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the mutt gf

>Future Sound Of London - Papua New Guinea

What did they mean by this?

foreskin had been forcibly retracted

How do you feel knowing you will never live that kind of passion?

need a one quater black gf lads

literal angel

reoww :3



quintessentially barratt, lads

quite a nice home actually

gotta go to luton airport soon
absolute shitHOLE

poo in a hotdog bun with tomato sauce and mustard and some diced onions

forcibly retracted

is this at a boarding school?

remember when people were optimistic about South Africa's future?

tfw no tall muscular punk bf w/ cool hair to make me wear a dog collar and fuck me to The Clash albums

A regime change.in both Venezuela and North Korea would benefit Britain greatly. Why does May have such a passive foreign policy?

wish that was me no homo


hahah holy shit gays are mentally ill

unironically nowt wrong with new builds, they just got associated with deano and it gave them a bad name

For the price you pay, you get a pretty solid house

rate me

ffs do an edition Jesus.
You're alright since its Straya day.

that's Ashley Goldenberg or whatever her name is
your name is Miguel or something similar
not the same person

the lad or the lass?

drank an absolute tonne tonight now quite sober
feeling not so great
the spam helped


take your pick big boy

and you have to pay an extra £150 a month (((maintenance charge)))

who are you

working in the gayest area of Paris unironically convinced me of this

bent cunt

cats poster? love him. great bloke

what is the gayest area of paris
and what is it like

posting among fags in the swedish general made me convinced as well

>before Sup Forums: i dont understand how anyone can dislike gays, they're just like us
>after Sup Forums: they're ALL mentally ill, there are no exceptions

>cats poster? love him. great bloke

Shitting out me arse right now

wish gays didn't get such a bad rap
then again
how can I be a literal VIRGIN and gay aha

Hate this Canadian alt right misogynist cunt

threw blue Humbrol modelling paint, into left eye.

Batteries were placed in mouth and some batteries may have been inserted into his anus, although none were found.

shoes, socks, trousers and underpants had been removed. foreskin had been forcibly retracted.


>the (singular) cat poster

hope it's a good one x

waiting for the next post

The manlet Carrot muncher is doing my nut in

been doing a lot of reading
books from great minds

i got a cat and she is kinda depressed. feel bad for her

bore off COWARD

Youth, beauty, strenght: the criteria for physical love are exactly the same as those of Nazism

2 hours until my 1st therapy session, lads. Really looking forward to paying R900 for someone to just ask me how I feel about certain things.

give her a scritch behind the ears from me x

hard times ahead

what are you reading? please dont say manga

bit mad thinking about how powerful our press is. even trump told theresa may on the phone the british press are all over the place. Why do the yanks fear the might of our press lads

whats a carrot muncher

go for it
therapy was really really helpful for me
but you might have to try 2 or 3 therapists until you find one you "click" with

ur boyfriend going to fuck u in the arse with his hard penis is he?

>Youth, beauty, strenght: the criteria for physical love are exactly the same as those of Nazism

because the british public is dumb enough to read the daily mail and think it's real news


fukk pooh nigga

The virgin sportsball fan
The chad esports enthusiast


because they're way ahead of the curb on digital marketing and access. In terms of news websites used I see FAR more BBC and Daily Mail articles thrown around by yanks than I ever do CNN or huffpost

imagine if toilets were alive

imagine if i was alive

alri charlie brooker

Ah yes proper chads and normal people watching e"sports"

everything is a bit shit and its always night time.

t. not charlie brooker

reckon this country needs a good bolshevik-esque purge 2bh. too much corruption and too many rich people whose families earned their money through despicable means.

pay up that last bit, piggy.
give ME YOUR money.

what kind of accents do you think the toilets in the most grim public toilet would have? i wonder how donny t's toilet would sound haha probably proper fancy

because you're in Britain
I get more CNN articles when I'm in America, and random yuro articles when I'm in Europe

Google had tailor made searches for nations

>He grew up in a relaxed Quaker household[3] in the village of Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, Oxfordshire.

Le marais. Its a neighborhood in Paris. Used to work in a bakery that sells dick shaped bread, staff was (and probably still is) 70% gay, and there's quite a few shops/clubs gay oriented in the area. It's a nice area, little shops and nice places to go out everywhere.

It's actually alright and people are nicer than the usual, but in a little bit of a phony way I found, especially with coworkers. And I actually don't have any gay friends anymore, only two I had wanted to use me for drugs/potential gay sex and dropped me as soon as I quit selling drugs and as soon they knew buttfucking wouldnt happen because Im not homoerotic.

I don't mind gays at all, they just annoy me when they've got the associated body language that screams it. It's like they gotta shove it in my face all the time and it screams insecurity. And as I said above they are better at being manipulative bitches than most people. I'm having a hard time trusting them now.

the normies are waking up time to talk about sports, politics and religion

Yes but generally speaking for videos from le skeptic community and debates online, even on Sup Forums, you will see the guardian, BBC and DM disproportionatly more than you'll see CNN or euroactiv

i like min min

so sublime when he realises he's not there for a discussion but to be attacked and so he analyses her. so perfect

Mate I work in construction and can tell you those houses fly up using the cheapest materials they can lay their hands that the nhbc will allow.

There's a place called Shingay-Cum-Wendy near me.
Grow up you child

absolute fucking poof you are
bet you like it just for that
much like a place called "Reading" like that's for fags my friend ahahaa
horrendous names

what would you buy

was that video of his argument at a college what sparked his crusade against sjws?

grow up

just scratched my cat behind her ear for that one lad

sled gang

I thought it was absurd the statement that more British Muslims were in Isis than the British army.
Not fake news.

t. Mianus, Connecticut

you think when people die they regret certain shit they did or more just scared out of their wits?

Doing a bored

neither of those are measurable because "British muslims" don't exist

yeah some places have names that might sound silly to you. i live near a place called poo nigger bum wank. grow up guys

Would build my own house using a well researched reputable building contractor. Gives you a lot more control. Easier said than done of course.

brits have it hard ay
the high population density
all that history being stifled with your cum and body odors everywhere
5/km2 to fucking 300/km2

People from Britain, who are also muslim


>just scratched my cat behind her ear for that one lad

who is the most controversial PM?

so just muslims then