Bojack Horseman S3: Shit gets too real edition

Remember to use spoiler tags for Lynn's death

>everyone is gone from Bojack's house in episode 12

It's just not right.

Mr. Peanut butter remains best character

I didn't like this show the first 2 seasons, it had terrible comedy and there was too much focus on it. It had some merit trying to tell a story the relationships between certain characters but it was held back by this need to try and be funny.

And then this new season comes out and I expect that little bit of interesting content is obviously going to go away now, like it's just going to be stupid fucking Todd adventures and animal puns but this season pretty much saved all the stupid shit for the last episode and let the season really thrive. Like that 4th episode was actually beautiful and deserves a lot of credit for taking the animal people thing and actually using it to make a point.

of course they had to literally shit on with pasta but you whatever

It was a fucking great season and I hope the changes stick and we don't end up with shitty animal jokes the show.

>two Bojack threads on Sup Forums
What the fuck, is this a crossover episode?

BoJacc's daughter is hella thicc man.

I thought it was nice that the writers outright said that Bojack was going to fuck the deer girl. It was annoying not knowing for sure if those were his intentions.

The stuff with Princess Carolyn and the mouse definitely seemed rushed at the end of the season. Todd being asexual was kind of weird but I'm glad they're not making a big thing out of it.

>I thought it was nice that the writers outright said that Bojack was going to fuck the deer girl. It was annoying not knowing for sure if those were his intentions.
How did you not already 100% know?

>implying the pasta joke wasn't fantastic set up and execution

Although it reminded me of Wanda's mulch joke, which reminded me of Wanda, which made me sad

I like the show - it's dry but surreal at the same time.
Sure, it has stupid throwaway jokes, but they don't detract from the show - they really focus on a central plot line for each episode and the arcs take priority in terms of content.

The very core of the show is a very competent drama about a few interesting people, but all the fluff is just left to be just that: surreal fluff and nonsensical humour.

The storylines would work the exact same way if the universe was cut and dry; Bojack being a Horse (despite basically being the tagline and hook for the show) has really nothing to do with the core storyline, the story is the same with all the other characters.

So, top marks IMHO.

It was more like 99 percent. People in threads all the time said that we didn't know for sure he was going to fuck her.

I hated the pasta bit, it was just lolrandumb + lolrabdumb = lolrandumb

Honestly I would have enjoyed the season a bit more had it not Ben included.

why are so many of the characters in this show incredibly likeable? Stilton and Judah are perfect husband material. Even Todd, who is a constant fuck up, continues to be endearing and charming in his own right. The writers for this show are absolutely amazing at their job.

>lolrandumb + lolrabdumb = lolrandumb

please never voice an opinion on comedy again

This season was about where to find happiness and how it doesn't have anything to do with success.

Bojack kept chasing that Oscar in order to feel happy and he kept feeling miserable when he felt like he failed.
Dianne is the same. She wants to "make a difference" to prove that she's done something worth while.
Both feel like they need to "earn" their happiness.

The characters that are happy don't care. Like Todd and MrPB. Money comes and goes. They're successful and then they're not. What makes them upset is family and friends. Not success or failure.

The undertheme of family was there the entire season too. Because family isn't something you have to earn.

Look at Gekko and Rutabega. Their sideplot about getting their star was secondary to Rutabega's children. They were happy.

This season actually had a coherent theme of how to be better, which I think is an interesting contrast to the other two.

>I hated the pasta bit, it was just lolrandumb + lolrabdumb = lolrandumb
It was an anti-joke. A shaggy dog story.

They drag the strainer thing out all season and have meta references all the time to the coming punchline, and then it's "And they use all the strainers to strain lots of pasta".

And then Mr PB becomes Governor of California

>And then Mr PB becomes Governor of California

Was this a joke I didn't get or is it really just a setup for s4

Set up for next season and a reference to the Governator

>reference to the Governator
I thought of that but they don't really have comparable careers

>actor immigrants who become governor of California
Sounds close enough



Why did you look at a spoiler in a Bojack thread if you cared about spoilers?

I recognize the urge to look at them but that is literally a spoiler tag

>family isn't something you have to earn

I dunno it seems like PC, Bojack, Mr PB and Diane would have to put some work in to achieve having it.

It's literally spoiler tagged

You have to actively point your cursor at it to see it

What more could you possibly want

>People in threads

It really is a "turn in your gun and your badge" moment.

If Bojack Horseman does not end its final episode with a suicide then I will be very disappointed in this show. If this show gets a happy ending for him, then it will kind of defeat the point of the series.

How do you guys think the series will end?

Don't see why it can't be both.

>user, just stop. You are all the things that are wrong with you. It's not the alcohol, or the drugs, or any of the shitty things that happened to you in your career, or when you were a kid. It's you. Alright? It's you.

Well I doubt the writers know as that jill pill stuff sort of came to nothing, seem to start from scratch every season which isn't inherently a bad thing.

Having a set ending can at times constrain you too much.

Compare Breaking bad (only planned season to season) to other shows with more set tracks. At the same time you have to be aiming for a ball park of some kind so the choice that has to be made is redemption or destruction, I'd like to think we'd have a better idea of that by the end of the next season.

>tfw Wanda will never even get acknowledged in the show ever again

>the intro even changes
when that happens you know shit's fucked

What I'm getting at is that true family isn't qualitative or conditional.
It isn't "You need to be this good or we won't love".
Like how Beatrice was with Bojack.

That's why Bojack was enthralled by the horses at the end.
He wants to be part of a family, which he never has been before.

>I thought it was nice that the writers outright said that Bojack was going to fuck the deer girl. It was annoying not knowing for sure if those were his intentions.
Source? Or are you talking about how it was handled in the season?

>If Bojack Horseman does not end its final episode with a suicide then I will be very disappointed in this show. If this show gets a happy ending for him, then it will kind of defeat the point of the series.
That's not the point of the show.
The point isn't "Bojack is a piece of shit and needs to be punished".
It's that life is hard and everyone suffers.

It's OK for Bojack to find happiness. Because some people do.

Bojack's already on the path to happiness. He's realized that his behaviors are what causes him pain. Him and not anyone else.
He also told Diane how he feels and it isn't all mixed up with romantic love or validation.

He's almost there.
Better off than Diane right now.

All those 2007 jokes
>home loans
>subwaay kids eat free
>circuit city

I was surprised about how much material they could get for something that feels so recently, but they nailed it.

Well said.

"You are Secretariat" just reminds me of how many of Bojack's qualities I see in myself ;_;

Human Bojack should be black.


I'm on the first episode. Wasn't the ending to season 2 extremely depressing?
Why is the first episode of season three so upbeat?

He's less Cosby and more Saget.

Oh user.
Just wait.

>Wasn't the ending to season 2 extremely depressing?
Not really.
Bojack's story in Season 2 ended with him being told by the jogger monkey that it gets easier.

>Bojack's story in Season 2 ended with him being told by the jogger monkey that it gets easier.
That wasn't really happy though.

His friend died from cancer without forgiving him. He lost his girlfriend. His ex officially hates him.
And he got fucked over in regards to his dream project.

It was an upswing though.

Besides, the success of the movie was the type of thing to buoy Bojack because he's dependent on outside judgement for validation.
Secretariat not being him didn't matter to him.
At the time. Hopefully Season 4 will have him understand what's truly important. He's so close.

That PTSD though.

I'm arachnaphobic, but Jill Pill has a fat ass.

Contrast that to what Bojack said the first time around with Sarah Lynn.



I keep thinking her name is Julia and not Chloe, but Julia is just the name of the character she plays. I know we probably won't see her again but it's good to still get her name straight when talking about the scene.

Fucking top kek.

>If Bojack Horseman does not end its final episode with a suicide then I will be very disappointed in this show. If this show gets a happy ending for him, then it will kind of defeat the point of the series.
>How do you guys think the series will end?

I want bojack to get happiness and die. Like he makes ammends with nearly everyone but someone kills him.

>I dunno it seems like PC, Bojack, Mr PB and Diane would have to put some work in to achieve having it.

I agree that the poster dripped the ball on this.

Being in fulfilling relationships does require effort, but it's relationships that matter in life and really make you happy.

Chasing status, materials, or "getting more" at the expense of your relationships is what fucks the characters (and lots of people) up and leaves them unfulfilled.

But - comparatively- maintaining good relationships is free and doesn't require as much superficial bullshittery.

If PC doesn't confront Bojack about being in love with him and him hurting her I'll be so sad. I just wanted her to scream "YOU HURT ME AGAIN! I LET YOU SWEET ME UP AND YOU HURT ME AGAIN!" or she breaks down crying in front of him.

What about you Sup Forums how would you improve that scene?

Eh, maybe. One of the reasons I enjoy this show is because there's actually very little crying. It makes the emotional parts sting way more.

This, either someone kills him or he gets cancer or some other kind of illness, which would be understandable given his drug and alcohol abuse.

Are you talking about season 1, episode 7, Say Anything? I'm pretty sure any romance between them ended with that episode, now she's with Ralph Stilton, though we don't know how long that will last because she's going back to work in the industry she said drained most of her life away and doing the same job. He notices this and now she won't be able to spend much time with him.

I mean that I just wanted to her to get everything off her chest. Everyone gives Bojack a reality check, but everyone holds back Their emotions when doing so. I wanted her to mention how bojack hurt her during their relationship, how she had one put on a fake smile to get through work. I want her to vent, she really tries to help bojack and he keeps hurting her after one mistake.

As long as Mr. Peanutbutter is happy there is still hope in this world.

Juda is Jesus.

Diane is going to hurt him so bad.
She's worse than Bojack right now

He'll be alright.

I can see a human Bojack look a lot like Will Arnett.

Yeah, probably, but this one looks pretty serious.
He didn't seem to put much effort into his previous marriages.

>He didn't seem to put much effort into his previous marriages.

We never see the other marriages. We have no way of knowing.

But from what we've seen of PB, it doesn't look like he's become any more/less caring.

>We never see the other marriages. We have no way of knowing.

Or rather, we never see ENOUGH of them to suggest he wasn't trying or putting effort into it.

>lolrandumb + lolrabdumb = lolrandumb
>Not getting that the Secretariat ad, a reflection of Bojack, caused the disaster just as Bojack himself destroys everything he touches
>Not getting that the fleet of cars required for Peanutbutter to save the day were a testament to his faith in Todd
>Not getting that the fact that Peanutbutter was surrounded by the stripper whales whose allure he exploited, knowingly or not, but never succumbed to himself was proof that Peanutbutter unlike Bojack not only has enough self control to not stick his dick where it doesn't belong but can build and maintain mutually beneficial, non-intimate relationships with women
>Not getting that the spaghetti strainers occupying Peanutbutter's house floor-to-ceiling, a strain Bojack could never put up with, was tolerated by Peanutbutter with the hope that it would one day prove useful, and was rewarded for his patience and optimism
>Not getting that the disaster, a reflection onto the world of all the negativity within Bojack, was prevented by the unrelenting positivity of his antithesis, Mr. Peanutbutter
>Not getting the most powerful, meaningful scene in Bojack Horseman so far.

>We never see the other marriages.
Well we saw how he acted with Jessica Biel, the famous and easily recognizable actress.

It's Bielievable that it was indicative of his previous marriages

I mean, the way he greeted his first and only other exwife is pretty indicative of how that went.

>Well we saw how he acted with Jessica Biel, the famous and easily recognizable actress.

For a couple of minutes in the episode. We've seen his relationship with Diane in depth.

Jill Pill is the best waofu, god damn.

I never felt attracted to a Bojack character before her.

Sometimes I look at Mr. Peanutbutter and just want to see him... crack
Some sort of moment of weakness where he's seen beyond the facade of optimism, just a split-second where the light he radiates flickers, giving us a hint of what sort of doubt or second thoughts or regrets lay within. He doesn't have to go full Bojack and crumble like a cookie, just a crack. Just a little hole in his happy-go-lucky wall.
damn, that felt edgy to write

Didn't that already happen when he learned his brother needed surgery.

>Just a little hole in his happy-go-lucky wall.
That was the scene where his brother tells him he's ill.

When was the last time he actually wore his shades before the Season 3 finale?