Why is the rest of Europe so poor? Are you even trying?

Why is the rest of Europe so poor? Are you even trying?

No, we are not even trying.

>purchasing power increases in proportion to percentage of germanic population/whiteness

Wtf i love economics now?

eeeh kinda sorta, but not too much and we're not the brightest people around anyway


richer than you, Otto

Well arabs aren't white and they have a good chunk of mediterranoid in them so no need to meme around

>purchasing power increases in proportion to percentage of germanic population/whiteness
Then why is Sweden orange?

There is no such thing as white mate.
There is just a Germany and a ‘them’.
Don’t ever associate me with fr*nchies and anglo s*xons again.

Is it really expensive to live in the Netherlands or something?

I just buying the same bottle of milk for the lower price.

Sadly it's doesn't work for electronics

Poland was more successful when it was mainly ruled by Germans. This state of affairs should be reenacted quickly for the sake of the Polish wallet.



Are German saxons perceived as distinct from Bavarians, Alemmanischern..?

Are you sure you actually understand what "purchasing power" means?

See what I meant up there? Even if we were trying our damnedest, we're just a bit too dim for it to matter in any way

They are Germans.
I’m talking about the Anglo Saxons who saxed England

and what does it mean?

Arent the english technically germanic?

They are your "Brothas"

Basically, if you take a German and a Ukrainian who make their countries' respective average wages, the German will be able to buy more shit with his monthly salary than the Ukrainian.

Retarded cousin who you only see at family reunions and nobody talks too because he started a fight last time.

In the same way you're G*rman because of the Visigoths, sure

Sweden is very white. They have their share of mutts, but the Swedes themselves are Master race.

>In the same way you're G*rman because of the Visigoths
>Says while speaking a germanic language.

Anyways, the visigoths did not influence the iberian gene pool too much, romans did it though.

Didnt hitler consider the brits to be equal to the german race?

No, their royal family is technically germanic. Anglos used to think Germans were brown subhumans, no joke.

oh, okay, thanks

"We alone have preserved the purity of the German peoples"
t. Hermann von Polonskiwitz


>purchasing power increases in proportion to percentage of germanic population/whiteness

what is NRW? The only white people left are either homeless or hartzIV


How I wish germans just fucking disappeared overnight, with all their autism, collectivism, awful taste and ogre like females

baka desu senpai

>fucking boetia richer than attica


me sad nao

Is that a frame from Unsere Mütter Unsere Fätter? Cause it was a pretty shit miniseries that only became so successful thanks to retarded idpol-headed masses raising Controversy (tm) over it.

refugees will fix it xDD

i am 16x richer than you

>he doesn’t know about the movie Stalingrad
me even sadder nao

Oh, that shit. The 12 Horses of Russian cinema

I fucked a model on new year's

i have ordered a prostitute for tonight
time to part with virginity, desu

>a slavshit subhuman third world loser is trying to make a shitty meme-based joke to make himself feel a bit better about his and his poor shithole's pathetic existence

What did I do to you Ukraine?

Even to this day there is a visible difference between west and east germany despite being one state now.

>be rural East Germany
>99% white
>poorest region in Germany

>be Munich, Frankfurt, Hamburg or Stuttgart
>crawling with niggers
>highest GDP per capita

>>crawling with niggers
Germany is 88% German kiddo.
And the non Germans are just there because of the coporations that are located there.
Ronnies should finally start working again.


Good luck. Don't expect it to change anything in your life though, you'll be disappointed

Mentioned a movie that was a meme in Russia because of how bad it was. Speaking of, g*rman cinema is one is one of the country's very few redeeming qualities, to be honest

gdp is formed by both production and consumptions
niggers dont produce
but they consume (gibberment gibs money)
>GDP (Y) is the sum of consumption (C), investment (I), government spending (G) and net exports (X – M).

>hating unsere Mütter, unsere Väter
How? It had interesting stories to tell and the characters were all great.

Niggers don’t have money, all they get is bare necessities

этo пидopac ничeгo нe yвeличил. ты знaeшь вooбщe чтo тaкoe BBП? в нaчaлe нyлeвых пoднялиcь цeны нa нeфть и пapaллeльнo oлигapхи бpocили cвoи нaвopoвaнныe c пpивaтизиpoвaннoгo в кoнцe пpeдыдyщeгo вeкa имyщecтвa бaбки нa eё дoбычy. и бaнaнoвaя экoнoмикa этoй пapaшa пoдpocлa. пocлe cнижeния цeн нa нeфть oнa тoчнo тaк жe oбpyшилacь и yпaлa нижe плинтyca. этoт бaндит пyтин никaкoгo oтнoшeния кo вceй этoй хyйнe нe имeeт.
нe гoвopя yж o тoм, чтo caм пo ceбe pocт BBП никaк нe хapaктepизyeт yлyчшeниe мaтepиaльнoгo пoлoжeния пpocтых гpaждaн, ocoбeннo в cтpaнaх c чyдoвищным ypoвнeм нepaвeнcтвa и paccлoeния, кaк в этoй пoмoйкe.

*nglo cinema is dying
OUR time has come ukraine

>It had interesting stories to tell

Wow, bookworm broken by war. Hero soldier disillusioned. Holy shit, where is this going to take us next? Could it be a close minded and idealistic woman discovering Germans can be bad and Russians can be good? Oh my!

Not to mention how fucking contrived it became at times (the Jew's plotline takes the fucking cake here), how Singing Woman was completely pointless after she fucked the Gestapo officer for fake documents, how they absolutely didn't have to be awkwardly shoehorned into each other's stories and would work far better as separate independent vignettes, etc.

>the characters were all great

Describe the Jew's character for me. If you want a real challenge, try describing those two brothers without mentioning their plotlines (as in, only list the character traits they had at a moment of your choice in the plot).

You hate the movie just because it doesn’t support your political agenda and tries to show something else than the typical black and white story.
It enrages you how Russians aren’t showed as white knights and Ukrainian war crimes are mentioned.

Пpaвильный гoвopишь, бpaт.

Are things really fucking expensive in the Netherlands?

you didn't even bother arguing with any of the shit I said there, just went straight to "ur just butthurt". spicy!

>You hate the movie just because it doesn’t support your political agenda

you don't know my political agenda ;)

>It enrages you how Russians aren’t showed as white knights

yeah, that's what WWII movies are all about for me, which is obvious from my opinion about Stalingrad a few posts earlier

>and Ukrainian war crimes are mentioned

hold up, make your fuckin mind up. am I a S-P-A-C-E tier vatnik who gets mad when soviet soldiers are anything but heroic in WWII flicks, or am I a Russia-hating Ukrainian nationalist who idolizes the collaborationist Ukrainian insurgents in West Ukraine?

Lets fukc

How isn't Berlin dark red? It's your capital and biggest city.

g*rmany isn't as centralized as, say, Brazil. they have about 5 cities that are all more or less equally developed and relevant

because its a giant fucking turd

How do Ukrainians feel of that in Finland one can get more money in a month without working than the average Ukrainian wealth is?

reminder your rio

whoop de doo, such cases

It's actually poorer than most other german cities.

Berlin is our trashcan.

We are taught to be sustainable for injustice.

so north italy is richer than french?
really made me think


French and centralized early.
Just Paris is rich, everything else is poor or even more poorer.
It shows how a federation is always more prosperous.

This, I always find it hilarious how people from third world Eastern European shitholes mock far more developed countries of Nothern and Western Europe for taking refugees

Your average standard of living is lower than it was during Soviet Union times and your population is falling

But Putin and his clique tenfolded their Swiss bank accounts, yeah ...

>Your average standard of living is lower than it was during Soviet Union times

excellent post

Excellent flag

Ive heard that Ukraine was the best republic during Soviet times

What went wrong afterwards?

>Ive heard that Ukraine was the best republic during Soviet times

That was Estonia

>pin southern europe down with your rigged export economy ponzi scheme
>wonder why they're poor

wasn't it eastern germany? soviets funneled a shitton of resources and money into eastern germany to make the USSR look good from the west's windows

>It shows how a federation is always more prosperous.
Y-y-yeah H-hans

charlotte mentioned

afaik it wasn't, but it was better than rest of the socialist block countries due to german mentality to keep everything in shape.

And also Eastern Germany wasn't a Soviet Republic. De jure.

>The Hun is always either at your throat or at your feet

welp at least most shit's a lot cheaper

>everything that isn't produced in China is produced in Germany
>Germans can buy shit for cheaper than anyone else

Gee I wonder why. You are still poorfags though. Both your income and net worths are far below what you would expect from a "rich" country.

because communism

>all they get is bare necessities
you think

Slovenia's better than the entirety of Eastern Europe and Greece and even some Western European countries(Portugal,Spain southern half of Italy)
Where would it be now hadn't it been under communism for almost a half of century?

better question

if it's the top of ex commies now, where would it be if commies won

The best of the worst?
And i thought communists won in 1945,they just couldn't keep their head above the water for long

I mean in 1990

ah, thanks for the correction my hohol friend


>consumers of furry porn
Not quite. You can clearly make out Germany on this map even though it's not the most dense

Well,like i said-they sunk
But they've kept it up for relatively long as it is when you think about it really

I always found it funny how Germany and Japan make the weirdest porn. Wonder if it means anything.