Most used Social Media sites by country

Since when did Latvia get its own site?

Other urls found in this thread:

>social media

>Australia, Canada - reddit
>worst posters are from these two countries

Really makes you think.


they counted it as such back in 2011

this is second most used social media from 2011 btw

Range ban leafs and aussies NOW

We also had our own site NaszaKlasa
All its users went to facebook because it was cool and american and foreign and NaszaKlasa was lame, polish and "cringe".


>own site



Man, what a bunch of faggots.

Pretty sure every country had these before. We even had 2, StudiVZ (actually for students, but just everyone was there) and WKW (Wer kennt Wen ("who knows who"), kinda the pleb version of it...

where is the December 2017 version? Is it fake or did the guy post on facebook or something first?

R u color blind? Its clearly yellow, not orange. So its draugeim


We used to have our own social media, but facebook made obselete and the people running it sold it to a faceless corporation that didn't know how to form communities and just wanted to sell products.

Pic related, it was the personal page of the PM at the time.


for shame

>Source: Alexa

Are people still on Facebook? lol, is it like running their lives and people really care about it and stuff?

>those two countries
well that explains everything

>Only niggers like instagram sounds about right.

Facebook in japan?? Lol
They use instagram in japan more than anything
Before that it was amoeba

Why is this retard is using time spent per visit as the metric instead of visits?

This is making reddit appear more used than the actually 12x more popular and used Twitter because of course someone spends more time per visit reading a forum with paragraphs per post than Twitter where nothing is more than 240 characters long.

>They use twitter in japan more than anything



The thing that actually makes someone think is that you idiots think this place isn't reddit 2.0 at this point.

Might as well just be called r/Sup Forums at this point.

>Are people still on Facebook?

Everyone over 40 now.

They use a different website in Celebes than the rest of Indonesia?


I hope you don't drive

makes perfect sense
the social media you use the most is the one you spend the most time on
>check twitter on your phone for 5 minutes every 30
~32 visits
~2:40h per day
>spend 6 hours on ribbit
1 visit
~6 hours per day