Which are the most criminal cities in your country?

Which are the most criminal cities in your country?
Is your capital city more safe than albania?

Las Angeles

>Is your capital city more safe than albania?


m*Ldoid subhumans

ishoj i guess


Wtf happened in Finland?

Finnish are a bit slav a bit nordic and a bit mongols, that's why they are subhumans

Whichever city that has the highest population of Moroccans and lowest populations of Moluccans.



Literally every single city. If you leave home with a smartphone in your hands, prepare to take a knife into your guts.

Do you actually leave the house or do you get your info about Brazil from Sup Forums?


>Cunt lives in Brazil
>Asks if he gets his information about Brazil from Sup Forums

you're on the right track, keep digging in that direction until it hits you that you just had a run-in with what you've heard people refer to as "a joke"

Why can’t leaf and field into fren?

>mfw I could get killed by a ROMAnian or redneck anytime
t. r*gățean din Vaslui, capitala regretelor

>Brazil's lowest figure is nearly 13

I pay private security

>Which are the most criminal cities in your country?
>Is your capital city more safe than albania?

The one I live in - Łódź

Can I visit Lodsch?

Bring your wife Theo.

But I don’t have one?

feck off then

No you


The latest numbers I could find say we had 107 murders (including attempted murder) in 2016.

The last murder that went down was 6 or 7 years ago, three homeless drunks got into a drunken fight and one of them stabbed the other. I'd say most of our murders happen due to alcohol.

Last murder in my town, I mean.

Last murder in my town was 107 years ago
And it was a jew

frankfurt am main or duisburg

>Which are the most criminal cities in your country?
probably Dublin

>Is your capital city more safe than albania?



>one of the most criminal cities
>nawet nie dostałem tam w ryj

Try Bałuty (especially Limanowskiego street) after dusk

Hm.. I was not so far from there.

Bt here, I call that map bullshit

t.Shitalian niggermix deluxe

Not even close you retarded meme-believer

Prague is by far the most "dangerous" city. Still its pretty safe even by European standards.

Not that many people actually live in the darker blue zone.

Isn't most of the crime in Prague basically generic drunk tourist shit or Gypsies? If yes, then why don't these two factors produce similar crime rates in other meme tourist traps like Krumlov or Karlovy Vary?

Well most of the gypsies from Prague were removed to the border towns with Germany. Its called poverty business because the government is paying the rent of poor people.

So its mostly drunk tourists and pickpockets from Romania. These Romanians are moving from one big tourist city to anoyher every few weeks so its kinda hard to catch them.

Well there other placea are too small. Everyone know each other. Prague is only big city which is at least little anonymous.

Same goes for Finland, I once read that about 80% of homicide cases are drunkards killing each other.
Pic related - he's called "Serial Drowner" by the press for drowning and raping several drunkards

Detroit, Michigan
St Louis, Missouri
Oakland, California
Memphis, Tennessee
Birmingham, Alabama
Atlanta, Georgia
Baltimore, Maryland
Stockton, California
Cleveland, Ohio
Buffalo, New York
>capital city
The capital city of my state is extremely safe. Montpelier only has about 8,000 residents.
Nice meme answer

I couldn't find an exact percentage, but there's an article from last December quoting our general commisioner;
>there have been 121 murder last year, with absolute majority of them being domestic, and commited under the influence of alcohol

Kinda sad.

Where do you live?


A hundred years under the Russian yoke.

This is the best idea.

Probably the poorer, "diverse" eastern parts of Oslo.
Most certainly. I can't recall the last time I felt unsafe.


>capital of my country is Montpellier
Washington DC is not a capital anymore?

Everyone but Finns know this.

according to this map it's Oviedo, Asturias, but I have my doubts.

>niggermix deluxe



Read my post again, dumbfuck