Be Mexico

>Be Mexico
>Rebel from Spain
>Invite Americans to settle Texas because you're too weak to do so
>Have horrible shitty country plagued by coups and run by a dictator who doesn't care about democracy
>Americans say "fuck this shit, we're rebelling"
>Say they're not allowed to do to you what you did to Spain
>Massacre some guys at the Alamo
>Get angry when the USA annexes Texas like the population desires, declare war
>Get embarrassed in the biggest failure in the history of Latin America and lose half your country (the unpopulated half)
>Watch as the former Mexico becomes much nicer and richer than what remains of Mexico
>Complain that America stole it until the end of time
>Also have a flag that looks more like Italy's instead of Spain's
Is there a more duplicitous and evil state than Mexico?

Other urls found in this thread:

el goblino señores

How much dangerous is cross us-mexican border??

>flood US with endless waves of orc looking chicanos
mexicans got the last laugh user :(

0:00- 3:00 USA
3:00-15:00 Mexico

They are reclaming the land through settlement though.

I meant in other order, from mecico ilegally

someone will fall for this bait

Those were already here bro

some of them

>(the unpopulated half)
>Those were already here bro

Mexicans when you stole our northern clay: no more than 100k

Mexicans in our northern clay now: +20 millions


>Generally, the officers of the army were indifferent whether the annexation was consummated or not; but not so all of them. For myself, I was bitterly opposed to the measure, and to this day, regard the war, which resulted, as one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. It was an instance of a republic following the bad example of European monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory.
Regarding the Mexican–American War (1883), as quoted in Personal Memoirs of General U. S. Grant (1885), p. 16.

the weak shall fear the strong

You are a bad person, I would't be surprised if you have zero friends.

you think hitler had second thoughts about the morals of conquering when invading poland? have you never played any conquer games?

I think Mexico was the only country that revolted because (>we) cucked the absolutist piece of shit king and forced him to accept the Constitution.

Why did every Latin colony rebel at the same time, anyway? I realize Napoleon gave them the opportunity, but not a single one besides Cuba and Puerto Rico wanted to remain Spanish?

Boo hoo. I didn't see them crying about Injustice when they slaughtered the native Mexicans

Open rebelions happened in Nueva Granada and La Plata. Elsewhere they either didn't happen (at that time) or were supressed.

Everywhere else it had to wait for Bolivar to go and start another revolt

>Color Television
>El Chavo Del Ocho

what a fucking travesty

Only a chicano would know about those things hmmm i smell el chicANO among our presence señores

According to my limited knowledge of Mexico, historically they have had very few coups due to a single party winning every election during 70 years until very recently

Asi es. Bolívar, el mason a sueldo de las logias inglesas, Miranda, el quintacolumnista lacayo de los mercaderes anglos...

Tanto ayer como hoy, Venezuela es el principal foco de esparcimiento de mierda en latinoamerica.

>tfw White but grew up in East LA
>beaners get amazed a whyboi listens to Ranchera, speaks Spanish, and watches Chavo