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>naziboo anglos

the yank phenotype

Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht,
Der Tag glühend heiß, oder eiskalt die Nacht,
Verstaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser Sinn, ja, unser Sinn.
Es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

can you please wait for me to go to bed before you anti-yank post?

how does this happen? does he have a condition?

me mums a nurse and me dads a factory worker. i work in t'care for the council. the winter months are rough and the tories dont make it any better

who's this lad in the image?




yes, it's called putting too much food in your gob

*jiggles your belly*


excellent publications

lost 15 pounds since new year's day lads

reckon i'll have lost 30 by this time next month

me dad's a muggle, me mam's a witch

I've never had a bmi over 22

Think it'll be 100 years since WWI ended this year lads

ah yes, the gf of two weeks and i were having a conversation about how shes so stubborn and she said "i dont get pressured into things because i used to all the time"

when i pushed this further she shut down and i've pestered her enough at this point to know shes not telling me.

am i the bad guy lads? i feel i deserve to know if shes a closeted whore, even if its something small its doing my head in shes keeping such a big secret already.

dont see us going anywhere if she doesent sort this out 2bh lads.

me bennies dont sort me out most months. i luv me ken loach and i love me keith lemon

no but i mean the saggyness. I've never seen a lad like that.


I've never had a gf over 22

Syndrome where your body doesnt produce testosterone.

Most kids nowadays got it kind of sorted out as puberty hits. But for some reason this lad slipped through the net and he had to go through univeristy without going through puberty.

Been trying to lose weight
every day I eat less than 6000 kj and do 30 mins on the bike
but then every second day I drink myself silly so I'm gaining weight instead

He's apparently lost his mind in that embassy

feel like shit just want him back




bit of a nasty shock for him when he foond oot

just means her past aggressive boyfriend(s) probably made her do things she didn't like sexually and now she's got a nice beta who she knows she doesn't have to impress

you'll just look insecure if you keep pressing though

Where is the drug dealer?

why isn't he getting swole in there
not like he can do anything else

some t'tarquin softee suferner said to me t' other day that min wage isnt thirteen 'undred t' month. I said listen la, riight, listen eer, t'ories cutting left riight and centre see la


one of my cousins is 15 and hasn't hit puberty yet

hope his hormones sort themselves out soon, would hate to see him get bullied to death

I want Emma Watson to fart whilst sitting on my face.

vile rapist

>somebody says minimum wage is 1300 a month

This never happened you fucking monkey. I said I was on minimum wage, which I am, 7.50 an hour, and I earned 1200 a month,

That's it. Everything after that was your spasticated squealing about how minimum wage is counted by the month. Maybe it makes sense in the fantasy world which you've invented to cope with your crippling cerebrospinal affliction. In the real world, when people say "I'm on minimum wage" it means they earn 7.50 an hour.

Now stop replying. Nothing you can say is going to impress anyone. You've proven yourself to be some kind of medical miracle throwback to a time before basic reading comprehension was a capability of the human brain.

any mick man in?

dont think this is the case, shes had 1(one) irl boyfriend and that lasted a week.

any other theory's lad?

once put my willy in a 17 year old
she was lying about her age
would be a convicted nonce in yankistan

what accent are you attempting to emulate

Don't feel bad for me
I want you to know
Deep in the cell of my heart
I really want to go.

i say dont u understan, tarquin la, the graft of a carer? min wage dont suit me much i said

every furry chat wants you to introduce yourself

like, i'm here because i'm a depressive anti-social fucking mess, please don't make me admit that, it drags down your :3 atmosphere and it reminds me what i'm up to which is the last thing i need

Considering you've admitted it, you'll be apprehended as soon as you enter our country.

then it's even worse and they were hookups and not even boyfriends

we need to stop him, wacky bruce is becoming noncey bruce

the ol' G-O-D


might off myself, 3rd girl in a row thats turned out to be a whore if thats the case. honestly very jaded at this point.

i said t' young la, you jus dont know what ya talkin bout. give ye head a wobble la. it aint thirteen undred granted, but twelve undred to be sure

what furry chats you into lad
just there for the erp or what ay

>tfw didn't properly hit puberty until I was 17
>almost got pantsed before I had pubes, when I was 16

Fucking close shave that was

dog bless dis is de brice of breedom :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


if you've ended up with 3 whores then maybe there's something wrong with the kind of women you attract/pursue

sort yourself out lad

i said dont speak further u fookin moonkeh. i layter retracted the remark mind. dont want to go too 'ard on the sprog

i don't even know
it's like i have no interest in physics but can't stay away from physicists. there's nothing to talk about, there's not even enough understanding to observe

Glad we put this criminal behind bars.

A message for Ameri-phobes

What was the conversation about? Could be nothing do to with sex, could just be innocent things like piano lessons her parents made her go to.

don't plan on it anyway lad

less chads to compete with desu

You literally said 1300 on multiple occasions you thick northern serf

>it's like i have no interest in physics but can't stay away from physicists. there's nothing to talk about, there's not even enough understanding to observe
Why do you like physicists?

i put me foot down tho, i told 'im listen la you arent impressin anybody with t' atittude. 'e fell right in line after mind

shall I go to bed lads

in most states the age of consent is either 16 or 17

What's the english equivalent of COPS?

shitposting the universal language of discord but this made me laugh

sick of tinder lads

is oxford bender a furry as well?

what time is it in bongshire

are you sleepy?

evens and I never post in /brit/ again.

>tfw the lad who called people pubeless broke down crying cause he admitted he had no pubes

Didn't even care though cause he was a runty dick

*pats space next to me in bed*

this girl ignored me so you got further than me

4:56AM my white south american friend

just want something real haha
we were talking about how shes not going to her friends party because they'll be doing shrooms and shit. Dont think this is the case though, she only ever shuts down about sexual things and i know shes smoked weed once before.


thank god

haha FOY

i say he 'ad maybe per chance a cererbro spinal afflication mind.

i dunno
there but for the betrayal of god go i syndrome



this girl DID NOT END UP MEETING UP aha thought i pressed the 'x' to remove the image turned out i did not

why aren't you sleeping

bit gay la


case and point only ugly girls are feminists

apart from my ex she was an angel

need a bit of the ol' woof haha right now


Just be really nice and say stuff like "I want our relationship to last so we need to be able to tell each other all our insecurities and be 100% comfortable with each other"