China and India

Why do the Chinese want to destroy India?

Pic related are Chinese redditors.

because china and india are rivals

mental how we call both of them asians

Only Idi Amin used to call us "Asians".

fuck off street shitter, ask anyone in most countries and they'd say your asian

I believe on the list of "country Chinese want to destroy",India is not even at top 3.

The world will be better off with a India-China war. Both nations would be severely weakened and it would be a ripe time for Arabs to gang up and take over the world. Whiteboys are cucks, Negroes have low IQ and Latinos are dismembering each other over drugs. With asia ruined due to war it is the Arabs who will stand tall and rightfully bring the world under caliphate rule.

>Arabs uniting

We have issued but it will happen pajeet, nothing you can do about it. Allah destined us to rule this world and Islam is prophesied to take over.

That's just not true.
Just rolled in from Sup Forums?

Thanks for that. Lol


India is China's biggest rival in the region

>the PLA is just like the US army, same tech but a bit smaller
Christ Chinese nationalists are so delusional

But they got loos and shit, we still Africa-tier, mate. Vietnam has a lower GDP per capita than India, but does anyone say Vietnam is worse than India? GDP doesn't mean jack shit. Even Equatorial Guinea has a very high GDP per capita. :(

not Arabs but a strong Iran would be in the best position to take advantage of a weak China/India

Russia as well, the two of them would split Central Eurasia
Arabs are a dying people and have far bigger problems than anyone else, even Europe.
the very idea of "Arab" is disintegrating and Islam is cannibalizing itself without strong central leadership and a firm grasp of what it is or should be

No shit faggot. They're a good 20 years ahead of us

Better question is why are Chinks so cringy and deludional

>when you have been trying to unite unsuccessfully for the past century, but it'll surely work this time

They are afraid that India will become expanded land of the Jews.

To be fair, many autists on Sup Forums also want to destroy india. Its just "logical" for them to think humanity must act according to grand strategy game rules

China is pretty grim too and India is a powerful nation despite its issues, it has many advantages over China which prevent Chinese dominance.
India is to China what the Soviet Union was to America, a slightly poorer but still incredibly powerful rival who should not be underestimated by retarded chink nationalists online.

You have a Sub Continent
Dry eyes Arjuna And quit phoning my mother. She knows you don't work for Microsoft. I love your beautiful mythology. Why do you have to be such utter scum to honest people?

people make jokes but I like India much better than China, and I've visited both extensively

Ever since the tang dynasty China has always been a friend of Islam

Muslims pay their debts and love commerce more than anything

Every country has a bunch of scum faggots.
More of em are Indians because well, 1.3 billion Indians and most of em are poor. Not justifying it tho

>destroy india
edgy racism != advocate for destruction
unless you are full on refugees welcome, you must be insane to be wishing for any vegene over 10m+ population to disintegrate

Iran has never really been strong. They cannot take on a united Arab army, when Arabs united we destroyed Persians completely and expelled Romans from Arabia, North Africa and Levant. Same will happen soon, Arab world will unite soon and will finish what was started by our prophet, once we dominate the world we shall make Islam the only religion. With Islam being the only religion, peace shall return to the world.


You answered your own question. Redditors are sadists who'll go to any length to get their sense of morality fulfilled

I just downloaded the app because I thought they'll be friendlier than Sup Forums. :(

Stop shitposting please, the first generation were actual Muslims now we are no different than the kuffar we deem as scum

Lol no. They're all SCUMS.

>With Islam being the only religion, peace shall return to the world.

never get caught
victimizing old vunerable people
very bad


treat everyone as you would have them treat your family

But Sup Forums has like five or six Indians, and Reddit has over a hundred thousand, I think.
Why does this shit only happen to foreigners? It's never happened to me, hadn't even heard of it until I saw people making jokes about it on the internet.

Mate, shut the fuck up. I'm not responsible for some faggots in my country scanning other people.

>china finances indian separatists to a successful breakout from india
>tibetan and xinjiang separatists immediately follow in their footsteps with an extra layer of hongkong

good job china :::D

And thousands of scummy goras. Go to any thread about ISRO or something related to tech.
Everyone will come and shit the thread with their strawman arguments. Hurr durr no toilets. And the Brits crying about their financial aid.

islam was powerful because it was coherent and completely Unitarian under the early Caliphs, this is gone now and since the collapse of the Ottoman empire and failed experiments with Arab nationalism, the middle east has become a complete mess with no identity or sense of purpose, let alone anything approaching unity.
more than that Israel prevents any pan-arab or Islamic unity in the region by its presence there.
even if the Muslim world were to unite and combat an isolated Israel directly, they would be so devastated (even in victory) in the conflict as to leave the middle east yet again in turmoil

>And the Brits crying about their financial aid.
I still don't know what the fuck that is.

GDP per capita comparision with other western countries is shit cost of living in india is so low. you can easily survive for $900 for a month

Cockroaches can survive on $0.00 as well. Are you related?

>Why do a powerful country doesn't want a closeby country to become a superpower by 2020
Look into the UK's action in Europe during the 19th century. It's all geopolitics

Inshallah brother

If that were the case we would be as good as Vietnam and Uzbekistan by now. Does anyone day that India is better than these countries, regardless of GDP PPP per capita? None of these paper facts mean jack shit.

>fuck off street shitter, ask anyone in most countries and they'd say your asian

Calling Indians (or Pakistanis) 'Asian' is retarded and a result of your blue pilled leadership being afraid of 'le pc thought police'.
Indians look, sound, and act completely different than Asians.

Oh god there's this moron as well.
Brits called the people from the Indian subcontinent "Asians" during colonial times, you cum guzzling cretin.
In fact for a long time, people east of the mediterranean sea were called Asians as well, because they are.
>Wow fucking pc police in ancient rome calling Turkey Asia minor ahah they're not slant eyes

>Brits called the people from the Indian subcontinent "Asians" during colonial times, you cum guzzling cretin.

Terminology changes and societies vernacular is always evolving. The reason they use continue to use 'asian' is not because of colonial history, it's because they are afraid of reporting paki crime separately (which would show what sub humans they actually are)

try harder napoleon.

Yes, vernacular is always evolving. And in the UK, asians refers principally to people from the indian subcontinent. Which means that when media report Asian gang, people think of Mehmet and not Zhang.
Because they have a history of referring to them that way.
Thus defeating the purpose.

They cry a lot because they used to give us foreign aid.

Good. China and India should go to war.