>tfw I sent in my census before it was hacked and now the Chinese government has my personal info
Tfw I sent in my census before it was hacked and now the Chinese government has my personal info
you're practically a citizen of China already- what's the big deal? Another 10 years and you'll be sending your info to Beijing anyway.
You faggots better elect Trump so China gets a big slap in the face
You're seriously underestimating how racist the average Australian is.
You gonna get exposed by Assange!
They don't need to hack anything to get your info. The government gives it to them.
i told you all last night to ignore the census and warning letters, and take measures to sue them for harassment if you get a fine.
the australian government is not competent enough to run a modern country or use a computer, they definitely cant keep your personal information safe.
..........They had steel wool in the 50's or something sold there called nigger boy.........cuz it's coarse like black people's hair
Goddammit Australia lmfao
R.I.P patrice
i feel bad for ausfailians
They had it years ago by hacking your bank, by hacking the transport burry who issued your licence. By hacking Facebook and all else.
> too bad you're an unimportant faggot no one cares about.
Is it weird, that when i saw this news article, i intentionally did not do the census:
It just seemed suspicious as fuck.
KEK, that'll only keep you safe from the first billion chinks that try to take you on, what about the second billion?
Or, possibly, it is you who is OVER-estimating the racisticity of the average Aussie.
Interact with people who don't live in Melbourne.
>I did my census at 6pm when the site was up so I can't use "the site was down" as an excuse not to do it
Oh well
Says the nigger
Or possibly it is YOU who is over-emphasising the educational value of your Liberal Arts Degree, with a vocabulary like that...
correct use of decker
>tfw didnt do census
Also we have Coon cheese because it used to come in black wax and Blacktown because it's where all the boongs live.
Australia is replete with these little witticisms.
Not fucking likely.
>Trusting Australian government to pull off anything involving technology
The NBN rollout has given some pretty good hints as to how well they manage large-scale tech-related operations.
You can still do it.
Originally called 'the blacks town' when they moved the abo school out there
>mfw chinks buttblasted over Olympics, gets grandma's personal info.
oh man, sure showed me, wei shen
Why do you chinks hate yourself?
I'm not a nigger! My wife's son is, but I'm not.
go fuck your pillow GF han
>pauline hanson voted into the senate
i think we're all good
>filling out census
nice one retard
They already know everything about everyone. The only people with any privacy are amazon tribes that have no contact with other humans.
The government doesn't even know where I live.
>it's 100% secure! we swear! just fuckin do it!
>whoops server's down because we couldn't anticipate that everyone would do it after they finish work
>uh...DDoS! hacking!
What a fucking joke.
they do, it's all in a big database. You are just unimportant, if they wan't to find you they will
No they don't m8
Yes we do ; )
>online census
What? We just had some paper to fill out and then someone collects it the next day.
>Australia literally being attacked by China
>Japan being threatened by China
>Russia buttfucking and threatening European countries
>ISIS all over Europe and USA
>North Korea declares war on USA
>let's shut down NATO
>it's not 40 years ago
>why can't we ally with our enemies
>t. kremlinbot
Whatever you say Jake
Don't forget how we were threatened by china the other day.
Something about our boats not being allowed in the south china sea.
Well we're moving into the digital age and doing everything online now with our brand spankin' new copper internet m80.
>any server run by anyone
There's a reason that the US government operates military bases about half a kilometer under ground. There's also a reason why they are on massive springs. There's also a reason why they're built into mountains.
There's also a reason why they are lined with 5 MT fusion bombs. There's also a reason why people die then tend to go into them.
Security is not a thing, anyone worth their salt knows this.
China are being that gangbanger abo across the street who just discovered roids and guns and is being an angry motherfucker
You're threatening their national security. Say sorry.
>comparing NORAD to census servers
>implying it's just NORAD
There's at least 7, but my point was that security is a joke and the only real protection against a security breach you have is just hoping nobody wants your shit badly enough to get it.
China can eat my border collie's white shit.
PLA paper tiger as fuck
Chinks cant into mountain combat
Edward William Coon's patented ripening technique actually.
I guess they're just testing the waters for online voting
>leader of the 'libertarian' party supporting the census and four-year retention of names.
t. Estonian afraid of a Russian invasion
NSW is looking to sell some major electricity infrastructure to the gooks now. Lol.
It got beyond retarded long ago when you had SJWs spitting at and abusing a protest of about 5 people who were protesting selling our houses to chinks.
Aussies are multi culti as fuck as long
as there's some money in it for them
t. Igor
Media rhetoric tends to indicate this fuck up will severely impede progress on the digital voting front, although my guess is that the government will force its way forward to try to prove to everyone that it isn't incompetent, like how they've forged ahead with their shithouse FTTN idea.
Close . My names vlaidimirivich dmitrialonovamakavladapyotyrdragovich
mcfucking disgracful, user.
it's not multiculturalism when the chinks own everything
tell them to think of their precious Tibet.
>implying they vote based on ethics and idea
They care more about the size of their inheritance
>implying they have money in the first place
these are alchoholic uni students we're talking about here.
they vote based on they're fee fees
t. Chink
Sorry everyone.
Tell me about it I wouldn't spit on most of my fellow Aussies for doing this. The chinks are just doing business and looking for somewhere nicer to live.
But you just gotta laugh or else you go nuts.
>look for somewhere nicer to live
>Sammy Lin and Winston Chu probably own 26 houses through their grandmothers and 70% of that money probably goes to bejing
yeah bruh, just poor hardworking immigrants
aussie chink argue with self-hating aussie chink is probably the funniest thing I've seen on Sup Forums
Lel. That's where I got the idea
how can i bullshit my way out of the census lads?
>expecting nearly the entire country to get on your telcom infrastructure at the same time on the same day
ausgov is a big, fat, mistake
Just say you're a chinese hindu from Tukey named Marty McFly.
Just say the website was down.
It is
man i used to wank to her so much.
>imlpying we're the chinks
you might notice the lack of aussies at Nanking, Tojo.
we've all been there, user
redpill me on abos
Terra Nullus
Yeah now they know your on the dole and live in a house with 5 other jobless hippies.
Call the PM! this info cant get out!
>implying i dont have a job
You need to pay a huge fine if you don't do it poofter
So China knows you have a job?
Fuck man that's deep.
aboriginals however you say it
>mfw didnt and wont fill it out
We don't like them so we keep them in the desert.
sorrry mick never heard of him
>i think we are all good
Until i see an entire mass deportation of every god damn nigger in this country, we are not good.
like fucking 80-90% of them are subhumans and the other 10% are bro tier
still the odds isn't worth it, make Australia white again
All that's missing is a VB tinny
Good work ameribro
yeah mate.
good shit
i havent even gotten around to doing the census
It's getting scary how incompetent they're becoming.
Fuck it. I'm ready for the fall
All it is, is your address, your occupation and how many peeps live at your house.
You probably give more away on FB on a daily basis.
Who is that?
>implying i post on kikebook
The police emus will be there shortly
>In justification of their conduct, the natives urge that the white men have driven away all the kangaroos and opossums, and the black men must now have beef!
>tfw whitey introduces an infinitely more valuable food source to your society
m8 he's living off the grid, he didn't do something like throwing out a half full tinnie, no need to send the hit squad after him.
If u use the internet or a phone in any way, sorry to say bro, they have your infos.
dont we have like a month to hand the cunt in? why did everyone try and do it on the first night
>tfw hard copy masterrace
until auspost fucks up and i get a meme bill. does the $180 per day max out or does it just keep going until you hand the census in?
So.. Will I be able to do it online later at some point in order to avoid that fuck huge fine?
who fucking cares, mate
the government are incompetent crooks, with globalist shills on one side and unionist thugs on the other, with crazed communists somewhere in the middle.
people like us barely have representation in the government, with lefties treating Pauline like a toxic meme and katter's soft cock on abos.
Until we see an overhaul of our 'legal' system that actually punishes the cunts that deserve it we're not fucking good at all.