Any objections?

Any objections?

too much kebab

no Baltics, rest is fine

Estonia is a great peaceful young country, please don't fuck it up by trying to annex it.

It's not a real country and historically been Russian

No need for butthurt belt and -stans. And deport all churkas. Thank you very much.

All I'm saying is that its good now, there's no reason to tie it in with Russia's problems. Its a model post-soviet democracy.

pls leave baltic alone then its mostly ok thank u

>annex central asia
>get flooded with central asians

>annex hohol niggers
>have to funnel tons of money into their """""economy"""" so they wouldn't starve, and later on they are going to blame their misfortunes on ebil russia and not on their own retard-level intelligence anyway

>annex baltic niggers
>literally nothing changes because baltics are fucking nothing

no thanks

hmm i don't know, they seem to like their dictatorship and don't want a new one

leave balt alone

all rightfully Germany

you forgot poland

Why would you want a bigger Russia?

Seems a little ambitious to me... I think Lithuania might have a little bit of a hard time annexing that many countries. But other than that, no objections. Have at it.

Russia can have that if we can have CANZUK

there is nothing wrong with central asia


dont count those lads out just yet

no sir

>Any objections?
yes. Uzhgorod belongs to Hungary

all rightfully ottoman

>American """""""""""""education"""""""""""""""

The Danish, Swedish and German times lasted twice as long as the Russian occupation, so technically we're more nordic clay than russian

Erdogan is butt buddies with Putin now

Putin creams that ass nightly



toddler's second grand strategy game.

if they want to, why not

True, when central asia stays in central asia.

>sperging out over a joke

don't worry man, EUIV is a cool game

>"""""""""Estonians"""""""""""" (read: Russians) actually believe they have a unique culture






>cool game
kill yourself you subhuman

Independant Georgia please, they're a little beacon of hope in a sea of shitskins and slavs.

thank you based balt lad

Imigrant nation judging someones culture. Top kek.


>we wuz nordics and shiiieeet
>this inferiority complex
хaхaхaхaх cyкa блядь

i object to posting static .gifs

Don't worry lad, Latvia's irrelevant too

now russia is my best friend

>making canned shprots

many objections?

Any objections?

1. Balts should be separated from Russian identity. They are not Russians nor do they want to be.
2. Central Asians are not Slavs. Whether they want to be or not is irrelevant, and as such they should not be in any Slavic Union.

3. Moldova should choose either Russia with Moldovan identity or Romanian with Romanian identity.

>2 RUB were added to your balance

I never said we have a more unique culture, leaf, i'll try to say my point in numbers, maybe then you understand

>Danish/Livonian/Swedish rule total: 502 years
>Russian rule total: 248 years
>Estonian independence total: 47 years

Do you now understand?

>Making inbreed mongoloids
>Call it a culture

Name a better one, out of curiosity.

>be lithuania
>your whole world and culture revolves around being butthurt of russia
>meanwhile 99% of russians never even heard about you because there's literally nothing to hear

>No such Thing
Looks perfect

>America talking about real countries
you can't make this shit up if you tried!

this applies to you too

Why are the Caucasus such a shithole? They have been since ancient Greece.

>mfw an irrelevant country responds to my post
Vicky 2, HoI3, Darkest Hour

Get back to your cave, Vladislav. No one likes you, just die already.

When will this meme die? The fact that Russians constantly, incessantly, obsessively complain about this mythic "Baltic butthurt" while at the same time claiming they don't care about the Balts is such a pussy ass passive-aggressive insecure beta argument I won't even re-iterate what Molymeme would have to say. Self-pitying radioactive vodka-mutants the lot of you.

that's really the best you can say? at least an aussie would banter well, but you, leaf, are a disgrace to your motherland

Fact doesn't change he's playing babby's first paradox game

i like latvian have constantinople leave latvia

>mfw irrelevant countries think they can grasp canadian banter

To be fair, they're all fairly similar games, just depends on what you are looking for. For a game of people you play CKII, for a game of countries you play EU4, for a game of international influence and more in-depth nations you play Victoria, and hyper focus on war in HOI. EU4 is really just Victoria lite in an earlier timeframe.


What's being severely autistic like?

Not Estonia!!!!

I really liked them...

>EU4 is just victoria lite
>victoria lite
you enjoy casual garbage, consider suicide

Tajikistan, Armenia and Azerbaijan are Iranian clay. Although happy to cede Armenia to Russia to protect from Turks

>Kazakhstan becomes world super power.


>implying I don't play all of them

Maybe I just like the time frame and don't mind it being more simplified.

kek napoleon is still on his rock that the british dumped him on

>my IQ's sub 50
>therefore everyone else is severely autistic
all that inbreeding went right to your head

Vicky 2 is fucking easy. Havent played HOI3 but HOI4 is also easy. Crusader Kings seems to be the only challenging one?

HoI4 is casual trash
johan lost control of the company so they're appealing to the tablet/mobile crowd

Paradox Grand Strategy Games:
>God Tier
Darkest Hour
Victoria II
>Good tier
>Okay tier
>Bad tier
Victoria I
>Shit tier

CKII is the easiest if you start as a small country, the only difficulty comes up when you START as a big country or at war with a massive muslim country like the Byzantines Vs Seljuks.

>Russians constantly, incessantly, obsessively complain about this mythic "Baltic butthurt"
you forgot to add "on Sup Forums", because that's the only place you could learn about non-countries like memeland and the baltics.
And it's hard to avoid as 100% of posts by baltniggers are about russia, you literally can't post in a thread about Russia and not get flooded with these baltlings

there is nothing to grasp since your banter is nonexistent

Most burgers are memeing about Russia. They don't know fuck all about geopolitics.
Trump's delusion that he can just befriend Putin is beyond reason. We need a strong, principled leader with clear, defined positions. I'm ready for Hillary desu

>mfw she wins in November and the world celebrates

HOI4 is on the same level, if not lower than EU4

Nice meme John

You both got dubs. I think we all have played all of them, so i doubt singling out EU IV while he have played rest of them too is honest thing to do. Mr.Canadian u better hope that next paradox game will be Vic 3 if not, then powerful Latvia will annex your irrelevant shit hole in no time!!

Is this leaf bait or what? Victoria 2 is a lot more complex and rather different from EUIV, heck EUIV manages to be easier than Vicky 2.

Tbh I'm not really sure. Is it considered hard to be a Byzantine noble? I haven't played the game in a looong time.

My digits confirm that Vic III is going to fucking suck.

only Azerbaijan

that's crypto-Persian clay and buffer state

>Swedegolia talking about real countries
You couldn't make this up if you tried

holy fuck learn to speak english properly you fucking snow nigger

>Thread already overflowing with anti-Russian butthurt before we could get here

Feels bad, man. Our schtick has lost its glimmer. :(

Of course, EU4 is much simpler. I wasn't stating otherwise. EU4 is just a casual Paradox GS, it's global nation building. I would never compare it to Victoria II.

Come and try

>America talks like it knows shit about Europe

> Victoria 2 is a lot more complex and rather different from EUIV, heck EUIV manages to be easier than Vicky 2.
That's why they are different game, they just focuses on different aspects. Vic is more about diplomatic game and focuses on Industrialization while EU IV is pure Conquer the world with your sword type of game.
All thought i like Vic 2 much much better, i still play EU IV every now and then.

>Come and try
literally nobody would want to, they are just memeing

that's my exact point, it's casual garbage.

yeah, leave us alone the rest can go fuck themseleves

playing a non Greek count in Byzantine is the second hardest start. The hardest start is Socotra.

Why don't the Baltic countries form one big Baltic country???

thanks Russia

stay mad

>EU4 is victoria lite
Shouldn't you be stroking your horses cock in your yurt or something
>I still play EU IV every now and then
I'd say jump off a bridge, but """""""""""""""Latvian""""""""""""""" infrastructure
