IQ by country

1. Your country.

2. How do you feel about this?

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superior tbqh

>people in Africa have the same access to education, nutrition, and care as people in the first world

Unironically mad, i blame rural subhumans.


>people in north korea have better access to education, nutrition, and care as people in the first world

Why is Italy higher than the rest of Europe?

>I believe the North Korean gov't

how about Mongolia or China

Are Uruguayans smart? How does it affect your daily life?

Source needed, thank you.

Look up race and IQ on YouTube.

>he thinks Mongolia and China are 3rd world countries

No thanks.

Reminder this is white supremacist propaganda

yes, but most of us don't know it

According to the other user having worse education/nutrition/care is the reason for the changes in IQ, hence Mongolia/China should have better quality of life than the rest. Is this the case?

The kikes haven't censored videos on this topic yet.

>white supremacist propaganda
>All top countries are asian

>All top countries are asian
and Italy!!!!

yes, how can you not know that?
education in China is quite excellent

Why do you keep reposting this?
Why do you think anyone here takes splc seriously?

Niggers are stupid

Thanks Mexicanon

I'm sorry about the Danish Sup Forumstard that keeps posting the retarded "race and IQ" pseudoscience.

What the fuck, Italy!

Most Chinese alive today grew up in an Africa-tier provintional shithole and China of the Great Leap epoch was actually all around worse than Sub-Saharan Africa, especially when it came to nutrition, by virtue of genius commie planning.

Uh, no it's not. Chinese university is a complete joke and secondary school is just cramming for the gk or suicide.

>What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the populations of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in terms of "phasing out" of such peoples. If the world is to evolve more better humans, then obviously someone has to make way for them otherwise we shall all be overcrowded. After all, ninety-eight per cent of the species known to zoologists are extinct. Evolutionary progress means the extinction of the less competent. To think otherwise is mere sentimentality.

Lol. Compared to american and European education, Chinese education is a big fucking joke.
Most of them do well, Because that's a ticket out of poverty

and you think they sample random people for these studies or they use pupils?


And this is why I keep voting for the far-left party. Everything white supremacists hold dear should be destroyed.

If you are in a country where ppl have low IQ and you have higher IQ, than them, you can easily be a winner there.
If you are in where ppl have high IQ, you must hardly compete with others.
I mean, I'm a loser.

Oh, you posted it again.
You are pathetic.

>thinking we're honorary whites
>IQ statistics say we're just East Asians
not very good