Why are millenials so worthless?
I'm 25 and chronically single and can't find a well paying job despite graduating valedictorian of my high school, going to a tier 1 school and double majoring in two STEM fields. My dad went to texas tech, majored in business, married at 23, owned a house in a ritzy SoCal town at 26.
Why are millenials so worthless?
because everyone that came before has taken all the money
its the jews
Liberal policies have wrecked business and sucked the motivation out of people.
About the same situation, except I'm 28. Making only 38k a year and perpetually single. Everything is pretty shit for people my age. I know people with nursing degrees working as waitresses and barely scraping by as school debts just pile up and crush out their wills to live. America sure is great.
The military Is here for you, friend.
No matter what you do it will be hard to get a job without experience. I cant even find a minimum wage full time job here in aus. I blame the robots taking all the easy jobs
srsly though about going to ocs if I don't find something decent soon.
I don't believe you.
>he thought he could compete with indians working for next to nothing
Yeah it's not because they worked harder.
hard to work harder than them, if not even given a job in which to work, my man.
Get a short term work visa for any random country and start filling your life with experiences
that's another thing I considered. Signing up for one of those "Teach English in Japan/Korea" for a year things. They pay low, but beats spending my day applying to dozens of companies, jerking off, then drinking til I pass out
I don't even care anymore, might just end it today.
VS writing a thankyou letter for a job I won't get and getting my first cavity filed today...I might chose to die on the way...
I didn't ask for this, by the way my last job caused my cavity---to long of a commute and too hard on my mind solving bugs all day.. It's been 6months and I really just can't do it anymore.
maybe things will turn around though, maybe
>maybe things will turn around though, maybe
You keep thinking that
Stopped caring about all of the glitz and glamour bullshit that comes with le ebin American dream.
Here's the thing: I'm in your situation, single, college grad, total autist. So what am I doing now? Online work and living in mom's basement at 23.
But look around you. Look at this cesspool of a culture we live in. There's no social cohesion, no one gives a shit. Yeah sure, people will talk about cool shit and all the scientific advancements, but under all of that hopeful sugarcoated bullshit, people sense something's not quite right.
There's no fucking hope anymore, there's no personal aspirations that people have wanting to better society themselves. Where the fuck is it? We're so fucking mired in hyperindividualism that no one has any grasp on what "contributing to society" even fucking means.
Everything's just fucking miserable and I'm at a similar mindset as but I'm not going to fucking kill myself because I can't get a bitch or my job sucks.
I'm going to savor every bit of my free time and do what I can to make my situation suck just a little bit less. That said, it still does concern me from a collective standpoint how disillusioned everyone is, and I hope things turn around for the better, but honestly, I'm not holding my breath.
>why am I projecting so hard
Suiside should only have meaning or else your life is a total waste. It's crossed my mind that if I decide to end it all it firebomb a NAMBLA convention, or take out some truly detestable person or something. Least then I could say my death benefits the world as a whole.
Fuuuuck I'm 27 and in school for nursing. How fucked am I?
>valedictorian of my high school
>going to a tier 1 school and double majoring in two STEM fields
How is that true if you write so poorly? Here let me fix your sentence.
>I'm 25 and chronically single and can't find a well paying job despite graduating valedictorian of my high school, going to a tier 1 school and double majoring in two STEM fields. My dad went to texas tech, majored in business, married at 23, owned a house in a ritzy SoCal town at 26.
I'm 25, chronically single, and I can't find a well paying job despite graduating valedictorian of my high school, going to a tier 1 school, and double majoring in two STEM fields. My dad went to Texas Tech, majored in business, married at 23, and owned a house in a ritzy SoCal town at 26.
Just do it man, if I didn't have things tying me to my life here I would totally just join the military and sit on some base in sandistan drinking beer while racking up thousands of dollars for it
A tall gringo in japan is a pussy magnet, even awkward fuckos like you Sup Forums homeboys can find easy love there AS LONG AS you take care of your looks and is not disgusting or creepy.
Eh that happens when you're drunk. I typically finish my job apps around 6-7 and that's when I start drinking.
I hear the nursing industry will become booming due to all the old people retiring. Then again they said the same thing about stem and IT. God I hope I can find an IT job after I graduate
>My dad went to texas tech, majored in business, married at 23, owned a house in a ritzy SoCal town at 26.
It only takes the jews one generation to destroy a nation. They are in the pillage/escape route phase now in america.
>scientific advancement
like what? the only technological advancements made today relate to the size of camera on your iphone, or memory on new videocard to play some uninspired triple a shit
you're tempting me here. I'm not that tall (5'8) but fit and athletic with a 8/10 face.
The more people evoke feelings of hopefulness, the more closer we are for them to finally show themselves. They will appear only when we call them.
The more people evoke feelings of hopefulness, the more closer we are for them to finally show themselves. They will appear only when we call them.
I wanna do that to the Federal Reserve Building in NYC but why bother it won't change anything.
So what's your point? Live in spite of everyone else, seems kinda lame.
From what I hear, be prepared for nursing homes. If you're okay with that, you'll probably be fine.
Cater toward opthalmology. With so many old folks, cataract surgeries are on the up and up and you can get work in that field. In fact, if you are in so cal I can even recommend some docs to talk to.
(sauce, my last job I did field apps for a med device company markets mostly to opthalmologists)
More so talks of space exploration and whatnot, people talking about advancements in technology that will lead us to who knows where. But there's a sense of cynicism underneath all of it and, as you said, yeah, most of the advancements made today are for frivolous shit.
>So what's your point? Live in spite of everyone else, seems kinda lame.
I'm alive now, may as well enjoy myself. Couldn't give a fuck less about having a "reason."
>ally single and can't find a well paying job despite graduating valedictorian of my high school, going to a tier 1 school and double majoring in two STEM fields
What STEM fields? Because if it's anything halfway decent, then it's probably your resume that's shit.
Remember: STEM subjects furnish you with a skillset that's highly adaptable; you're not locked into STEM jobs by it (or you shouldn't be). Over here, tons of STEM people end up in finance because their degrees prove they know how to work with numbers, data etc. It's your quantitative skills that make you marketable, not the fact you did STEM.
Stop spreading this false meme.
Women are the same everywhere. You have to be physically attractive and financially stable in order to KEEP a woman. Doesn't matter if shes a nip, amerifat, or a monkey.
As a guy who hires a bunch of milennials, to be honest, it is your shit attitudes.
>can't find a well paying job despite graduating valedictorian of my high school, going to a tier 1 school and double majoring in two STEM fields
Literally how? Did you double major in math and physics? Even then you should be able to find good work. My gf looks like the pic you posted and graduated with a degree in communications from a tier 3 public school. She's now 28 and makes $90k a year working in human resources.
They only way you're not able to find anything with a double major in STEM is if you're socially retarded and unbearable to be around.
I doubled in Biochem/Econ at UC Berkeley. I have about a year experience in field apps/product dev at a med device startup. Paid a professional HR guy to help me make my resume. Been keeping a spreadsheet of everywhere I apply, and less that 1% even respond, let alone give me a proper interview.
It really isn't. They're greedy fucking shits, the lot of 'em.
Wealth is not a zero sum game mate
Millenials need to stop being weak faggots and get into trades. Every Millenial that comes through my company is a limp wristed soft cock. Whinging about working in hot or cold working conditions and generally not even strong enough do the job.
I put it down to the lack of fathers in their lives.
It's not, but when all the wealth is hoarded in offshore trusts, wealth generation and economic growth does stagnate.
hi boomer
your open borders bullshit flooded every western country with cheap immigrant labor. no one wants to hire natives at minimum wage when they can pay illegals pennies under the table.
I agree with this fine gentleman. Number of millenials who whine about wanting opportunity and then fucking it up when they get it is amazing. Also no self awareness. There is a reason why I am not letting you do X again - it is cause you fucked it up last tie and didn't learn from the experience.
You're just not working hard enough you lazy piece of shit
I can't disagree with the amount of weak willed, scrawny ass millenials is disgusting. But I cant help but be disheartened when I had multiple 20+ unit semesters, graduated presidential honor role, go the the gym 5 days a week and still can't even get an interview and local jerkoff companies.
literally living off my dead grandparents Tbh. They were fucking genius buying up property and houses back in the 60s when it was cheap as fuck. Now I get stuck selling and renting it out to people. I just turned 24 and dropped out of college at around 20.
What were your marks like? Did you do internships? THose are the two things I look at when I have to hire a millenial. If your marks were shit and no internships then you are fucked unless you know someone, which is fair enough really.
God she is fucking disgusting.
by marks do you mean grades? Top 10% of my class. Internships? I have quite a bit of professional experience, probably quite a bit more than most people of my background.
My problem is not that I get interviews and they say "ah fuck this aspie, we don't wanna deal with him."
I just apply to places and never hear back.
This. Globalism and liberal policies destroyed the world. This current world doesn't deserve anything from me. I'd do what I can to change it, but it takes a lot more people than there are willing to do anything about it. We're Gen X all over again. Too few of us against the boomers, so no one gives a shit anymore.
Maybe after Trump gets in things will be better.
>Why are millenials so worthless?
the jews mostly
I'm so glad my parents forced me to get a job at 16. My mum just got one of her friends that worked at a supermarket to give me a job. Told me I had to go do it. I did and the pay was shit. In the end my dad hated it because I worked every sunday.
When I moved away later is was easy as shit to get work because I had a bunch of references who would tell them how much effort and shit I put in.
It's frustrating, just keep sending resumes. To just get interviews you could even literally spam applications. Some places only hire top tier people, you want to go with them.
Build a network, if your city has a meetup scene go to those that are in the area you want to work in and act like a normal human being.
If you get rejected, but you liked the company, try to establish a contact, find out what happened, and you may re-apply later.
The first job search is the hardest as with no big full-time experience you are less interesting for corps and probably your "selling" skills are not good enough.
If you keep failing try to cheat up your CV.
You actually don't need commas before the last and in a list. Both are acceptable these days, though I prefer the omission.
>walk into shop with help wanted sign
>talk to owner
>no resume
>no college
>no experience
>owner gives you job on the spot without interview because you have two arms and two legs
>get paid minimum wage. which at the time was more than enough to pay for rent, food, and car with extra leftover
>go to college after cuz why not, the world is my oyster and that shit is cheap
>live to tell generation after me how they're lazy little punks
Also, it is much much easier if you are already being in a full-time job, where you have been for a year. I am setting up a four way bidding war currently ;)
your lazy, spoiled, and have a huge sense of entitlement just like the rest of you're generation. you think your too good for an honest days work and expect to make 6 figures with you're degree, which means nothing. the business world cares about REAL results not some worthless bit of paper
This is good advice. Also if it has been a while since you left school you should be working doing some shit tier job while you look for the job you want. Waitering or retail sales or something like that.
Also dont lie too much on your CV - embellishment is OK, but a good interviewer will have questions to catch you out.
Finally whatever you do, don't borrow more money and do a masters cos you cant get a job. This is the dumbest most american shit ever.
The enemies are inside the gates—and what gates there were are thrown down by traitors within our midst, by Obama. The time draws nigh when all men will be called upon to decide whether to stand with our founding fathers by risking their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to preserve the delicate flower that is liberty or whether to slink back to that darkness Christ met, when the whole world lay in bondage, when man’s only purpose was to serve Caesar.
I'm a machinist, 25 years old and have been layed off from every job I've had due to lack of work. Anything we do here can be done overseas at 10% of the cost, and the company doesn't care about our country so they will screw us out of work to save a dime. 95% of work shortages in this country would be solved by making it harder or more expensive to outsource manufacturing and production. I blame the government for making outsourcing so easy.
Here's a secret. Most jobs aren't even advertised. You need to know people. A business major with a 3.0 GPA and tons of friends in high places will do much, much better in his career than an engineering major with a 3.8 who sat in his dorm and watched anime all day.
People are struggling to land any job and white bitches are getting paid 90k for superfluous, made-up "work".
Time to retrain rather than bitch about it. This is the entitlement mentality that shits people who aren't millenials. You picked the wrong career - deal with it.
>They only way you're not able to find anything with a double major in STEM is if you're socially retarded and unbearable to be around.
This was too harsh, sorry. It's rough in the beginning, you'll do well with your degree, it may take a few years though.
Same, 26, no jobs anywhere. If this is how the job situation is supposed to be... they should have taught us that in school
At least we're educated.
Yup, and this is 90k in an area where most jobs pay 30k, not in the bay or nyc. I watched her switch jobs recently, she's an excellent liar, that's what got her that salary. I don't trust her at all.
Ask their parents they raised them like this.
really the GPA doesn't even matter most jobs rely on knowing somebody like 85% of them.
>tfw got tech job straight out of uni
The OP is trying to find a job. He never said he needed to make 6 figures. You're projecting so hard. Baby boomers grew up in one of the greatest periods of American prosperity while millenials have come up in a downturn second only to the Great Depression. That baby boomer perspective is outdated and irrelevant at this point
I'm 24 working fast food. Luckily my mom was smart enough to buy some land near Seattle before the gooks started buying everything up and now that land is worth millions. She is buying me a condo otherwise I would be fucked
Funny you should say that. I went to a friend's place the other day, 2/8 of us were employed, the other 6 were on layoffs. All from different trades. In June of this year Canada lost over 30k jobs alone, adding up to over 100k lost jobs since the liberals took power. Blame me for choosing the wrong career all you want but I'm far from alone in being out of work, and it's not just in my field.
Too many people. Too many educated vs amount of jobs in those fields.
But hey your free, spend it wisely.
>millenials have come up in a downturn second only to the Great Depression
That may be true, but what is whining about it gonna do? You just have to accept it and try your best
Lol who is the they? Your professors? I love the complete absence of personal responsibility here. You can't read a newspaper to check out what the job market looks like. So fucking weak hahaha
Reminds me of some guy on here the other day bitching about his job prospect because he went to a private college to do naturopathy. Finished undergrad and couldn't find a job, so he went and did a masters in it. After all that he came to the realisation that he needed to go out and find clients, and he didn't enjoy that. He was complaining that he had spent all this money on a useless pursuit. I lol'd about his retarded life choices. Good times.
Networking is where it's at, I never had to fill out an application for any one of the jobs I took and the situ wrt youth employment is about the same here
>have 45k job at 19
>no college
I think one of the points why they were more successful was because they just took what life handed to them rather than having unattainable goals (>everyone wants to be in management by the age of 30) and then desperately trying to achieve them even when it's painfully obvious that it will never work out.
If he has the degree he claims he has, he probably will make six figures, once he gets into his career.
Whining doesn't do shit but we also have to accept that hard work and a positive attitude are not enough for success. Just because someone has a hard time finding a job or is unenthusiastic about their shit career doesn't mean they're lazy or entitled
>Why are millenials so worthless?
If you think our generation is worthless it's mainly due to the social environment that has been laid out on to us.
We are the first generation that's constantly under some sort of manipulation through advertisements, fear based politics and corporate/government propaganda. They try to get us buy things we don't need for problems we don't have and work towards that six figure income that is already considered normal in the media for some fucked up reason.
We are constantly being bombarded with distractions through our phones, computers, tablets and whatever. It's hard to focus on things that actually matter and work towards actually changing things. Our lives has simply become one big Skinners box where we are constantly looking for that next dose of dopamine through novelty we might get from food, porn, internet and television. This all makes us impatient, restless, unproductive and in the end unhappy.
>I'm 25 and chronically single and can't find a well paying job
This is wrong approach to take and will only bring you unhappiness in the long run.
It's far better to find job that pays you enough and where you actually enjoy working in or at least that it doesn't drain you dry.
Finding a job was much easier to Boomers and Generation-x as they barely had to lift their hand to get one. The so called "free trade" and market deregulation has lead to the point where corporations have to improve their "cost efficiency" to compete by movign the production to countries with poor labor laws along with non-existent environmental and health regulations. Many jobs have been automated as well in the past 20-30 years and the rate is only accelerating.
No jobs are safe, it's just a matter of time.
Yeah, violence out of desperation is pointless. I think the #1 consideration in that case should be will this accomplish anything desirable or could it work against my values? Take for example killing rich people. There's a lot of them, and as soon as you do something extraordinary, the others will ramp up security ensuring it can't be repeated, not to mention they may use you as justification for retaliation in class warfare.
Even doing a false flag to escalate conflict because you think the military-industrial-complex needs to wipe out mudslimes, you know they have their own agenda and won't wipe them out as long as they can profit, which means they'll keep them alive to justify continued actions.
They SENSE something's not right?? That's still too short-sighted to make informed decisions.
You know not when the master will return.
Those of us with a little more intelligence or motivation should be doing what we can. Model the possibilities, determine the present truths from illusions, examine our values. Do we want to maximize the lives we save or just the best?
Some people never grow out of the mindset that if they're doing something wrong, someone will intervene and set them straight. ADULTS expect to be babied.
>no one told me this degree was shit, how was i supposed to know????
No one likes taking responsibility, it's always someone else's fault.
Trust the machine.
Five year Canadian unemployment rate trending down friend. Any more excuses? I do blame you for being an entitled pieced of shit to be honest and not recognising your destiny is in your hands.
problem is unless you get lucky it won't go much higher
Yeah but does your resume focus on the actual quantitative aspects of what you did?
My degree is in physics and astrophysics but my resume/CV describes the actual skillsets that an employer is going to look at; extensive data analysis work, leading projects, excellent problem solving skills, heavy duty math etc. I could tell them I know a lot about stellar evolution or some shit but it's completely irrelevant to what I would be doing and it serves only as an (albeit impressive) framework for showcasing the actual "can do shit" stuff.
If you have a STEM degree, you're immediately ahead of most applicants by dint of the fact you can do basic mathematics and data analysis; I'm not even joking. You should be able to leverage that into a base level accounting or data position - anything quantatative. Is that what you want to do for the rest of your life? No, probably not but it will serve as a springboard into other things and will let you get money behind you to pursue the other stuff.
You're slightly taller then a teen girl in Scandinavia.
In UK everything is done with/by recruiters, right? A decent recruiter will increase chances to get a job dramatically due to various factors.
>If you have a STEM degree, you're immediately ahead of most applicants by dint of the fact you can do basic mathematics and data analysis; I'm not even joking.
"not that tall" is code for manlet
actually if you look at the facts and statistics, they worked less and were less productive than workers now
>Trending down
Must be aboo math AYE M8
back then they could afford to work less because they weren't getting replaced overseas
You're aware that they count layoffs as still employed right? By their data, 8/8 of us were technically employees working, even though we aren't. I've seen many charts like that debunked, especially from statistics Canada.