If the whore wins, and leads us to war with Russia, what will you do?
As a vet I can't see reenlisting in order to serve the evil cunt that she is.
If the whore wins, and leads us to war with Russia, what will you do?
As a vet I can't see reenlisting in order to serve the evil cunt that she is.
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Literally just fap. For once the outer world reflects my inner world. Please nuke each other.
vets have absolutely no reason to be happy if she wins, and I'm not even considering the personal reasons vets have to dislike her (the US military have a couple of decades worth of stories passed among us of her obvious hatred for our kind and the constant slights and abuse military members who've encountered her have suffered)
You should revel in the poetic justice of lefties getting murdered in a world war for voting for the obviously corrupt piece of shit who lied to them and lulled them into a false sense of security.
That's my plan.
Defect and help Russia liberate us and install Trump as our eternal dictator.
I really doubt that if americans elected even a worse warmonger than Hillary it still wouldn't lead to direct conflict with Russia.
If Hillary is elected we will probably see even more destabilized Middle-East. ISIS will not probably last 2 years more, but this offers plenty of meantime to send American taxdollars to "moderate rebels" until some group gets too much money and equipment and goes full Jihad.
I think Iran will be the next target, probably some sort of revolution or at least coup-attempt in the following years.
>As a vet I can't see reenlisting in order to serve the evil cunt that she is.
You were perfectly fine serving under Obama with HRC as secretary of state though.
I call bullshit. You're not a vet.
hahaha i didnt ask for this LOL
The Whore of Babylon, and the second coming as an all-consuming fire are foretold. What I plan to do is endure the trials and tribulations.
Kill Russians
Hillary is the death of America. A symbol of corruption and crime.
So what stops you do it now?
Shitpost about it on Sup Forums. What's she gonna do, draft me?
you guys are alright
>fighting for hillary clinton against the last white nationalist country
I'd hope the collateral damage to other nations would be kept to a minimum.
it's funny because it's french nukes :)
>Explosion d’une bombe atomique aérienne de 914 kilotonnes, le 3 juillet 1970 à 18h30, au dessus de l’atoll de Moruroa (essai Licorne)
>Explosion of an aerial atomic bomb of 914 kilotones, 3 july 1970 at 6.30 pm, above Moruroa island ( Licorne test)
she won't lead us to war, but she won't pussy out if putler does, unlike drumpf, who wants those delicious failing rubles
>what will I do?
Become the next sam hyde of course
I'd support my country at a time of war because I am not a piece of shit traitor.
That said, I don't view Russia as an enemy and will be voting for Trump.
1. Sabotage infrastructure
2. Give secrets and recon via ham radio to Vladimir Putin himself
3. Snipe
Good thing about being old fag. Too old to be conscripted. There are some good gen ys so my lels will be moderate.
>Last white nationalist country
hi I'm Poland
go away poland
No I want attention
Russia is Muslim mongols dipshit. Only the western part has white people. Ukraine is Russia if it were white
>what will you do?
Grab bob and go innawoods
You have to go back
Hey Poland.
Hey Holland
Not going to war for a traitor doesnt make you a traitor, dumb fuck
almost missed a rare
This has been a topic of conversation on the golf course actually
Well since my country is in Nato I will probably get drafted even if I want to fight agains hillary and globalism I don't have much of a choice here i can try to get inside russia and figth for them but it's not how the world work so I will probably die nuclear fire or on a Battelfield Like millions of other men while women are getting fucked by Ahmed because I didn't need to figth since he don't have the nationality .
First of all we can expect a massive false flag of the sorts with Russia/Iran. Likely Nuclear, likely on american soil.
The massive false flags will convince the majority of americans that Russia is really bad for one reason or another.
Then the propaganda machine that got clinton into power will kick into 'red terror' mode again, and wel'l see graphic russian rapes of women and exploding vans on tv for a few months.
We will retaliate with a nuclear strike and then troop deployment.
Our ties with Saudi Arabia will stengthen.
There are actors out in the world that are probably deeply salty about the west being in power and will probably take this moment in histroy to 'stab the west in the back' and try to take dominance; China is a prime candidate for this; also the Poo Loos who will likely ally with Russia.
The Saudi's might eventually attempt to make a land grab into places like Iran, Iraq and the middle east.
Israel will regret everything and likely be wiped out/backstabbed by dogs that escaped their chains.
World will probably go backward in technology for the next 20 years or so, but we will see the use of some pretty strange experimental weaponry.
When it is the president, yes it fucking does. Get hit by a semi you stupid fuck. Not defending your country against a foe like Russia is basically the lowest thing you could do. Once war actually breaks out, who gives a fuck if we were in the wrong? You are no better than Jane Fonda or any other treasonous leftist that have undermined America at a time of war.
Fuck yourself faggot. I didn't think on a much larger scale than '6 days a week, everyone around me is 60 and doing the same job as me at 19, why would i carry on with this path'
eat a dick nigger
don't let these shills fool you, russians are bad guys in this scenario.
but i don't think it will ever happen. hillary can make putin and his cronies see the light
Let's be real, you're probably too fat
work a trade, be an apprentice and garner enough experience to be able to handle any situation in that trade by yourself. by your own equipment and run independently, setting your own prices and schedule.
if somehow getting into a trade school and apprenticing doesn't work for the one you want, get a job as a janitor, construction worker, painter and shit and make friends with the guys there. you'll eventually find someone who knows a guy who can hook you up
>hurr all that matters is nationalism
stupid ass christian redneck piece of trash
Whatever CTR bitch, Putin directly said if she is elected it will lead to ww3
Why'd you niggers let this happen?
No, all that matters is preserving America. Once war is declared, whether we are right or wrong is irrelevant. We win the war. Then we vote out the pieces of shit that got us into it.
It isn't complicated, Hanoi Jane.
How is she a whore? The level of misogyny here is astounding.
Russia is far from an enemy. The only reason there was ever tension is because Billy decided to bomb yugo.
You didn't serve, you probably never will so fuck off pussy faggot
I somehow doubt he's Christian if he wants to go to war with Russia because the Saudi Shill in Chief says so.
Who cares? If war comes, you makes sure America doesn't lose.
Do you think Russia would be nice to the US if it won a war against us? Are you a fucking imbecile?
“A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.”
I'll defect to Russia of course.
>You are no better than Jane Fonda or any other treasonous leftist that have undermined America at a time of war.
Says the neckbeard that never served, nor did he try to better the country in any way, shape or form
shit you got me !
damn, i really thougth i was well disguised as a canadian :/
>The existence of my species matters less than the existence of some vague idea of a nation which holds none of the values that made it once great and is a completely empty shell of its former self
We're already like 50% not white, this ship is gonna sink if she wins
Enjoy having to kill yourself as an old man far before your time because your health goes to shit and everyone just shits on you for being an old white male and not a muslim, because thats whats gonna happen, if you arent killed by one of them just for the change in your pockets or not praying 5 times a day
I love seeing uniformed cucks, aren't you guys suppose to be the """"intellectuals""""""""?
>As a vet I can't see reenlisting in order to serve the evil cunt that she is.
I had to reenlist for the deployment I'm currently on (or separate from the service). It didn't even occur to me until the following day that Hillary could be the commander in chief and send me to death. Pls win, my emperor.
>pol is this uneducated on nuclear deterrence
What happened?
>iranian threat does not exist
prove it. iran and russia implied hostility multiple times over the last few decades, only to back away when nato takes steps.
in other words, if you want peace, prepare for war.
Didn't mean to quote
We have the best nuke pictures.
If she wins and WW3 starts, I will not serve. Why am I going to risk my neck to fight for a country that elected that dumb cunt?
I'll just stay home and watch the 4K footage of the war captured by drones. I'm the only male son so I don't have to go anywhere.
As a vet and or military start a coup and execute her on the white house lawn. Install a temporary military government while a new election is called and atttempt to make peace with Russia.
Use the 6 months of military rule to make a large number of high profile leftists "go missing"
i dont really know at the end of the day how much any country could really be doing to destabilize the middle east
The place has been at near constant war for about 3000 years. All America has done really has been to dump large tanks of piss in a lake of piss
more like the US will collapse USSR style while putin laughs at all the americans re-living his past.
America will not survive a hillary presidency.
Why does everyone keep saying hilary will declare war on russia.
FPBP this......../Bread
You're retarded if you think Russia would ever go to war against the US. They would get absolutely demolished, it's not even fair. If we had just an 8th of the military power we do now, her dick.
This happening just won't happen.
I bet USA will never start war with Russia.
You'll just have more proxy-wars in Middle-East. Maybe she'll send troops to Sirya or Iran, mayby another coup in Turkey.
And more blood to blood god in Ukraine.
That's it.
I think ww3 will be a stalemate as everyone is afraid to use nukes. One country will be stabbed in the back by (((people on the home front))) and that country will have many returning soldiers who are extremely angry setting the world up for a far bloodier war a few decades later.
in terms of "repeating history" i can see ww3 or whatever the next war might be called being the 21st century version of ww1. everything works very nicely to make it as such.
>last war was over 70 years ago
>not many real country v country wars since then
>tactics will have to be figured out as everyone is used to killing goat-fuckers
>population that has never really experienced being in a "real" war
You sound like a totalitarian dictator.
I won't be reenlisting either. 10 years and 6 deployments fighting for the wrong things for the wrong (((people))) was enough for me. I'll be remaining in my mountains in my beautiful Montana.
So much fantasy and teen spirit!
Meanwhile all you military tech build only to battle with muslims.
>no EMS on Russia's level
>no 155 mm artillery for lenght more than 30 km
>shit-tier air-deffence
>no large airmobile forces with vechicles such as our BMD
>Towed artillery the divisional level so far is 2/3 of the total number, like back in 60s
>There is no mobile anti-aircraft artillery of the type ZU-23-2 which can be put on trucks and armored personnel carriers.
>MLRS somehow represented by only one caliber and installations with low BC. In that time, the Chinese have a full range 122/273/300/425-mm MLRS.
>No jet-propelled flamethrower
>No operational-tactical missile complexes
>No coastal missile complexes
Trump is really americas last hope. Kind of like the hardliner coup attempt in the ussr
If Trump loses the USA will collapse, It cannot survive 4 more years of the same establishment gutting it. People dont get it. Trump is literally the USAs last hope. If he loses the USA as we now know it at its present territory and influence will cease to exist.
Hillary wont be declaring war on anybody. She will just go down in history as someone to be cursed as the citizens of the new highly corrupt poor nations collectively known as the "Former United States" look at the crumbling factories and cities of a once mighty country
you say that like its a bad thing
>EMS on Russia's level
I meant "Electronic warfare systems"
Shitpost online until the 'net goes down
Shitpost over radio then
Just like Yeltsin in post-USSR.
nothing, we are all finished when that globalist bitch tool provokes ww3.
fucking politicals and beraucrat cunts never had a god damn street fight and they fuck shit up for all of us....motherfuckers
Russia's cool though.
Fuck Hillary.
I would go drink with some ruskis...maybe fight a bear or some shit.
There are so many parallels to me when you compare the current US establishment with the USSR establishment in its final days. Both of them were/are super corrupt and blinded by their own greed to what was happening to the country.
I am younger gen x so I'm not that old.
Why'd we let it happen? Apathy I suppose. I always voted against it for 20 years. Gen x are just faggots too we just didn't revel in it like gen y does.
Obama has done so much to weaken and demoralize our military, and clinton will continue those policies.
It would be absolutely insane to pursue such a conflict and I dont actually think she's insane. Just evil.
She's #notmypresident and neither are you my countryman, you are an admitted oathbreaker and thus TRAITOR to the nation. Die.
Probably be dragged into conflict to support you, even though I would rather support russia.
>WW3 starts
>millions dead
>life on earth ends as Hillary gives feminist speeches
Yes, your nukes are the bomb. When will you test more? Or is your gov going to trust simulations for the new ASMP-A warhead? Honest question.
You also meant PMS. Admit it.