CLINTON AT +7.7, she was at +7.9 yesterday!


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It's just rigged polls, you moron.

After the 2nd amendment comment I expect another drop. Why can't the retard just stay on script?

concern troll sage

>Trump up in polls
>Trump down in polls
F-fucking kike shills

>multiple independent major news organisations who subcontract their polls to polling companies are rigged
>polls involve thousands of pollsters who have been taught from day 1 to uphold objectivity
>somehow this has never got out
>but its rigged when it's against Trump since he can't possibly be losing

There was nothing wrong with his Second Amendment comment. Even if you take the Wall Street Goldman Sachs CNN interpretation, it was still on point. If the American people have now decided that the Second Amendment isn't a bulwark against tyranny, then fuck this country. It's no longer the one I grew up in and I don't recognize it or love it any longer.

If that's where we are, then fuck the election. Fuck all elections. Let's just fight it out.

Well yeah, duh. All procedural arguments are insincere. This is nothing new

Its almost like yozre new here.

no they're shit even when trump leads

it just shows how bad they are losing if trump gains

Yes! Hillshills BTFO

I guess this is good, but lets be serious here. He's going to plummet once the media circlejerks around that (incredibly stupid) second amendment comment.

I dunno, mate. I think the people who can be swayed by the media have already jumped off the Trump Train (at least temporarily) after Khan

Oh ok I was worried but now I know Trump is making a comeback

>After the 2nd amendment comment I expect another drop.

Doubtful, 2nd amendment comment is just a regular tier gaffe, that will only last in the news cycle for a day, maybe two.

I don't understand he's second amendment problem. Is it wrong now in America to suggest that citizens should fight tyranny?

Wait so: if Trump is falling, the polls are fake, but if he stops falling, the polls are real?

Which is it, Sup Forums?

This will remembered has Hillary Clintons (say it with me!)

>be pollster
>trump winning in polls geared toward hillary
>"oy gebalt! we cant let that happen!"
>change algorithm

True any is what Trumpnwould implement you idiot. He's making a play at fascism and is promising to gut the 1st amendment! It is designed to be used against anti-democratic authoritarians like Trump.

The polls are coming from the same media networks that push anti trump propaganda 24/7.

Notice how its always been comprised of same few networks ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC and the Associated Press that keep changing their polling organization name every time they get caught rigging. It was Voter News Service then National Election Pool, now what is it called? Edison Research?

It is if you're a liberal.

Trump is clearly the peoples choice. No one goes to her rallies and few will vote for her because she is a FUCKING CRIMINAL.

>s a g e

If anything, the 2nd Amendment comment will give him a boost, especially after a guy with a gun eliminates the competition.

The decline was never more than a percent or two. You really should read poll methodologies before you shitpost

You mean he is attacking porno and slander? say it straight.

It is if you're a libtard PC pussy!


If Trump were polling as bad as they are suggesting there wouldn't be the relentless global media campaign that has stopped giving a fuck about blatant bias.

>anti-democratic authoritarians
oh you mean the MSM, the president, hillary, the GOP, and the DNC?



Nothing has been decided yet. 4% is literally nothing. When the debates start, she's done.

It's only downHILL from here for Shillary, trust me...

You do realize their rigged right

Jesus Christ, that man is fit to be the President. He is a fantastic and radical patriot that deserves to be in the Capitol.

Just because the media gets triggered doesnt mean he did anything but be great

Trump's 2A comment is ideologically consistent with the concept of the Second Amendment, but I don't think most Americans see it that way.

Given that women make up a majority of the country and a larger majority of the electorate, sadly, I'd fully expect a push to repeal the Second Amendment sometime in the next 4 or 6 years.