Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums
Are some of you part of the KKK ?
I am not completly white, I am mixed lets say somewhat white.
I am planning to go to America to learn English better maybe try some job and stuff.
And I wondered if person like me can join KKK, I wan to fight this degeneracy and race mixing.

KKK is alright, it's changed a lot since the 60's.
Im I'm a Neo-Nazi group, no skin heads, we just like to go and beat fuckers up.

Why would you do If some mixed guy came up to you and said he want to join ?

We wouldn't mind.

i recall reading that to be in the kkk you must be full white, born in america and not have a criminal record...so no

I love the KKK and I love David Duke.

>And I wondered if person like me can join KKK

You know what, by now, i wouldnt even be surprised

Hell theres probably more shitskin white nationalists than there are actual white nationalists, we're so fucking pathetic

polocigan ?

Hi FBI :^)

AH, nvm then I guess.
I thought a lot about this.
Whats one of the biggest nazi groups ? and KKK came up to my mind.
Its only natural you would want to join the biggest one.
Do you guys know any other ones ?
That arent degenerate like the ones here.

>trying to learn english
>going to america

Yo wuddup nigga

KKK hasn't been relevant in the USA for the last 50 years. There are far more people who dress up as life during Medieval times and go to renaissance fairs. KKK is pretty much just a boogeyman that the jews use to frighten their pet blacks and other minorities, for example, "Vote Democrat, Laquandra, or those KKK meanies will burn a cross on your lawn and take away your gibsmedats"

Pic Related

I like to dress up as a ghost for Halloween

Most of white guys turned to fucking pussies.
Colored ones can see the things that happen within their race.
You either are with them or against them.

funny enough another requisite for joining the kkk was to not be affiliated with nazi groups... so if you want to be a nazi, kkk was probably not the best choice

Things are different today, buddy. Nogs won't wait for you to be hanged. It's going to be the other way around.

Not only that, I have jewish blood as well.

>He thinks the KKK aren't a bunch of inbred rednecks who produce moonshine and have sex with their daughters and sisters everyday whilst living in the most remote places of America

Have a good time

There is no KKK in the US anymore, you LARPING retards. It's like the "anonymous"fags, anyone can claim to be the KKK, there is no organization.
The Klan was a product of its time, founded to fight back against the abuses in the Occupied, Reconstruction South. It had a brief comeback (and they were mostly LARPers in the 29s) after the movie "Birth of a Nation."

Incidentally, watch "Birth of a Nation" and you will see that what was a joke then is now reality.

Ernst Zundel used to say "every Mestizo under a klan sheet loves to shove his KKK membership card in my face..he paid his $25 for his "proof" that he is White."

Euros aren't allowed to have Whites only cultural groups, even in places like South Africa, where they are a 7% minority. Whites are not allowed to meet together to push for their own interests.
Every other group, not Whites. Even where they are a minority.

Rashed, when was the last time you heard of the "KKK" doing anything? Literally, anything? There is no such thing in the US anymore.

It's Rasheed, spell my name right western pig

>I am not completly white, I am mixed
Wtf, how? I thought everyone in Slovakia was white.
What are you mixed with?

>Wtf, how? I thought everyone in Slovakia was white.
Thats lie user.
The truth is there isnt even such thing as "slovak"
only old Gardists say otherwise