Wordmap thread


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We call it kirin :)













ty russia


Shit, I ran out of maps


Less shithole than venezuela

French should be ail, not ali
















Well, I'm done
Post yours


Well, technically it’s “tipiskâw ᑎᐱᐢᑳᐤ”
>it is night
tipisk grammatically doesnt work on its own like that.
Nonetheless, that’s actually pretty cool russia-bro. Where can I find more of these ones?

Snjógvur is archaic. We call it kavi, which means ultimately submergence.

Its not danaki, its dana

greece is even more isolated than I thought


>likely a Semitic loan

You don't actually believe this one, right? You are aware that it is an Sup Forums edit... R-Right?

It can be, if enough people believe it.

>implying a dane would just go on Sup Forums and lie to people

What does this mean. We wuz scythians and shit?

Let me fill the first "???" for you.
Arhuan (Arghwan) - from the verb Arhauyn (Arghawyn), "to read" or more specifically "to read a church service".

>of Northwest Caucasian origin
Well, most likely it is wrong, since the word "saen" was used even by Scythians and could be seen in their names and some other sources.

Your word for "slave" (ojra, isn't it?) meant "a human" or "a people" in Scythian. So...

i wonder how many words in arabic come from akkadian, uggaritic and babylonian

In Galicia I would say cartos is more common but maybe it's in my region.

Eh. That Greek word looks like a silly word one'd expect from Esperanto instead.

It wouldn't be a surprise if it was true tbqh

no, seems accurate

why the fuck is their a unique word on the island man for an animal that doesn't even exist there

I now get the skyrim reference


we use boża krówka too, altough it's rarer than biedronka



woah hol up hol up why does france call the snow a NIGGER?

They got it wrong on the picture, snow is "neige" and "Neiger" is just the verb "to snow".

Yeah it's Orja

czech republic, slovakia, slovenia and croatia shouldn't be the same color as germans here
Wissen and veda might mean the same but obviously these words don't have the same origin
veda is a slavic word for knowledge, in polish it is "wiedza"
same as znanost in south slavic, this comes from the word "znać" which means "to know"

Lol, that many countries cucked by jews.

Protestant autsim seems to actually be a thing who knew


Minority languages here for ''dick'' :

Piedmonteis: piciu
Sicilian: Minchia
Ligurian: belin
Venetian: verga/ òsel

>that which is needed

This isn't used much. The most used ones are muna (=egg [although looking at the map it might come from estonian]) and kyrpä (southern dialectic word).

Gosh, I know quite a few people with surname Farkáš/Farkášová. Never knew it means wolf in Hungarian,

from aramaic hara meaning yellow


>switzerland's dialects noted
>austria's are ignored
everybody here says 'I' :(




I require more.