What to Norwegians in Norway think of Norwegian-Americans?

I'm what some might consider Norwegian-American, (No not that we wuz 1/10th vikangs n shit), my grandparents came to the U.S. in the 70s and i'm curious how you guys perceive us, if even at all. I would appreciate any input, thanks.

I never knew there werent as many scandis outside the pink area. It's 70% scandi and somali here in mn

They think it's a shithole.

I didn't ask you Brazil, Detroit on steroids.

Same shit everyone else thinks. You're just americans

y u swedes import somalis?

I never implied we weren't
Likewise American isn't an Ethnicity it's only a Nationality, plus I wasn't asking Finland.

>plus I wasn't asking Finland.
It doesn't matter most people think that about their diaspora. You don't have ties to Norway, there for you're not norwegian.

I'm not a Swede. I don't know why so many Somalis come to the north star state insted of something with a more similar climate

Actually we are ethnically, Nationality is just another word for passport, I could move to Egypt, get an Egyptian citizenship and technically have Egyptian nationality, but no matter what I would never be ethnically Egyptian.

>*forcefully shows you his 23andme results*
Pls delete this thread

If you adopted Egyptian culture and customs, wouldn't that make you Egyptian? It's not like there's an 'Egyptian' gene.

An ethnic group, or an ethnicity, is a category of people who identify with each other based on similarities such as common ancestry, language, society, culture or nation.[1][2] Ethnicity is usually an inherited status based on the society in which one lives. Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language or dialect, symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style, art, and physical appearance.

Based on that definition I would never be ethnically Egyptian, and neither would my offspring if they were born in Egypt unless they have one ethnic Egyptian parent.

I have met some guys from Minnesota, they were norwegian american. The one dude had moved to hawaii and had this long surfer hair, the other was a girl. All in all, they might have looked a little Norwegian, but they did not act like one at all. Norwegian-Americans have traded the folk culture with the american pop culture and is like any other american. They don't think in Norwegian, doesn't know our customs, do know some basic history, but that's it.

Yeah, I would say it depends on how recent they immigrated, likewise it seems like we Norwegian-Americans actually have our own distinct identity form Norway Norwegians, being separated by an ocean tends to do these things.

Still, i know you might have a norwegian soul deep inside you. You still have your ancestors as guardians, if you understand. Try visit the place you are from and find some similar looking people.

This is the case with diaspora of any country, but Americans can't seem to get that through their thick, burger skulls.

Yeah, you could argue that danes have much of the same genetics as us, but they are still different, and so are you to a certain degree, based on how long the new culture has been. Culture comes from the people you know, so if you leave a people, you leave the culture.

Well, I visited Norway and it was a very weird experience to be surrounded by people that look like they could be my family members, keep in mind i'm 186 CM tall and that's way above the American average, sot it was a weird experience for me when I came to visit back in 2015.

>be me
>can't be Irish because only half Irish
>can't be Italian because only quarter Italian
>can't be Anglo because only quarter Anglo
>mfw I have no ethnic identity

Your family has probably been in the States for at least 100 years, it's only been around 45ish for mine so it makes sense.

I'd also like to know

Culture is indeed a huge factor here. Just think about the balkans. Genetically and linguistically they're basically the same, yet so different.

we have a show here about norwegian-americans
its a bit enjoyable

La abominación......

As I said, I think we Norwegian-Americans have started to develop our own unique culture desu. You also need to keep in mind a lot of Norwegians that immigrated to the states purposefully isolated ourselves from the rest of American society.

Despite being a large community today, with many foreigners included, it happens now and then that i see someone that look just like myself, have the same facial features. It is not a coincidence, and it depends on which area i am in of course. My grandmothers father had 8 kids, and the generation before had even more haha. I love my people, it's my family. And then they want us to destroy that, get shit people, that's uneducated and violent into the family..

>wherever swedes go, somalis follow

That show is called "Alt for Norge" right?


On my Father's side I have an old rich Italian-American family that used to run a pasta company, as well a family that has been in my state for a long time, but originally came from Canada.

My Mom's parents are just Irish immigrants, though.

That's probably one of the most polluted blood lines I've actually seen, i'm sorry op but you are the epitome of Amerimutt

W-what do you mean by polluted

as in I did mine and I only have 2 different bloodlines. Scandinavian and French&German (I do actually have a few German ancestors so that's why)

It means you are one of the ascended.

How is it even possible to have that many bloodlines? wtf. No offense but damn dude.

It makes me interested about all those very different people. I wish I knew a bit about them since I enjoy history but it'd probably be hard or impossible to find things out about them that far back

you're not culturally Norwegian, why would they give the slightest fuck about you?

my parents are Irish but I don't expect the Irish to view me as anything but Australian regardless of my ethnicity

Your nationality is australian, your ethnicity is Irish, that's not how it works, yeah I agree you grew up in Australia with Australian experiences in life but it still doesn't change the fact you are are ethnically Irish, only your Nationality is Aussie and as far as I know the Australian Abos don't consider themselves Aussies so Australian is only a nationality, much like American and Belgian it's not an ethnicity doesn't matter if you grew up with Irish traditions or not as ethnicity, culture and nationality are all technically different things, you could argue your culture is Australian but your ethnicity is defiantly not.

yeah but of what relevance are genes at the end of the day?

Depends on the individual, as for me I grew up in a Norwegian speaking household so they are pretty impotent to me, maybe not for you, that's totally fine.

They allow you to WE WUZ

Why are there so many Somalis in Minnesota?

scandis and somalis are meant for each other


True love conquers all

There's actually more somalis in Norway than Sweden when you adjust them to population size
63k in Sweden and 41k in Norway

Scandinavian-Americans are so fucking cringey; Scandinavians are some of the haughtiest and stupid people I've met. Who the fuck cares what they think of you? The diaspora at large should've worked harder to keep their language alive, especially the dialects that intermingled and developed out in the Praire. Nor do contemporary Norwegians get to decide what and to whom your culture belongs, if you're a Norwegian-American you're your own thing

you're just american you fucking retard

This is why we decided to settle in the middle of bum fuck nowhere and not assimilate into greater American society.

My Nationality is American, I'm not denying that, but my Ethnicity is Norwegian-American

I mean that’s just common sense. You don’t just magically get a culture at conception. The 2nd & 3rd generation Poos in Texas who sound and act like cowboys is a sight to behold.

>you will never visit the land of your forefathers and drink akavit

maybe some day ;_;

So if I was adopted, spoke only english, had a family that moved around a lot, generically white (haven't tested genes), grew up largely on internet culture, and didn't belong to any religious group ... what ethnic group would I be? None?

You don't know the language, you were not raised in the country. They wouldn't even consider you Norwegian.

I think the "you're just American" stuff is usually a projection from someone who grew up in a household devoid of residual ethnic elements and traditions. That being said in particular the Scandinavian-Americans, with Norwegian-Americans being the most prevalent, tendency to desire to be liked and accepted by Norwegians is ridiculous. I do think language is one of the most important aspects of someone being part of a culture and that by and large doesn't really exist even out on the Praire, except with really old people that will probably be dead in a few years

Culture and Ethnicity are not the same thing dude

You can't be one without the other.

You’re to far down the road with your generation to be ethnically Norwegian.

ITT: mutt discovers he had a cousin from Norway and decided he is now Norwegian too.

So what is my ethnicity then? Because i'm going to die of laughter if you say "American" because it's literally not an ethnicity.


Americans are citizens of the United States of America.[47] The country is home to people of many different national origins. As a result, many Americans do not equate their nationality with ethnicity, but with citizenship and allegiance.[47] Although citizens make up the majority of Americans, non-citizen residents, dual citizens, and expatriates may also claim an American identity.[48]

What if I have no ancestors from the United Kingdom? Because that's the definition of Anglo and i'm defiantly not an Anglo-American.

not him but see It seems he does know the language

Yes, as I said, I come from a Norwegian speaking family.

>ancestors from the United Kingdom
>that's the definition of Anglo

American. You know ethnicities didn't come just pop up. Before there were any "norwegians" or "italians" or "germans" there were smaller group of people, tribes and extended families.
It wasn't until 1800s when there were such concept as ethnicity, people before then didn't think themselves as so.
I can't understand why american couldn't be ethnicity. Times changes
What the fuck are muricans so obsessed with ethnicity anyway?

Why do norwegians copy our shows?

>The original Norwegian concept has also been exported to Sweden and Denmark.

You gain nothing by calling yourself Norwegian. Why do you care so much?

As I said, I'm not in denial that my nationality is American, however American is literally not an ethnicity. Neither is "British" or "Belgian" English, Scottish, Irish, Walloon, and Flemish are Ethnicities, one can however be culturally American

....la creatura

I'd say plenty of Norwegian-Americans, even those not speaking the language, have enough cultural markers, holidays, foods, songs, religion, etc. for "Norwegian-American" to be considered an ethnicity. I find the depiction of people claiming a "heritage" that is totally unconnected from their upbringing and day to day lives is generally not accurate; who is to say that his life and upbringing, family, etc. weren't greatly shaped by this?

Still, the intense focus on the country of Norway is a bit silly and annoying. I do wish groups such as Norwegian-Americans had developed a bit more like the Pennsylvania Dutch with their own homeland and dialect, without having or looking overseas for an identity. But those were different periods with difference economic situations

>What the fuck are muricans so obsessed with ethnicity anyway?
they try to pass it off as a colonial thing, but they're the only ones that do it

Is italian an ethnicity? Or are they napolites, venetians, sicilans etc?
Italian ethnicity formed from groups like that, Germans would be another good example. They all only shared similar language, while their culture and traditions varied a lot
American ethnicity wouldn't be any different. You might have different different background, traditions and religion, but you all americans share the same language and somewhat similar culture. Why couldn't American be an ethnicity? I don't understand

I've seen plenty of Aussies do it, and also it's less of a problem in Australia because an overwhelming majority of your ancestors are form the British Isles, one could consider Australia more ethnically homogeneous than the United States.

Old facts. There truly is an american ethnicity if we go by the definition posted earlier. America us just too new for people to admit it. You’re most likely also mixed with other european ethnicities than just Norwegian.
My tip: buy a dna test to see what you’re comprised of to realize how American you are.

Why can't Norwegian-American be an ethnicity, because as I stated, I feel like we Norwegian-Americans have enough of our own traditions to be considered our own ethnicity?

mate I live here and it's not a thing at all past the wogs and lebs

most people here with irish names unironically don't even realise they have irish heritage until someone points it out. no one thinks of themselves as being english either. over here, you either identify as being australian or you're a migrant


Well fine what ever. You could aruge that's the same shit as bavarian-german

Maybe if my family had been in the United States for 100 years like a lot of other Americans, but I have living relatives in Norway as I stated also that I bought one of those DNA tests, all that came up was Scandinavian and a little bit of French&German (Which is the same DNA group in which I'm already aware that it's German.)

Ethnicity is just genetics. New ethnicities develop over time, but assuming your family has been in America for a short enough time, then you're probably just "Norwegian" ethnically. "White American" can probably be considered its own ethnicity due to how most Euros in America mixed with each other and chances are someone in your future bloodline will mix with a non-Norwegian, assimilating your family into "white Americans" anyways.

>Ethnicity is just genetics
Genes might vary a lot. Are you saying sicilans and north italians share the same genes?

1. I have relatives in Denmark. Am I a denno-swede?

2. Show us the DNA test and you refreshing it. Having a hart time believing you

There is such a thing as norwegian-american. But you probably wouldn't blend well back in norway

One drop rule m8, if your distant relative hundreds of years ago fugged a sami, you're not a swede anymore.

if i have a kid with a norwegian-american, will the kid be called a norwegian-norwegian-american?

No, that would be two thirds, not three quarters. Correct would be norwegian norwegian norwegian american

ah of course

This thread is a stereotype that came true. I can't believe this guy isn't trolling.

Type something in Norwegian, call swedes faggots or something.

My family came here from Russia in 1918. Am I now russian-finnish or finnish-russian? Or just Russian? Or Finnish?
Why are you guys making this so complicated, and in the end who really cares?

svensker er homse

The US refugee program moves refugees to rural areas away from major populations in order to keep things under the radar. Then the legal immigrants go where the community is already established


You're Mongolian.

B-but I have a Russian last name

svensker er homo*
svensker er homser works too