires more tools and know-how.
Did you read the thread kraut? They are heavily regulated and can't readily get guns or import parts as far as I understand. 3D Printing machines are expensive but a printer is probably less than a brand name ar. Plus after you have printer you can make many many "parts"
lol, I'm bugging in. Come to my door and get your allotment...
That cunt will rot in hell, yet the fact we didn't have a revolution when that law was passed proves how pussified the population has become.
M80 I'll tell you right now if some shit goes down do NOT go to a gun store; that place will be crawling with armed people if not completely empty.
You're gonna want to it the gym. That's right- barbells, dumbbells, heavy, thick metal designed to hold a lot of weight.g o for the stuff that the weight isn't attached to. Wide grip Pulldown handle is excellent
GL and stay safe
> i'm sure America could use one more Australian
The only problem is i hear you have a serious negro infestation in some parts of the US. Perhaps i could start my very own "Aussie nigger removal service"
As long as they like guns, they will offset the shit immigrants who always vote anti-2A
You better vote in trump and build the wall ameribro. I'm stuck here surrounded by more and more immigrants and fucking cucks. I'd say build a northern wall but you don't have to worry much about our immigrants. From what I've seen they never ever leave the city's and go into the bush. The only people who would try and cross are basically white outdoorsmen who would hike through the woods