pls nuke us already
German Conservative Newspaper: "Trump says murder Clinton"
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>murder Clinton
No need, she will die by herself in 6-24 months.
Why the hell do foreigners unrelentingly call americans stupid yet care so much about american politics?
i dont think she has parkinsons if thats what you are implying. thats usually diagnosed before 50.
you ever think trump is just running so he can make another cool billion off defamation lawsuits?
because unlike some countries we will have to deal with you. And since you guys are retards, you start wars here and there and fuck up the rest of the world.
because that's what he said, nobody makes him say retarded things
we will wait until you become the new 60% meme country and then we will talk
Actually he never said that.
If you think that's what he said, you're pure refined dogshit.
>American politics influences the whole world
>Most of their politicians are stupid af
Would vote trump if I could.
stop it with the nukes. i want to live.
dont worry fellow burger bro, once trump gets elected and those illegals have to go back, you will be right back up to 90% white. of course, poland is 99.9 white, so it doesnt change anything for me
I am not so sure this would be in the best interest for Poland, to be honest.
Liberalism is a disease, sooner or later they will take over your country too. Be patient. Fight the red scum wherever you can.
Shut the fuck up you snail eating faggot.
im bolish :DDD :D but born in america. How hard would it be for me to integrate? I speak russian and learning german. helb
>you start wars here
>america why won't you fight those people!?
>america why the fuck are you fighting those people!?
no matter what we do eurocucks complain about it
around here, the young people join militias and train with the military in case shit hits the fan, and white supremacist groups are allowed on our campuses
you're already dead, and when your new caliphste attacks us, we will prevail
What did he actually say? Provide us with a link or transcript
>pls nuke us
I hope somalians will beat and rape you, sissy faggot.
the american election will affect us aswell
Dont let shillary win!
>my blood is one quarter polish, so that means I am polish as well
ok fatty, dont push it. make your own country great again and stop worrying about us
wtf thats not what he said at all
soon all expats will reunite under the white-red flag again
lol that stereotype is getting fucking annoying. Im polish in name and blood cunt. Answer the damn question.
he did imply it
stop with this damage control
He said Hillary is going to abolish the second amendment via her appointments to the SCOTUS, and that there is nothing that you can do to stop her, or maybe there is something the 2nd amendment people can do to stop her *wink wink* *nudge nudge*
I am not easily offended by Trump, but these comments were unwise. I think he should just play it off as a bad joke.
>this level of denial
stop it faggots, it was clear as day what he meant
gues vuld :D :DD: DD
What does it matter? Especially in Europe, you'd all get BTFO if a war was to ever occur, especially France.
So instead of starting wars why dont you just nuke the middle east and africa. That way most future wars will be avoided and more lives saved.
Wait for tomorrow's authority statement.
Rumours are burkas geting forbidden, radical groups can't invest into moschees anymore, Ditib (in consequence) will be under heavy surveillance.
Refugees comitting a heavy crime (murder, robbing etc.) will be deported.
An internet crime operation (forgot the name) will be introduced (and yes it's for criminal/terroristic crimes).
People who got two passports and are a threat to germany will get deported and the german passport will be revoked.
Double citizenship will be revoked for the future.
Watch De Maziere's official statement tomorrow instead pokemon.
Just a quick fyi
> almost all journalists who write about america in Germany are part of the Atlantic bridge
>organization to further "friendship" between the US and Germany
> all members are globalist shills
>angela merkel is a member
They're all Clinton buddies. Its ll true look it up
If you want a conservative Newspaper, take Junge Freiheit. Shits actually the only right wing AfD close newspaper which is considered to be a legit source
We care about your politics because your politicians are so unbelievably stupid and funny. Ours are too, but America affects the world.
(((German Conservative Newspaper)))
Topkek. You do know that the most conservative we have in Germany is more left than the democrats in the US? Including the media.
The current media brainwashing is extreme.
forgot the pic
if you speak polish and you are even somewhat polish(read: white) then you should be fine here
I was a burger for 10 years, but I came back to my hometown to go to college. been here a week, kt's easy to to get used to the european way of life if you're not a huge american cunt and you are willing to change
also, dont come here, the gov is corrupt and you wont find a job here, whatever you are doing is going to earn you more money there than here. and dont even bother learning german, they will speak arabic in 5 to ten years
because Europe would complain to the UN about it
Trump said that Hillary would abolish the 2A, i.e. come and get your guns, and that is exactly what the 2A is against.
So actually, Trump's comments are pretty fair game. You could even say that they are basically a restatement of the second amendment.
If Trump were randomly bringing it up, you could say he was threatening Hillary. But he brings up "the 2A people" whilst he is talking about Hillary abolishing the 2A. The news stations don't show that part, though, because it doesn't make Trump look as bad.
im pretty well off and dont care about the law. You think I can glide my way into politics? Also, what do regular people think about white supremacy?
I've fucking had it with redcoats chiming in on our right to keep and bear arms. For 240 years we've been putting up with this shit. 240 goddamn years. The right to keep and bear arms is ESSENTIAL, utterly and completely essential, to freedom and civilization. If you do not have a government that respects your right to keep and bear arms, you are an unfree, uncivilized dark hellhole. Fuck you, your mother, your mother's mother, and the Queen for thinking otherwise. Trump did nothing -- NOTHIING!!! -- wrong for suggesting that is our GOD given right as Americans to kill tyrants that would deny us the fundamental human right to keep and bear arms. And I'm sick and fucking tired of rotten toothed, fish frying, OY M8 REMEMBER WHEN WE WAS RELEVANT INNIT redcoat fucking dickheads telling us differently. Everytime this topic comes up, for 240 years, one of you motherfuckers is there, smiling like Satan, rubbing your hands like Jews, and chiming in about how American guns are a "problem". I'm sick of seeing it. Limey fucking toothless fucking faggots. FUCK I'm so sick of hearing your bullshit. And left-wing Marxist "Americans" talking about "Well Britain bans guns and they're doing fine". You're not doing fine. You're a fucking mess where Muslims, who you've been at war with for over a THOUSAND years, stalk your streets and bully you and your women and RAPE your children and you do NOTHING about it, because above ALL else, when you strip the pomp and circumstances, the high faluting talk about history and tradition, you're nothing but sniveling little COWARDS with a dentistry problem. And you can go fuck yourselves, from Manchester to the Falklands. You goddamn lobster back.
Why the fuck did you ever bother adding the blue and red panels to your real flag?
For a couple of years maybe.
Nobody really gives a shit about africans and dune coons.
>Frankfurter Allgemeine
Yeah, sure thing.
Ph, I didn't realize all those refugees were from the US. Sorry about that.
Maybe you faggots should ban assualt trucks like we did in the US. No dirty muzzies pull that shit here.
and this is why you keep getting fucked in the ass by Mohammad. You're too busy bitching about Americans saying mean things about criminals and terrorists.
I'm amused by the burka bans. Go enfolrce it in a muslim neighbourhood or with muzzies in the police. Plus the mudslimes will just change these regulations with their demographics and democracy
he is referring to the NRA and similar large 2nd amendment entities who have the endless resources and means to litigate and fight in court
From a german cuck, no.
You can't get involved into the politics of poland. They bash their own folks if they speak negative about their country, down to local radio stations and bashing russia at the same time.
Literally they are bashing everyone who is not polish and not on the line.
I know someone will call me a merkel shill right now but that's what it is.
they get money from the EU and bashing it. They are afraid of russia and bashing it.
They are just Sup Forums in a nutshell.
Bashing for the reason of bashing.
God damn, that word....
like I said, they are normal occurances, accepted in college capmuses even. leftists are almost nonexistant, unless you count the doros paid PO communists, but our corrupt right wing PiS goverment isnt perfect either. In truth, half of poland is owned by EU, the other by germany directly
come here for a vacation burger, see how you like it. with dollars worth 3.80 zlote per dollar, you will live like a king, just make sure to not visit warsaw for too long, most of our niggers and liberals are there and people are shit there overall, plenty of smaller towns with good people and great places to visit
Decisions taken in Rome will affect all of her administrative territories.
Lügenpresse is the worst in reporting the US election. They disguise their agenda pushing as journalism and bombard us with their opinions. No wonder ordinary German cucks think Trump is evil. The propaganda machine is at full force. But WHY?! I get the US media, but what does German media get out of manipulating Germans who will have nothing to say in the US election?
you cant murder a demon even if its some low level shebitch
Unfortunately, the weekly print edition of the JF is obsessed with WWII and former polish clay. Every week the same old story of the muh Polish provocateur. Obsessed!
It is a FUCKING SCRAP PAPER for old grandpas and Ewig Verbitterte. You lost the war, get over it for God's sake! And their online version is not better. I mean, most articles are clickbait, the update cycle is poor and they have a moderated comment section.
The JF is not better than the FAS or Spiegel, moderated comment sections are typical German bullshit. Controlled opinion factories. But this is only one mans opinion.
There no "conservative" newspaper anymore user.
Dont fool yourself.
So much salt.
Still suggesting you defend the 2nd amendment and suggesting people with guns assassinate Clinton are pretty different don't you think?
Why are none of the "MUH OVERTHROW TYRANKNEE" people doing anything after they found out the NSA was spying on everyone illegally?
Are they just gonna say "w-well t-thats not TOO tyrannical" every time? Boiling frogs.
>it was clear as day what he meant
Not for you
It's a federal law then. No reason to get it introduced to any neighbourhood. It's just outlawed if it gets through.
I know the risk is high it dosn't get through (muh religion safespace) but the effort and the reasons are clear and understandable. We go anti-turk right now.
We are afraid of the influence turkey's politics got in germany.
We saw the overwhelming support of the turks demonstration and know right ow we got to condemn it.
Better late than never.
Also, the burkas are not common here.
I never saw these black ghosts here but I can understand why it has to be done.
We don't want to end up like London or even Blackburn
They want to fight nationalism worldwide. America is the most influential country and so it's very important to the media that a globalist is president and that the world's population approves of that globalist candidate and hates the nationalist candidate.
if things go south in the west for the next 20 years, EU breaks up, can poland become a major power in europe?
Here's what you do instead of being a cowardly piece of shit.
>Get out your iphone, go to the people in power.
>Pester them relentlessly uploading each encounter to youtube.
>If they fine you, good!
>If they arrest you, good!
>If they beat you, good!
>If they kill you, better still!
Reveal to the world the violent face of your tyrants they show to those who defy them, while simultaneously spreading your message globally. Do something you fucking kraut coward!
You see extremly little burkas in germany, like virtually none.
Hijab is a different story.
>2nd amendment is literally there to protect your rights
>he makes a point that when a politician takes your rights there's nothing you can do aside from using the 2nd amendment
>this means he's calling for her assassination
If he's calling for her assassination then does that mean she does want to take your rights, in which case the assassination would be justified? (Hi NSA)
Trump may have well said it, this is the last grasps of a dying campaign.
Putin is disciplined and smart. Trump is baby man.
No, that's factually incorrect.
This would be a lawful killing. Not murder.
> Muslims
> voting in Germany
You should stop with this rumor Podolski. Nobody in Germany does vote, especially not mussies that don't care about the country.
>most articles are clickbait
This post is bait. Though their online version has some problems. There are often spelling mistakes in their articles.
Call him Kuba or Lewandowski or something, not based Poldi.
Why are you making stuff up you fucking fag?
I'm a doctor and no Parkinson's can be diagnosed at any time in elderly people.
sure, its very possible. In fact, I predicted this in ond of the earlier poland threads.
the thing is that most of poland is made lf old people, and the young people fall into two categories: smart, educated, sbove average iq student, or nearly mentally retarded peasant slavs who squat, drink, smoke and swear all the time. i agine beavis and butthead if they said fuck and kurwa every other word, but they drank and smoked all the time, this is what I am talking about
polish youth will need to get motivated and we will need to jumpstart our economy, but unlike the western eu, we have a chance. if we have even one product that the world is dependant on by the time germany and eu fall apart, that gives us time to better our economy and get a real chance at becoming a superpower
Qatari doctors everyone.
If we want to know the right way of mutiliating your daughter or your slave servant, we'll ask you.
Their articles are actually half the size of Breitbart's. JF stands for zero quality. Nada. AFP copy & paste. I rather read blogs. Face it: We have no nationalistic news paper outlet, not one.
I only work in Qatar you fag.
I'm not Qatari.
MFW I make 20,000 $ a month tax free.
No, because they are not in the giving right now.
You got to understand that if the EU would crash right now the states that receive more than giving into it would suffer the most.
>why, they kept thir money instead giving
There are contracts out of the eu regultaions that keep investor's interests. Without them poland would take part in the economical depression AND suffer alot of gibs they receive now.
That would be an economical holocaust.
They can bash, cry and keep their white natinalism all they want.
>GB did the same and they do well
Yeah they voted out and right now they are trying to keep their influence in the world.
But they are a rich state. Not a folding state at the brink of a breakdown without any supplements. They were a giver not a receiver of any money.
If germany would vote out the whole EU would collapse from the point they announce it. We are the givers right now. We give more than receiving than anybody else. Deny it or see it as false but it's true.
A chance would be if the euro would get revoked and national currencies would get a second rewind. But as long as this doesn't happen poland is on the receiving side and, even they got the national pride, are the niggers of europe.
Don't get me wrong poland citizens. I envy you for being a proud nation, and I respect you (in real I got alot of polish friends who brought me to on the line of being proud of myself) but economically you are fucked without the EU.
>Their articles are actually half the size of Breitbart's
Good. They are to the point, no commentary or opinions, but simple facts and mostly both sides have something to say.
""german conservative"
do you guys even have a real centrist party?
>later that day after the rally in the Trumpfag general
Trumpfags are fucking disgusing how much they suck Trump cock.
No, all their parties are made of Krauts, which means they are desperate for muslim dick.
The NPD is ran by secret police
The AfD won't do shit, they may only slow down the decline.
slide it more please
nice proxy, Ahmad Abdul Mohammad
NPD was always undermined by spies and bnd's (federal police). Their whole party was/is so undermined the federal court was forced to not taking any steps to prevent spies getting outed.
AfD on the other hand is just a bunch of fuckers who got to learn alot in the next years. There was a breakup internally and they split up into two groups right now.
I think (only my opinion) they got undermined aswell, but they managed to separate themselves and are like the "die Grünen" (lefties party from the eighties) who are on the search for their own identity right now.
They got to learn alot and I wouldn't trust them in running a whole state right now.
((((((Conservative)))))), seriously who gives a shit what German media says? in the case of faz ofc they stick a knife in Trump because he is anti-handouts to Germany: anti-US base, anti-NATO, pro-borders, and anti-Merkel citizenship giveaway to terrorists.
he didn even say dis
he need money for dem programms
Is there someone who can tell me a different view ?
So why hasn't there been at least an attempt on Shillary? Trump got two attempts, even if both failed.
i work at a senior center
old women had her tv on full volume, i asked her to turn it down a little and started a little conversation
"what's on the news today?"
"everyday the same. this millionaire zigeuner they talk all day all night about him. i can't see his face anymore. i hate this zigeuner"
"because i only see his face when i turn on tv. it's annoying"
propaganda works.
He is a zigeuner. That's true. His ancestors are jewish/german. His dad travelled over the ocean and made it.
Also, you describe something that doesn't happen. Trump isn't even in the news here right now.
Exxagarating is just a blatant form of prejudices.
>not watching TV
I do, sometimes (more than before because of the olympics)
Our news are full of EU (fuck them) concerns and european ews than being on the watch for Trump.
All in all we just don't care much about it.
haven't seen any tv news in months, that's just what she told me.
idk if it's true or not, but 80%+ germans said they would vote for hillary, so he must be around in our media a lot.
>retards that maintain a larger economy, more geopolitical influence and a more competent state with less corruption.
nothing about hillary but everything about trump
> thinks he's red-pilled
> watches olympics
The olympics are fake as fuck and a liberal love-fest. To be honest, you are still blue-pilled.